Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1153: Liu Zhi shot

   Chapter 1153

  Under the puppet’s ribs, a large number of eyes surround an eye made of flames.

  At the moment when the puppet opened his ribs, his eyes were at the group of ghosts and dragons in the sky.

  Then a red light hit the ghost dragon in the sky. The flame carried a powerful force, and instantly smashed several ghost dragons into pieces.

  The dragon lich behind the ghost dragon screamed, raising his hand and releasing a lot of magic.

  These magic look like dragon language magic, but there is a hint of yin in the effect.

  It can be seen that even after the death of the dragon, the character and magic power will be changed a bit.

  The huge puppet and the dragon lich fought in this dragon graveyard. The more they fought, Liu Zhi felt the ground shaking several times.

  It can be seen from this point that the Dragon Lich has already begun to tune the accumulation of thousands of years in the Dragon’s Cemetery.

  And the huge puppet couldn't stand it anymore, he was still burning his flesh and blood there at first, just to facilitate his control.

  Now the Blood Skull dare not do this, because every piece of flesh and blood is a strength for the Blood Skull. If the flesh and blood is wasted, it will not be long before he will die here.

  At the same time, Blood Skull had already figured out his next plan.

  He came here in addition to wanting to trouble Liu Zhi, but the bigger idea is to get extraordinary power.

  Now that this power has been obtained, if he fights the dragon lich here again, he is definitely a fool. If he can **** this puppet from the big man, there is definitely no problem in his mind.

  Before, he challenged the bone dragon in order to gain control of the puppet’s body. Now that the control is in hand, don’t you run away and wait for death?

  So Red Skull thought of running away the first time.

  And he is not the kind of person who just wants to escape, he also saw Liu Zhi who was watching the battle there.

  At this time, he thought of the trouble Liu Zhi had caused him, and a thought appeared in his mind.

  Then the red skull grabbed the tail of a skeletal dragon and turned in a circle on the spot.

  It can be seen that he wants to throw this bone dragon out.

  This method is some of the methods of the Greeks. Of course, it was only done by the ancient Greek demigods. Although the power of the Red Skull did not come from the Greek gods, the principles of some attacks were still the same.

  After he dragged the tail of the bone dragon and turned it two times, he threw the bone dragon out as if throwing a hammer. The main direction was exactly where Liu Zhi was.

  Looking at Red Skull trying to drag himself into the battlefield, a trace of anger flashed in Liu Zhi's eyes.

  He wants to fight with the leader of the Dragon’s Graveyard, but he is definitely not now. He shot in this way.

  Looking at the bone dragon flying towards him, Liu Zhi dragged Vidnina and took a step forward.

  The starry sky symbol circulates, and Liu Zhi actually teleported out from the Dragon’s Cemetery.

  Red Skull did not expect Liu Zhi to make such a decision at this time. The bone dragon he threw out originally wanted to drag Liu Zhi into the battle.

  Now that Ryuzhi is running away, it is meaningless. The dragon graveyard in front of him is like a battlefield between the red skull and the dragon lich.

   Seeing that his plan was unsuccessful, Red Skull had to retreat in the direction he entered. When he retreated to the entrance and was about to leave like this, Liu Zhi appeared again.

  Since the level of Ryuzhi's starry sky beacon increased, he has a good habit. Whenever he enters a dangerous place, he will set a starry sky beacon at the exit.

  Lost like this, he can always mark it along the starry sky.

  The same is true this time, the location where he used the starry sky beacon to appear is outside the dragon graveyard.

  After leaving the direction of the Red Skull’s attack, Ryuuji rushed in again with Vidnina.

  He re-entered, naturally, he appeared behind Red Skull.

   And when he came out, it happened to be when the Red Skull wanted to escape.

The appearance of   Ryuzhi naturally blocked the road of Red Skull.

  Red Skull did not expect that Liu Zhi escaped and just returned.

  He instinctively shot Liu Zhi who was blocking the road.

  Vidnina is not for good-looking standing, and at the moment when the Red Skull takes the shot, Widnina also takes the shot.

  Vednina’s arm utilization is much better than Red Skull. His so many arms are of no use at all, but because of the large number of arms, it caused a lot of confusion.

  Videnina is different, which arm takes the first shot and which arm uses more force and less force, she actually has a calculation in her heart.

   So when she made such a move, she directly suppressed the red skull and waited there.

   And Ryuzhi did not plan to let the Red Skull go.

  The guy accidentally let this guy run away last time, and it caused such a big trouble. If you want to let him go, next time it may lead to a mythical trouble.

  So this guy must be dealt with.

  For this, Liu Zhi had to use tricks that he didn't usually use.

  Eternal peace!

  This trick Liu Zhi has now mastered a certain level, and his attributes have also been improved. In fact, he can directly come up with this trick every time he fights.

  But Liu Zhi has always restrained himself, and did not let himself use this kind of tricks indiscriminately.

  He understands that this is a kind of tempering of his own character.

   is also a guarantee for one's own confidence.

  Eternal Tranquility Before taking a shot, Liu Zhi will always have a hole card in his hand that can be used. No matter how powerful an enemy is, Liu Zhi has confidence in his heart because he still has such a trick.

  Now watching the Red Skull stand in front of him, Liu Zhi can't take care of the others, so he uses Eternal Tranquility.

   Stabbed with this sword, not only the red skull was shrouded in the gray-white-black environment, but also most of the dragon cemetery was affected in this way.

  All the voices seemed to have disappeared, and the Red Skull could only watch the Thor's Destructive Teeth in Liu Zhi's hand pierce his brows.

   Then his life came to an end naturally.

  All the preparations that the big guy had made for this puppet's body were useless, everything seemed to have stopped, and it became dead flesh without any vitality.

  And the red skull's soul slowly became solidified in the dead flesh, and finally it merged with the puppet's body, and could never move.

  Liu Zhi, who withdrew his thin stabbing sword, couldn't help but snorted when seeing the situation in front of him.

  Before, he shot eternal tranquility, and all the enemies he encountered died. This was the first time he had encountered it.

  He reached out and grabbed the tall puppet, wanting to see what was going on.

  (End of this chapter)

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