Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1147: Secrets of the world

  Chapter 1147 The Secret of the World

  Getting off the sun carriage, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the surroundings. He was obviously a little bit more confident about the affairs of the Dragon’s Cemetery.

  The environment here in front of you does not seem to be very eye-catching, but the vast plains here are exactly the type of land that giants and dragons like most.

In fact, when you think about it, you can understand that whether giants or dragons, they always have requirements for the environment in which they live. Even ordinary people like their backyards to be larger. Don’t leave the house with a large stone blocking the front. Right.

  Standing here, apart from the snow-capped mountains seen in the distance, there is a plain nearby. For the giant, the woods on the plain may feel like the grass in the backyard of the house.

  So Ryuzhi immediately judged that if there are giants and dragons, this is the best environment for them to survive.

  Then the battlefield in the fairy tale is likely to be here.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi flew some distance into the sky again.

  At this time, he cautiously felt the surrounding situation, for fear of flying too high and being stared at.

  Fortunately, Ryuzhi soon found a huge stone like a wolf's head. He ran to the huge stone and took a look. It was really like some Vikings said, this stone should be a hammer made by a giant.

  Liu Zhi also saw the broken wooden handle on the wolf head hammer.

  In this way, Liu Zhi wanted to find a lot of ways to find things. He waved behind him, and a large number of undead rushed over and overthrew the stone.

   Then Liu Zhi looked up on the stone seriously, and soon he found what he was looking for.

  It was some black blood. At this time, the blood had dried up, but it could be seen. It should have been hit on the head of the dragon before, and the blood of the dragon was shot out.

   Liu Zhi stepped forward and took the blood that had dried up.

Things after    are much simpler.

  For a necromancer, it is quite simple to use blood to find enemies.

  Liu Zhi first used some means to reactivate the blood that had dried up, and then used magical power to stimulate the blood.

  Under the stimulation of Yanagi's magical power, the blood seemed to want to escape.

  But Liu Zhi stretched out his hand to block the blood.

  At first, the blood's reaction was not so flexible, but as Liu Zhi kept stimulating and stopping, the blood seemed to be irritated.

  Looking at the blood trying to escape from the palm of his hand, Liu Zhi laughed instead.

   "It's really interesting. I didn't expect the dragons in this world to have such characteristics. It seems that many supernatural beings in this world gain strength by taking dragon blood or bathing with dragon blood."

  The reason why Liu Zhi dared to guess this way was entirely because he could see that there are some special soul fragments hidden in the blood of this giant dragon.

  No, this may not even count as a fragment of the soul, it can only be regarded as the consciousness being affected by the soul.

  But when this consciousness increases, it will slowly affect the souls of others, just like the octopus tentacles that Yanagi saw in the souls of those green barbarians before.

  Slowly as the blood's reaction became stronger and stronger, Liu Zhi's face also became serious. He began to close his eyes and use the way of soul extraction to check the source of these consciousness, so as not to let them form their own souls.

Fortunately, these consciousnesses are also under the control of Liu Zhi. Every time they are about to form soul fragments, they will be broken up by Liu Zhi. After four or five times, Liu Zhi loosened his hand and the blood flew by itself. Get out.

Liu Zhi asked people to chase the direction in which the blood flew out, while he stretched out his hand. There was nothing in his hand, but if someone looked at it with the sight of his soul, he would find Liu Zhi. A part of consciousness was intercepted.

  These consciousnesses were continuously combined into his hands. Liu Zhi found that these consciousnesses seemed to be pieced together at will, and sometimes they could even form a relatively complete soul fragment.

  And this kind of soul fragments has the effect of influencing the consciousness of others, and can be integrated into the souls of others. After being integrated into the souls of ordinary people, these soul fragments will stimulate the souls of those people to transform in a certain direction.

  Because of the stimulation of the soul, the bodies of those people are stimulated and their strength changes.

  In this way, they will gain power beyond normal people.

  This is the source of the power of the extraordinary in this game.

  At the same time, because of the extraordinary pursuit of power, they need more and more soul fragments, and gradually their souls will be changed.

  Finally, their souls will also be distorted and assimilated by this soul fragment, turning into an inhuman existence.

After understanding the power system of this situation, Liu Zhi patted his hand, and then patted those consciousness away.

  This kind of strengthening method is of little use to Liu Zhi.

  Although this method can strengthen Liu Zhi's men in a short time.

  But what's the use? What Liu Zhi wants is absolute control of his opponents. All his subordinates are undead who obey his orders, and not those murlocs who betrayed him.

  So these things are not very useful to Liu Zhi, but Liu Zhi is a little curious about the source of this consciousness.

  These are definitely not the gods of this game, nor are they the gods in this game.

  They may have enough power, but their identities will be relatively awkward.

  If Liu Zhi had mental arithmetic and unintentional, he might be able to take away their gathered soul body.

  Maybe this will allow Liu Zhi to make a fortune.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi has already made a mark in his heart.

  At this time, the undead who sent out to track the blood also ran back.

  They brought a news that the blood that flew away disappeared when it flew to a certain place.

  The kind of disappearance does not infiltrate into the ground or something, but disappears directly from this space.

When Liu Zhi heard the news, a smile flashed in his eyes.

   "This is it."

  He looked for the Dragon’s Cemetery for a long time, and it was right in front of him.

This time, Ryuzhi was not so anxious. He let the undead lead the way, and then asked Alex to put away the other undead troops, and then he took Vidnina and Alex to this side. .

  At this moment, in the distant sky, a black eagle is hovering there.

  The black eagle flies relatively high, and a normal person would hardly notice an eagle hovering in the sky.

  But in addition to the profession of Necromancer, Liu Zhi also has a profession of Druid.

  He has a keen sense of nature, and Liu Zhi felt it the moment the eagle stared at him.

  He raised his head and glanced at the sky, then smiled at the other side, and walked into the Dragon’s Cemetery.

  (End of this chapter)

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