Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1164: Ice field

   Chapter 1164 Ice Field

  Liu Zhi stayed at the Hudui Ghost Domain for three days, and after the first step of the entire ghost domain was handled, he left.

  When leaving this time, Ryuzhi took Vidnina and left by himself in a sun carriage.

  As the chariot left the ghost domain for a certain distance, Liu Zhi saw the fog enveloping the ghost domain. Only the fire in the center of the village has been guiding people forward in the fog.

  As for what happens to the people who are attracted in, that is not something that Liu Zhi needs to take care of.

  Yagiji believes that Alex will take care of everything.

  After leaving the Hudui ghost realm, Liu Zhi headed directly to the north.

  He promised to help Hela do something, so naturally he must be prepared, otherwise he will be hit by Hela later, it will be fun.

  So at this time, Liu Zhi has been heading north, in order to accomplish some things.

  Because he has been rushing to the north, Liu Zhi found that the sky seemed to be getting more and more weird.

  "Is this entering the Arctic Circle, has it entered the polar day range?"

   Looking up at the sun that has been hanging on the horizon and refused to set, Liu Zhi took a deep breath.

  To be honest, among all the divinities of Ryuzhi, the sun divinity he understands is a relatively large one, second only to the death divinity of his life, and even far beyond the harvest divinity.

  Like the sun carriage and sun boat in mythology, Yanagi is also in his hands.

  But he never thought that in Norse mythology, he would encounter such a sun, a sun that would never set for a certain period of time.

This kind of sun will naturally be different from the sun in other places. Long day and long night will make the power of the sun unique. At the same time, the power of the sun here is not too strong, at least this sun does not. The temperature that melts snow and ice.

  When Liu Zhi raised his head and looked at the sun, he would feel that there was no difference between whether the sun was or not.

  Under this situation, Liu Zhi found that his understanding of the sun seemed to have increased a lot.

  Many things that I didn’t understand and didn’t understand before now began to reappear in Liu Zhi’s heart.

  Some thoughts from Laxia’s clone also appeared in his mind at this time.

  Ryuzhi closed his eyes. He felt as if he was above the sky, turning into a golden crow and hovering in the sky.

  This kind of incarnation is just a matter of a moment. In the next moment, Liu Zhi feels that his mind of Rasha's Eye has been improved again, from level 12 to level 14.

  Of course, because it has reached the mythical level, even if the idea of ​​Rasha’s Eye Meditation is improved, it is of no use. Liu Zhi does not need to consider the issue of the threshold behind, he can continue to improve.

   stretched out his right hand, and several light **** appeared on Liu Zhi's hand.

  These light groups all carried the power of the sun. As soon as Liu Zhi let go, the light groups turned into crows and flew into the air.

After   , Ryuzhi seemed to be thinking about the eyes of Rasha, and he could clearly see everything around him.

This is a new thing that appeared after Rasha’s eye meditation thought reached the myth level. At this time, Liu Zhi no longer needs to meditate specifically. He can separate such a method at any time and conduct some small meditations. Get a steady stream of mana.

  Now that the new understanding of the power of the sun, Liu Zhi suddenly understood a way to keep the sun in the sky.

  In this way, Liu Zhi can constantly release the incarnation of Raxia’s Eyes, so as to maintain his endless flow of mana.

  After releasing the crows, Liu Zhi then headed towards the North Pole.

  At this time, Vidnina seemed to feel something, she was looking at the white ice.

   "There is something under the ice?"

  Yagiji asked curiously.

  Vidnina nodded slightly, she felt the two samurai swords on her lower arm vibrating slightly, as if something under the water was attracting her.

   "It seems that you have encountered another inheritance, you can try to find it."

  Vidnina looked at Ryuuji, without saying a word, just shaking her head there.

Liu Zhi said: "Don't worry, my own combat power is not weaker than you. I still have time, so let me wait for you. Go and return quickly. After you get the inheritance, you will come out to find me. "

  Videnina was still a little unwilling, and at this moment, Ryuzhi was also a little angry.

"I said that I will wait for you here, and I will really wait here. You have been following me. It is a rare opportunity that I have finally reached eight arms. Why not take your chance? Go now. "

At the request of Ryuzhi, Vednina left slowly, and she did not leave too far. She just found a thin layer of ice nearby, opened the ice layer with a sword, and then jumped in. Into the sea.

  Yagiji did not hurry anymore, he built a small igloo on the ice sheet, and people waited in the igloo.

  Of course, Liu Zhi will not be idle. While waiting on the ice field, Liu Zhi has been observing the surrounding situation with the eyes of Raxia.

  He found that there are some huge white bears on this ice sheet.

  The size of these white bears is about three times that of normal polar bears, and their combat effectiveness is about equivalent to a level 4 fighter.

  This is a good choice for Yanagi.

  When Liu Zhi was fine these days, he ran to find the trouble of these white bears.

  Every morning when he woke up, Liu Zhi would suppress his mana and challenge the white bear with Thor’s Destruction Fang.

  After killing the white bear, Liu Zhi will drag the body of the white bear back and conduct some research on the body of the white bear.

  If the white bear did not die, but instead drew a tie with Ryuji, then Ryuji would mark the white bear, use the druid's power to appease, and finally send the white bear away.

  The next time Yanagi challenges the white bear, he won't go to the trouble of this kind of white bear.

  Ryuzhi has been around this day for about thirty days.

  Once, Ryuzhi even fought a white bear in a snowstorm and killed two white bears close to level 5.

  Liu Zhi found that the reason why these white bears have become so big is precisely because of the snowstorms that occur from time to time in the Arctic Circle.

  And if these white bears absorb enough elemental power in the blizzard, they will likely break through the level 5 limit and become a unique ice bear on the ice sheet.

  In the entire Arctic Circle, there are not many such ice bears, maybe only about 10.

  And their places of residence are often close to the North Pole.

  (End of this chapter)

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