Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1138: A story in a fairy tale

  Chapter 1138 Stories in fairy tales

  There are not many green-skinned savages like before in this city. At least every time you walk through a street, you can see one or two savages sitting on the side of the street and eating barbecue.

  They are almost the same as the barbarian who let in Liu Zhi from outside, all with a look of anger.

  The only thing that can confirm their identity is that the patterns on their faces are different.

  Some of them drew a circle directly on the eyes, while others drew three red horizontal bars on their faces.

  These patterns fall in the eyes of the caring people, and there are many things that can be seen, but in the eyes of newcomers like Liu Zhi, it is just beautiful.

  After the barbarians noticed Liu Zhi and them, they just glanced at them and ignored Liu Zhi.

  It can be seen from their attitude that they don’t care about those under Liu Zhi.

  For this, Liu Zhi was also a little surprised, but what surprised them even more was that when Liu Zhi approached them, he would instinctively feel that their soul seemed to be something wrong.

  Liuzhi first found a tavern to settle down, and he didn’t need to eat any more. On this road today, he ate several barbecues, and he is still full.

  So he found a room and moved in, but instead of going to bed right away, he entered a state of soul extraction.

  He wanted to take a look at what was the situation with the green-skinned savages outside.

  Looking out, Liu Zhi saw their souls.

The souls of ordinary people outside were nothing. He saw that there seemed to be a weird thing on the souls of the green-skinned savages. It looked like an octopus, except that each of the tentacles had many small eyes. .

  Each eye expresses an emotion, and that is anger.

  It can be seen that it is these things that live in symbiosis with the savages' souls that make these savages what they are now.

  Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi was puzzled, and then said: "Could it be that this is the so-called extraordinary person?"

  After a few glances, Liu Zhi found that most of the transcendents in this city are like this. At most, they have a deeper connection with the soul like an octopus. There is no difference.

  He didn't take these things in his mind anymore.

After   , he picked up some books on the bedside and flipped through them.

  These books are used by the tavern owner for the guests who live here. They are all bedtime stories.

  These books are often some good ways to understand the game world, because sometimes some hidden messages always appear in inconspicuous places.

  Liu Zhi looked through these stories and found that most of them were fairy tales. If one or two authors were here, they might be brainstormed because of these fairy tales, but Liu Zhi himself would not.

  In his eyes, this area seems to have more giants, and from time to time there are fairy tales like giants eating children to scare disobedient children.

  I don’t know what kind of mentality these fairy tales have.

When    was about to put the book back, Liu Zhi stopped suddenly, and he found something different in a story.

  This is a story about a giant slaying a dragon. There is no idea who is right or wrong. Anyway, the giant and the dragon fought a battle, and the dragon died in battle.

  But when the giant was about to find some human heads to roast the dragon to eat, the giant dragon’s body disappeared.

  The giant was quite angry and destroyed the nearby village.

  There is another comment below, which is that before you have enough strength, you should never think about things that do not belong to you.

  These things often bring disasters to yourself and the people around you.

  It can be seen from this fairy tale. The meaning in the fairy tale is that people in the nearby village stole the dragon.

  But the logic lines inside are not aligned.

  Because that is the corpse of the giant dragon, no matter how big the giant mentioned here is, the dragon’s head will not be small, and the corpse of the giant dragon cannot be taken away by one or two people in their pockets.

  So the reason for the disappearance of the dragon's body is not that it was stolen.

  Is it possible that there is a dragon cemetery in this place?

  Otherwise, the dragon corpse will not be so simple news.

  It's not that Liu Zhi has never slaughtered dragons. He also has some understanding of the habits of giant dragons.

  In other words, there is the highest possibility of a giant dragon cemetery here. The giant was out of luck and killed the dragon in front of the giant dragon cemetery, so the dragon's corpse would return to the dragon cemetery.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi turned forward again to describe the battle.

  Liu Zhi saw that it was in front of a snow-capped hot spring where there was a rock that looked like a giant wolf skull. The giant used this rock to kill the giant dragon.

  So Ryuzhi decided to go out tomorrow to find out about this place. If you want to come to such a famous place, many people should know.

   With such a discovery, Liu Zhi turned over other fairy tales again.

   But this time, he never got any good news.

  After putting down the book, Liu Zhi was about to go to sleep. At this moment, he seemed to remember that he still had something to do.

  He took out his backpack and pulled out a map from it.

  This map is exactly the [Hidden Nautical Map] in his hand. Every time this thing enters the game, it can randomly guide three secret locations hidden in the game world.

  As for what is hidden there and where it is hidden, it depends on Liu Zhi's own luck.

   Anyway, Yanagi has benefited from this nautical chart several times before.

  Getting the chest to hold the soul that time solved the big trouble of Liu Zhi's soul extraction when he started.

  Later, Liu Zhi used this nautical chart to contact the heaven of a certain game, and finally got some special tasks.

  It can be said that this nautical chart has brought quite a lot of benefits to Liu Zhi.

   Hope this time too.

  Liu Zhi with this thought, opened the [Hidden Nautical Chart].

  As the nautical chart opened, Liu Zhi saw a complete map of the world.

As soon as he saw this, Liu Zhi couldn't help but sighed. You can see that this time there are treasures in the whole world. This situation is the most difficult to find. The time he spends in this game is not too long. Long, wanting to run around everywhere is almost impossible.

  Liu Zhi can only see at most, which one is closest to him, so that he can take a moment to come out and find the treasures that are far away, he may only have to give up such a path to choose.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi glanced at the world map, and then he couldn't help but snorted.

  (End of this chapter)

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