Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1144: Clues to the Hall of Valor

  Chapter 1144 Clues to the Hall of Valor

  God Fragment?

  This is another new thing.

Liu Zhi just glanced at it and knew how this thing came from. Fragments of the godhead are to extract the unnecessary and useless divinity in his body, and place it anywhere, just like the soul is extracted, and the divinity is extracted. Just seal it in.

  Ryuzhi can do this by himself.

If the feathered serpent divinity in his body is broken up, it can be divided into four different divinities. If he only wants to go the path of death alone, he can seal the three divinities of the sun, the harvest and the heavy rain to a certain one. Go inside the item.

  In this way, he can make the divinity of sun, harvest and heavy rain.

  If his production technology is better, he can even use this godhead fragment into a weapon with godliness.

  Of course, this kind of technology can only be mastered by players after level 15. There are still relatively few people who have started contacting them before level 10.

  Looking at the fragment of the space godhead in front of him, Liu Zhi was speechless. He did not expect that there would be people playing like this in this world.

  I don’t know what they think, is it really interesting to bury a thunder here?

  And Liu Zhi suddenly thought of something. He took out the nautical chart and carefully studied the location of the other two treasures.

   Then he was surprised to find that one of the two treasures happened to be located in the Himalayas. Although the location was not known, it corresponded to this place. Ryuzhi knew what it was.

The other is located in the direction of Mexico. It’s just that what is hidden in that location. Ryuzhi is not so clear. After all, he is not specializing in history or movies in this area. It is already amazing to remember some things. .

   Putting away the blue godhead fragment that was cut into a square shape, Liu Zhi looked at the direction in which the skull was escaping.

   "That guy was a skull at first, because I took this gem, and he became a red skull. Is it possible that he will be called a red skull in the future?"

  With this thought, Liu Zhi thought of the battle outside. It seemed like a large group of Hulks fighting Wolverine outside.

  This is really an interesting world.

  While thinking of Ryuuji, he walked out of the cave. Because the red skull escaped, the battle outside was almost over.

  Those Vikings are not at all merciless to kill people, as long as they dare to resist, they will all be killed directly.

  For this kind of thing, Liu Zhi did not participate, he noticed another situation.

  At the end of the battle, those Valkyries appeared without others seeing it.

  They choose from those who died in the battle, regardless of the enemy and us, as long as they recognize the dumb souls, they will all be called aside.

  In the beginning, Ryuzhi was only interested in the way Valkyrie chose candidates, but soon Ryuzhi felt that something was wrong, because the fragment of the Space Godhead he put in his pocket unexpectedly felt Valkyrie.

  Ryuzhi is not a fool. He immediately realized that the red skull came to find this fake cosmic cube, not the energy of this thing or the ability of space transmission.

  He must have seen this Cosmos Rubik's Cube from somewhere, and has some connection with Valkyrie. Maybe this thing is the key to enter the Hall of Valor.

  That’s why he ran over to inquire all the way.

  It's just that he was out of luck, and the good things that he could obtain immediately, ended up in the hands of Liu Zhi.

  Now Liu Zhi is more curious about the Hall of Valor. He happens to go to the Hall of Valor once. If he can find a clue at this time, it would be pretty good.

  So Ryuzhi also looked at Valkyrie over there.

  He discovered that these Valkyrie actually have the effect of a clone. Every time a soul is picked, a clone will be separated to lift him up.

  After the selection was almost the same, Valkyrie ignored the remaining souls and flew into the sky holding those souls.

  Since they were leaving with their souls this time, they did not appear directly as they did when they came, but instead flew in the sky.

  This situation made Liu Zhi's eyes bright, and he could see where Valkyrie had left.

  But his gaze was still spotted by Valkyrie. After most of the Valkyrie flew away, the headed Valkyrie actually looked at Ryuzhi.

  Ryuzhi was stared at by him, and he took a step back, and then Vidnina stood in front of him.

   "You don't need to peek there, the Hall of Valor also welcomes living people to enter. If you can find it and rush in, you can also live the life you want in the Hall of Valor."

   After finishing this sentence, Valkyrie took a pair of wings behind his back and flew.

  "As for how to enter the Hall of Valor, it depends on your own ability."

  For this kind of words, Ryuzhi was not excited at all.

  Valkyrie was clearly guiding him to another path.

  Living people enter the Hall of Valor?

  This is not what Liu Zhi wants, and Liu Zhi believes that Red Skull came here to find the Rubik's Cube for the Universe.

  Red Skull wants control of the Hall of Valor, and a plan to mobilize the forces in the Hall of Valor.

  Know that the gate of the Hall of Valor has opened. Every day they will send troops into various battlefields. Every night, those soldiers who died in battle will be resurrected and rest and drink in the Hall of Valor.

  If you can get the right to lead soldiers in the Hall of Valor, you can control one of the four hundred and eighty doors, then you can open the door on the battlefield you want to open.

  Although this door-opening tactic can only be used once a day, it is enough for the major forces in this world.

  Think about the enemy that was killed on the first day, and then reappeared as if nothing happened the next day. Even the undead can't do this kind of thing.

  Besides, these enemies are still berserkers and barbarians who are violent and even slash their companions, so the allure is even greater.

  It’s no wonder that Red Skull wants such an opportunity.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi silently hid the Cosmos Rubik’s Cube.

  He is going to find time to visit the Hall of Valor, and now he has to do what he has to do first.

   After clearing up his mood, Liu Zhi walked out of the cave with a smile and participated in the celebration of the victory of the Vikings.

   didn’t know where they got the drinks, so they took the bucket and drank there.

  Ryuzhi ran to them, while drinking with them, while looking at the corpses on the ground, he was judging the reason for the Valkyrie among these people who died in battle.

  (End of this chapter)

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