Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1134: Valkyrie

   Chapter 1134 Valkyrie

  Flying a distance towards the smoking village, Liu Zhi felt something was wrong, and he quickly fell to the ground.

  At the moment he landed, a bolt of lightning struck him.

Fortunately, Liu Zhi can be transformed into a death thunder element. The lightning did not cause much damage to him, but the breath in the lightning has already told Liu Zhi the fact that the sky is the land of the gods. If you want to fly in the sky, you can show it. To show your own divinity, you must have the approval of the gods.

  There is nothing, as long as it is not a bird, all walk me on the ground honestly.

  Ryuzhi himself is divine. If it were in other games, he would have already opened up his divinity.

   But in the world in front of him, Liu Zhi was shocked.

  Just now, Ryuzhi could already feel that the lightning in the sky was planted by Odin and Zeus.

  If Liu Zhi is dissatisfied, he can, then he must face two **** kings at the same time.

  Counseled, Yuji also had to walk at this time, but fortunately, although it was all in the woods, as a druid, Ryuuji was given preferential treatment in the woods.

  Even if he can't fly, his movement speed is not slow at all.

   Soon Liu Zhi took Vidnina and Alex and appeared near the village.

  When he saw the situation of the village, Liu Zhi was stunned, because at the beginning he knew that this was the era of the twilight of the gods, so Liu Zhi always thought it was the Middle Ages or earlier.

  But he did not expect that it was a group of soldiers with rifles who burned and killed in the village.

  It can be seen from their equipment that the level of science and technology in this world is about the period before and after World War I.

At the same time, there is a chaplain with the army in this army. The chaplain is wearing a military uniform, but what he holds in his hand is something similar to a cross. After the soldiers kill, he will always leave. Before reaching the corpse, deal with the corpse.

  After killing everyone, the priest finally shook his head.

   "Not here, go to the next village."

  Under his order, the soldiers mounted their horses and headed for the next village.

  Liu Zhi looked at such a weird situation and didn't know how to deal with it.

  He was about to go out and have a look, but he felt a little weird, then he closed his eyes and entered the perspective of soul extraction.

  At this time, Liu Zhi saw a large number of souls rising from the corpse. They did not head towards the underworld, but gathered around the fire in the square, as if waiting for something there.

  Liu Zhi was wondering. Several faintly blue women fell from the sky. They carried spears in their hands, wore leather armor, and gave birth to wings on their backs.

  As they flew down, they first glanced at the souls in front of them, and then shook their heads.

   "The brave who did not die on the battlefield, let them return to the underworld."

  One of the women said, and then he took out an oil lamp and shone it in front of the souls, and a passage to the underworld was opened.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi couldn't help but said: "Valkyrie?"

  Yes, these women are the Valkyrie under Odin, and Valkyrie, the **** of death who guides the heroic spirits.

  In the Nordic and Germanic mythology, the maids of Odin, also known as "the seekers of heroic spirits".

  They rode horses and went on a patrol with "Wild Hunt", or turned into swans to fly to the battlefield to collect the fallen warriors for the Valhalla Hall (Hall of Valor).

  The reason they collect samurai is because Odin wants to challenge the Twilight of Gods and needs a lot of troops.

  In the myths and legends of Northern Europe, when the gold of the gods finally started, all the five hundred and forty doors of the Hall of Valor were opened, and all the warriors in it were out.

  Think about this is called the Sea of ​​Undead. Those who are all lunatics who fight during the day and drink at night, they are never afraid of death.

  Because all the warriors in the Hall of Valor will fight in the wilderness outside the palace during the day, until they are killed in battle, resurrect after sunset, drink in the Hall of Valor, and eat endless pork and goat’s milk.

  In their view, death in battle is just a sleep after drinking too much, and the next day you can fight again.

  The Valkyrie in front of them are looking for the existence of those who died in the battle that can be brought back to the Hall of Valor.

  I just don’t know if these are civilians, or for other reasons, among the dead here, there is nothing suitable to take back.

  So in the end Valkyrie could only send them back to the underworld.

  After sending away all the souls, these Valkyries left quickly. When they left, one Valkyrie looked in the direction of Ryuzhi.

  For this, Liu Zhi doesn't care, he is standing here by a person of his age, and Valkyrie is not blind, how could he not see it.

  However, Liu Zhi did not attack them, and they would not do anything to attack Liu Zhi.

  For Valkyrie, it is the most normal thing to kill people in battle. Where did the undead bring the souls of warriors back.

  And Ryuzhi is just a bystander. Although it looks a bit strong, Valkyrie is not the kind of character who is not looking for trouble, so he just took a look and ignored it.

  After Valkyrie left, Liu Zhi walked towards the village slowly.

  Those corpses were thrown on the square of the village, perhaps because their souls were taken away, so these corpses looked like they had been dead for a while.

  Liu Zhi was a little speechless. He came over and wanted to find someone to ask about the situation here.

  Now it seems that there are more and more question marks in his heart.

  He really wants to find out what the game world is in front of him, and how it is affected.

  What can be judged now is that there are muskets, the army, and the country.

  There are gods and wars at the same time.

  He can't be sure no matter how much.

   Just when Liu Zhi was considering the situation, a throwing axe slashed towards his head.

  Ryuzhi didn't even dodge a flash, Vidnina took the initiative to stand in front of Liu Zhi, only raised one arm, and blocked the throwing axe with a sword.

After   , Liu Zhi slowly turned around and looked at the woods, where several strong-looking men were approaching with their battle axes.

  It can be seen from their eyes that they should be adult residents of this village, and they should have gone hunting before.

  Yagiji put his hand on Thor’s Destruction Teeth and pulled out, and a bolt of lightning fell in front of them.

After   , Liu Zhi slowly said, "I just passed by. It was a group of soldiers like this who killed your family. Don't seek death by yourself."

  Ryuzhi finished speaking, some of the men screamed.

   "The Extraordinary?"

  (End of this chapter)

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