Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1166: Frozen target

   Chapter 1166 Frozen Target

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi understood that not only did the swordsmanship of Night Stabbing Swordsmanship have been pushed to the mythical level, but also the Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship had been pushed to the mythical level.

  This makes Ryuzhi a little happy. He has also learned these two sets of swordsmanship. Although the route is different from that of Vednina, but looking at the mythical swordsmanship of other people, Ryuzhi himself can improve his skills.

   But he still asked again, "Are there any more?"

Vidnina nodded, and then shot a sword in front of him. This sword has no other effect, but it can be seen that there seems to be a smell of sea in the sky, and it feels like it was cut. In the sea, the sea is separated.

   Then a large amount of white powder appeared on the ice sheet, which seemed to be salt.

  Yagiji thought for a while, but didn't know what kind of swordsmanship this set of swordsmanship is, and how the effects of this set of swordsmanship came out.

  At this moment, Vednina shook her head at Ryuuji. From her movements, she could see that she was good at other swordsmanship, but only the previous three had reached the mythical level.

   Knowing this, Ryuzhi was not in a hurry. He approached Vidnina to learn indigo wind chasing swordsmanship and night stabbing swordsmanship.

  Although it is only a short two-day practice, there is still a big gap between some people and no one.

  Now Ryuzhi’s Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship has reached level 8 directly, while Dark Night Stabbing Swordsmanship has only reached level 6 due to more layers, but that is the level 6 reached together with the eternal tranquility trick.

  After practicing these two tricks, Ryuzhi took Vidnina all the way to the north.

  Ryuzhi now has only one goal, to enter the Hall of Valor.

  As for how to enter the Hall of Heroes, Liu Zhi had already planned from the beginning.

  He was going to find a relatively stronger enemy to fight, and when he killed the enemy, he attracted Valkyrie.

  Let those Valkyrie lead the way to the Hall of Valor.

  This plan is a simple and feasible plan. All Liu Zhi needs to do is to find the enemy, and then persuade Valkyrie to take him to the Hall of Valor.

And their goal this time is also very simple. The meditation idea of ​​the Eye of Laxia released by Liu Zhi in the past few days has seen that in the center of the Arctic Circle, there is a ship that looks like a large dragon head. The things were sealed in ice.

  There seems to be someone on the ship frozen in ice.

The reason why    was so sure was because Liu Zhi saw that the light of that person's soul was still flickering from the sky.

  It can be seen from this point that it is not that the person does not want to go out, but that he is incapable of going out.

  At the same time, he is not dead, so there is no way to be taken by Valkyrie to the Hall of Valor.

  Ryuzhi's plan is to release this person, and then challenge him, whether he was killed or not, it is a good thing for this person.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi quickly came to the place where he found the dragon head ship early in the morning.

  At this time, there is no trace of the dragon head ship being frozen, and Liu Zhi is not sure how the dragon head ship was frozen so far from the coastline.

  But things were already here anyway. Liu Zhi used the soul extraction ability to take a look. After confirming that he had not found the wrong place, he did not consider why this person was frozen in the Arctic Circle.

  Liu Zhi waved his hand, and let the undead bears dig the ice here.

  Ryuzhi sat on the iceberg not far away, watching every move below.

  Undead bear is made by Yanagi himself. The quality and ability are almost weaker than heroes, but stronger than ordinary undead bears.

  In addition to using their own power, they can also use other abilities to break the ice.

  At the same time, they don't need to rest, they can work non-stop. In addition, Liu Zhi also has experience in digging ships under the ice layer, which can be used on these undead bears.

  Yagiji was on the iceberg watching the undead bears hitting the iceberg again and again, and then several bears dragged the ice out together.

  Soon a big hole was dug in this ice field, and Liu Zhi seemed to have discovered something. He jumped off the iceberg and fell to the place where the undead bear dug.

   Glancing at the sawdust on the ground, Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then he felt that the dragon head ship, which was frozen underneath, should have struck down from the sky.

  At that time, there should be traces left by the ship after it hit the ground.

  At the same time, the dragon-head ship at that time must be in an abnormal state, because the ice here has been melted, and a lot of ice and snow was added later.

  Think about the strength of the existence in the dragon's head ship, which was frozen by ice, otherwise he would not be able to survive under such flames and ice.

  This made Liu Zhi more interested in the frozen one below.

  Liu Zhi, he did not return to the iceberg to wait, but stood here and watched the undead bear excavating the remaining parts.

  As the undead bear digs little by little, part of the dragon's head ship has been dug out.

Liu Zhi just glanced at it and saw that this dragon head ship has a legendary class, and the legend is probably not the level of the ship itself, but the design of the designer of the dragon head ship, plus the ice-bound master influences.

  Ryuzhi now does not need to come up with a design drawing of another ship, and even if it is difficult, he has no idea of ​​digging out the ship completely.

  After digging out part of the dragon head ship, Liu Zhi hit the undead bear and smashed some wood below, preparing to enter the dragon head ship from under the ship.

  And Yuji was waiting outside. When the undead bears smashed the wood on the deck of the ship, some of the wood flew into Yuji's hand.

  Yagiji took the thing in his hand and glanced at it, and his eyes lit up.

  It can be seen that the wood has undergone some treatment, and at the same time, the wood has been burned by a very serious flame, and finally it was frozen in the ice before the temperature dropped.

  Even so, the wood has not rotted yet, and it can still maintain its complete shape. This is either due to the quality of the wood or the way the wood is handled.

  Yagiji gently broke the wood, and found that this should be the most common oak. It may be that it grows larger, and there is no difference in the species of trees.

  It seems to be in the shipbuilding process. Some special treatments have been carried out here.

Liu Zhi estimated that in the past, if this method of processing and the same material were used, the ship could be built about 23% larger than a normal ship, and its weight could be reduced by about 15%. The most important thing is that the forward speed of the built ship may still be obtained. Promote.

   Putting down the wood on his hand, Liu Zhi said lightly.

   "This designer is a bit capable."

  (End of this chapter)

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