Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1168: Blood Warrior

   Chapter 1168 Bloodline Warrior

  Bradok valued his own defense. No matter how Liu Zhi made his move, his small buckler was held back and forth, dodged constantly under his feet, as if he wanted to strengthen his defense through some means.

  But he didn’t know. It would be better if he didn’t move. When he moved like this, it was like a bug falling into a spider web. The more struggling, the easier it is to get trapped.

  After Liu Zhi took the shot, that breeze-like feeling appeared around him, and slowly some scratches appeared on his small buckler.

  As Braddock raised his shield, Liu Zhi suddenly stab Thor’s Destruction Fang forward.

  The sword turned into a shooting star after it was pierced, and it passed through the defense line of the small round shield and pierced Braddock's eyebrows.

  With this blow, Liu Zhi didn't use the eternal tranquility trick. He didn't want to use it, but there was no need. The power of eternal tranquility was too great, and one move could kill Braddock in seconds.

  Ryuzhi is here to challenge, but not to kill. He doesn't need to offend Braddock too much at this time.

  So Ryuzhi chose the Eternal Night Sword Curtain.

  When this thorn was pierced, the breeze next to Liu Zhi stopped instantly, as if everything was concentrated on the tip of the sword.

   After this sword, all the sword aura, wind blade, etc., are all concentrated on one point.

  Ryuzhi did not draw a Z in the air like before, and directly stabbed it in place.

   Under this blow, Braddock also stopped his attack.

After    he looked at Liu Zhi with some doubts, wondering why he would stop at this moment.

  Ryuzhi retracted Thor’s Destruction Fang and looked at Braddock calmly.

   "I dug you out just to challenge the blood of the gods, and I didn't want to kill you. If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed you in that ship."

   After speaking, Ryuzhi took a step back and let Braddock think about what happened here.

   Braddock frowned, and he was quite speechless about Ryuzhi's behavior.

  But if Liu Zhi intended to kill him, he could tell.

And just as Liu Zhi said, he was actually rescued by Liu Zhi, and Liu Zhi did not ask him to accompany him for his life. He just fought with Liu Zhi and felt the strength of the blood of God. This is not actually true. What kind of.

  Bradok backhanded the buckler on his back, and said to Liu Zhi, "Thank you."

  Yagiji was also a little speechless, Braddock’s temper was really straight, and he had to say thank you if he was beaten by himself.

But such a person makes people like, "It’s okay. By the way, you should have been frozen for a long time. Do you remember the year you were frozen? How did you fall from the sky? As for your blood, I Don't ask, the blood of the divine nature should have been injected by external forces."

   Braddock just smiled when Ryuzhi said nothing but asked about it there.

"Fortunately, there is nothing hard to say. What year is it now? My blood is actually quite special. I am the first divine blood infusion. My blood comes from Athena, battle, wisdom and victory. goddess.

   Around 1859, someone discovered the blood of the goddess Athena in Greece. There were four drops in total. One of them diverged when it was dug out, and the remaining three were taken for various studies.

Originally, their plan was to defeat the bloodline warrior, but the blood of the gods could not blend with other blood. Everyone failed. The first blood injection would explode the experimenter, and finally the blood would regroup. The experimenter's blood will disappear.

  Later, they didn’t want to experiment anymore. They took two drops of blood to make other arrangements. They heard that one was used to make weapons and the other was used as energy.

  Only I have been experimenting with bloodline warriors with this liquid. In the end, I succeeded, and I became the source of a bloodline warrior.

  Use my blood to make new bloodline fighters.

So I became a protected person. With such a strong strength, I was protected by others, and I was not allowed to take my favorite warhammer and battle axe, but only let me take a buckler, saying that boys should learn from outside. protect yourself.

  This is really a joke.

  I didn’t accept it and fled, and drove the sky dragon head ship that they had researched to escape. In the end, I didn’t know what happened and fell from the sky. "

Listening to what Braddock said, Ryuzhi knew that there was only more than half of the credibility. Athena's blood may be real, and time may also be true, but in the end the blood may not necessarily be Braddock. As he said, maybe he himself didn't know where the blood went in the end.

  The source of the warrior of the same bloodline may be real, and it is also true that he is not allowed to use warhammers and battle axes, but those people may not be for his good, but want to treat him as a blood cow.

Liu Zhi could see it. Braddock would only need to be alive and draw blood once a month. It doesn’t need to be too much, as long as 300 blood is enough. In this way, three to five bloodline fighters can be produced. , That's forty to sixty people, and there will be close to 500 people in a hundred years.

  Moreover, bloodline warriors can also inherit bloodline warriors. If this goes on, one hundred years will be enough for them to produce one to two thousand bloodline warriors.

  So Braddock is pretty precious source material.

  It can be seen that Braddock did not know what happened and fell from the sky. He was definitely shot down from the sky by those who reformed him.

  But this matter has nothing to do with Liu Zhi. He noticed the time this person said, 1859.

   So Liu Zhi said, "It seems that you have been frozen for at least 70 years. Do you have any plans in the future?"

  Hearing the number of 70 years, Braddock was also taken aback. He thought that he had been frozen for a long time, but he did not expect it to be such an embarrassing time.

  If he had been frozen for hundreds of years, then everyone he knew would be gone, and he would have nothing to regret.

  But he has only been frozen for 70 years. The people he knows may still be alive, but they are all old. At this time, neither status nor status is equal.

  This feeling of knowing that the friend is still there but having no way to contact is the most uncomfortable.

  Looking at Braddock's appearance, Liu Zhi was also a little helpless. This was something he couldn't handle.

  After all, in terms of time, even the gods can’t help it.

  So he could only shake his head and said to Braddock, "It's almost like this, where are you going now?"

  (End of this chapter)

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