Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1174: Kill the white bear

  Chapter 1174 Killing the White Bear

Liu Zhi was hit by a blow from the white bear. His body began to freeze quickly. Fortunately, Liu Zhi reacted quickly. He elementalized his body when the ice began, otherwise that blow would be enough. Let Liu Zhi die unfavorably.

  However, after this blow, Liu Zhi also knew the gap between him and the white bear. He no longer dashed forward, but kept running on the surface of the water.

  As long as the white bear wants to build an ice block on the water, Liu Zhi will release a lightning bolt or a wind blade over it.

  At the same time, Yanagi also secretly performed undead spells underwater. Before, Yanagi killed many fish underwater, and among these fishes were some quite huge whales.

  All these fish were sealed by Yanagi and prepared on the bottom of the sea.

  When the white bear fell, Liu Zhi released the fish from the seal, and soon the bodies of these fish hit the white bear.

  If it was normal, the white bear would definitely eat the food delivered to the door, but now it is different. He doesn't know if the food in this trap can be eaten. At this time, he can only fly the fish out.

  But at this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly pointed at the fish.

   "Very poisonous corpse explosion!"

  All the fish corpses were exploded.

  These fish have been soaked underwater for quite a long time. Even if they did not rot because of the weather here, they would not be as well preserved as fresh carcasses.

  Liu Zhi’s poisonous corpse explosion this time, the effect of the corpse explosion is not very strong, the real strength is stronger than the poison.

As soon as    exploded, the whole white bear turned green. The poisoned white bear was completely poisoned, and its vitality dropped by more than half.

  At this moment, the whole situation is reversed.

  Yiuzhi can clearly feel that the life of the white bear is almost bottoming out. The white bear has begun to lose its normal consciousness and waved his arms to all directions rather violently.

Every time he waved the air here, it became visible to the naked eye, but Liu Zhi kept attacking from a distance, dispelling the chill, preventing the opponent from getting close to him, and at the same time preventing the opponent from getting close. Chance to freeze sea water.

   Soon the white bear got tired, and the white bear roared and wanted to dive into the water.

  He had already seen that it was impossible to build an iceberg on the water, so he was ready to dive into the water until he reached the bottom of the sea.

  After all, the Arctic Ocean is not too deep, unlike the other oceans, which can reach a depth of 10,000 meters.

  The white bear is also a divine creature. He calculated that he could stay underwater for a period of time. As long as he stepped on the ground with his feet, there would be no problem. He could start to restore his strength and restore his life.

  Ke Yuji will let the white bear go on like this?

  Of course not. As soon as the white bear dived underwater, Liu Zhi also dived in the water.

  This time, Liu Zhi couldn't care to follow him from a distance. He was swimming fast underwater, trying to attract the white bear.

  However, the white bear seemed to be dead, and kept going downstream, regardless of the attacks from Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi was also a little anxious at this time. The resistance under water was relatively large, and it was impossible to move at the same speed as in the sky. He could not get in front of the white bear.

  At the same time, his lightning power will be dispersed underwater, and hitting the white bear will hardly have any effect, and he has no way to attract the white bear.

  And Ryuzhi's own swimming speed is not much faster than that of the white bear. Now he feels like he has returned to the situation a few minutes ago. One is chasing in front and running behind, but there is no way to get closer.

   Just as Yuji had a headache, Vednina swam by Yuji.

  She can swim underwater faster than normal people can imagine.

  In almost a blink of an eye, she swam past Yanagi.

  At the same time, Ryuuji felt that Vidnina seemed to be able to control the flow of water under the water, making it more and more difficult for the white bear to swim forward.

  Widenina looked at Yuji and blinked at him as she swam past Liuzhi.

  Yagiji understood that this was a signal from Vednina to him, to prepare him for battle.

  Liu Zhi stopped in the water now, holding Thor’s Destruction Fang to prepare.

  Ryuzhi must kill the white bear Zhang himself this time.

  So his preparations were also toward the biggest move. Although he was underwater, it did not affect Liu Zhi's preparation.

  Yagiji kept waving Thor’s Destruction Teeth on his hand, slowly bringing a trace of thunder and lightning around him.

  These thunder and lightning were not released by him, but formed one sword after another.

  Ryuzhi is preparing the biggest trick he can use, eternal tranquility.

  Since Widnina’s last reminder, Ryuzhi’s eternal tranquility trick has slowly gained a sense of eternity.

  It is precisely because of this that Liu Zhi did not force his shot speed, but made the final preparations there.

  Wednina, who rushed to the front of the white bear one step earlier, did not have such a problem. She rushed to the front of the white bear and activated eternal tranquility on the spot.

  The eternal tranquility of Vidnina has reached the level of mythology.

  Under this blow, the sea became quiet, and there was no sound underwater. The white bear clearly saw that the few fish in front of him would not move, as if time had left them.

  The white bear has the soul of a frost giant in his body. The frost giant is different from the ordinary frost giant, but the king of the frost giants. At the beginning, Odin had to personally take action.

  He immediately felt the terrible trick of eternal tranquility.

Quietness is not important. The most important thing is eternity. If you die after being hit by this move, it’s okay. If you don’t die, you will be trapped forever in this second, in the time when there is no sound and can’t move. .

  So the white bear changed direction forcibly and swam toward the road from which he came from. He planned to rush upwards, as long as he rushed out of the eternal and tranquil area.

  But at this time, Ryuzhi's eternal tranquility is also ready.

  He pierced out to the direction of the white bear's eyebrows, which was different from Widnina's eternal tranquility. Although Ryuzhi knew that eternity was the key point, he still preferred the path of tranquility.

Under this blow, the white bear who had just turned his head just felt as if his eyes had turned grayish-white and black, and all the voices were gone. He could only see Thor's Destruction Teeth piercing his brow with black electric current. .

  He still wanted to react and fight with his own divine power, but the sword also contained divine power, and it still restrained his solar power, which made the white bear lose his last power.

  Then his body was swallowed by the eternal tranquility released by Vidnina, his body seemed to be trapped in amber, unable to move anymore.

  (End of this chapter)

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