Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1136: Priest Arthur

   Chapter 1136 Priest Arthur

  Following the road pointed by Tula, Ryuzhi went around a small hill, and then he saw a rocky beach with huge bones.

  The white bones seem to be half fish and half human. Apart from the others, the skull is almost ten meters high.

  This white bone has been dead for a long time, not only is there no trace of flesh and blood on it, even the smell of the corpse is gone.

  At this time, the head of the white bone was supported by people with stones to form the roof of a room.

In the position of the breastbone and hand bones, there are some things that look similar to braziers. At this time, these braziers are all lit, and there are some things like whale oil inside. After these things are burned, they radiate. Kind of faint blue light.

   Seeing the situation here, Liu Zhi felt that Viking’s style was really speechless, as if killing and death were everywhere, and full of longing for life.

  Under the head of the white bone, a guy with a big beard is squatting there, grilling fish.

When    just walked over, Liu Zhi found that there seemed to be a kind of bronze scales under the clothes of this guy.

  Looking more closely, Liu Zhi was finally relieved. This guy is not a murloc variant. The bronze scales on his body should be a rather close-fitting scale garment.

When Liu Zhi came over, the big beard also noticed. He stood up and pulled out something that looked like five prongs. At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that his eyes seemed a little white, and he didn't know it was born. There are still reasons for this.

   "Hello, is it Arthur?"

   Hearing Liu Zhi’s question, this one didn't put down the weapon in his hand, but stared at Liu Zhi with his white eyes.

  "A dead person, what are you doing here, hey, you are still carrying a Naga royal family."

  Ryuzhi turned his head and found that Vidnina had already held down the long sword on his waist, which could be seen. At this time, Vidnina was quite nervous.

   Liu Zhi frowned, and then he felt: "Hey, although the blood of the Greek Sea King is very rare, you are a descendant of the Sea King, so why would you stand in this place."

   Hearing what Yanagi said, the Arthur laughed instead, "It seems that we are not enemies anymore. Do you want to eat fish?"

   Now, Yanagiji was a little curious, and he walked over with Vindenina, then grabbed the fish that was grilling on the fire and ate it.

  Liu Zhi, who has mythical fish knowledge, knew what fish it was just by taking a bite. He curiously said, "This is not a specialty here. Where did you get it."

   Arthur was also a little surprised. Generally, he invited people to eat fish. Those people either said that his craftsmanship was good, or that his wine was good. No one had ever found anything from this kind of black-baked fish.

"You have eaten?"

"No, but isn't it obvious? This place belongs to the North Sea. The quality of the fish should be delicate and fatty. Your taste is obviously wrong, and there are fewer bones at first glance. This is a fish caught from the deep sea. "

   Arthur looked up and down Liu Zhi, "Are you a murloc?"

  "You are a murloc, your whole family are murlocs." Liu Zhi said directly.

   "You don't like murlocs either. It's great. I don't like it either. Come and have a drink." Arthur said happily, and then gave Yanagi a cup.

  Although Ryuzhi has only been here for less than two hours, he has become accustomed to the style here. Here is the style of taking you to have a drink together.

  Of course it’s better if you have wine.

  Yagiji took a casual drink, and then he almost squirted out.

  This wine may not be too top, but why does this wine have a smell of sea?

   "What are you here for?"

   "I heard Tula say that you are the best priest in this neighborhood and know all kinds of sacrifice methods. If I want to inquire about some information, it is most appropriate to find you."

   Hearing what Ryuuji said, Arthur laughed, "The best priest in this neighborhood? Really, after all, the **** son acts as a priest, and anyone who sacrifices can be contacted."

  Surely it has the blood of divinity?

While Liu Zhi was still thinking about it, Arthur said, "Then who do you want to sacrifice to? I said in advance. I sacrificed to the gods of the ocean family. There is a half success rate. On the side of the gods, except for the few who died, there was only a 30% success rate, while on the side of the Nordic gods, except for the few who died, there was a 40% success rate.

  You know the reason for this. We are now on the Nordic site, which is close here. "

  Well, this side is relatively close.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and asked, "Are there other gods besides them?"

Arthur glanced at Ryuzhi, and finally shook his head, "I hope you don’t touch the evil gods. The dusk of the gods is caused by the evil gods. I don’t know about it in Greece, but in Northern Europe, if If you have a Cthulhu, then you will be unable to move on this land."

  Speaking of this, Arthur sighed, "Do you know why I am trapped here?"

  Stuck here?

Liu Zhi looked around, and he found that Arthur seemed to be sitting in a huge skeleton of white bones. If those braziers and skeletons were temples, Arthur was the priest in this temple, but if these braziers and skeletons were not temples If so, then Arthur at this time looked like a fish in a cage.

   "You can see that I can't get out of the scope of this bone. If I want to go out, I must enter the sea from that position."

"why is that?"

"Because of this corpse, this corpse should be the corpse of our ancestor. He was originally the son of the Sea Emperor, because he was connected to the Cthulhu, and was taken over by the Cthulhu. In the end, he was deceived here. As a result, you also saw , My family's bloodline became like this, although it was considered as the Sea Emperor's line, it did not plan to go to Olympus.

  When I arrived in northern Europe, I didn’t even let it go ashore. Who would blame it. "

  After saying a few words, Arthur reacted, "By the way, I haven't asked clearly, who do you want to sacrifice to?"

"Hella or Hades, do you have any good suggestions? In addition, I want to receive the blessing of the sky, the blessing of the ocean, or the blessing of the earth. Do you have any good ideas? I think you should be able to interact with the ocean Communicate."

"You can see that it is possible to communicate with the ocean, but the charge will be relatively high, because I have to avoid the evil gods in the ocean. I can't do anything about the sky and the earth. In addition, Hella and Hades, I personally recommend you Go to Hella. Although she has a bad personality, it is good for you to invest in her now."

  (End of this chapter)

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