Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1176: Hall of Valor

   Chapter 1176 The Hall of Heroes

  Vednina is quite resistant to being carried away, but she can't fly, so she can only be dragged into the air by a few Valkyrie.

  Fortunately, Valkyrie did not fly very far, their flight was just to take people into a certain space.

   Soon Liu Zhi's eyes lit up, and then he saw a lot of rainbow light.

  After the rainbow light disappeared, Liu Zhi found that he had appeared in front of a huge palace.

  The palace in front of you was built according to the size of a giant.

  Not to mention the others, the platform in front of them for landing is about thirty acres in size.

  In the distance of the platform is a huge step. The step is divided into two parts. One part should be used by giants. Each level is more than three meters high. Normal people need to jump to climb up.

  On both sides of this large step are small steps for normal people, which can lead directly to the palace above.

After bringing Ryuzhi here, Valkyrie said: "We have arrived. You can move freely here. It is daytime, so most of them are fighting in the wilderness outside. If you want to participate in the battle, go After reaching the platform, turn left and you can go out.

The fountain on the right is the resurrection point. All warriors who died in the Hall of Valor can be resurrected there, but everyone can only be resurrected once a day. If you don’t want to miss the dinner that night, it’s best not to die after one. Participate in the battle again.

  The one on the front is the Hall of Valor, where the food can be eaten casually, because the source of the food is pigs that can never cut the meat, so don’t worry about not eating it. "

  A pig that can never cut meat?

  Liu Zhi couldn't help but shook his head. What did this pig do in his life, he should suffer such a crime.

  But this has nothing to do with Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi thought for a while and asked, "Can I go and see those heroic spirits?"

  Valkyrie nodded, "Of course you can. You can find them for a drink, you can also chat with them or compete, of course, if you want to kill, please go to the wilderness outside."

  "Do they answer everything?"

"That's not necessarily true. After all, the people who appear here at this time are all killed in the wilderness. They are now angry. At night, they drink high. At that time, it is the most suitable time to chat with them. ."

  Yagiji didn't say much any more, and went up with Vidnina.

  He had forgotten Hela's mission at this time, and instead paid more attention to his ability to extract souls.

  Ryuzhi felt that the greatest feature of the Hall of Heroes should be to preserve the souls of those brave men.

  Although there may be only one chance to resurrect every day, those people are considered to be completely resurrected, and they also clearly remember the battle that day.

  In fact, these heroic spirits are constantly growing.

  Perhaps they weren't very strong before they were alive, but after so many years of hard work, they now have enough strength to drag them out one by one.

  Yagiji also knew that this was the last step needed for his soul extraction.

  After arriving here, Liu Zhi began to observe the situation in the Hall of Valor.

When    headed towards the Hall of Valor, Liu Zhi noticed that the whole Hall of Valor seemed to be located in another space.

  It feels similar to that of Ryuuji's Ide plane, but it seems to be larger than the Ide plane.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi saw that there were a total of 480 gates in the Hall of Heroes, each of which was more than three times larger than the gate of Liu Zhiming Palace.

  Like the size of the white bear that Liu Zhi killed before, this kind of gate can walk six side by side.

  At this time, the door has been completely opened, and many Viking spirits are going back and forth inside.

In addition to these Vikings, Liu Zhi also saw a kind of blond people who looked quite orderly. They seemed to be more accustomed to the life of the army of iron and blood. Every time they went out together, they always lined up with ten or eight. The team moved forward together.

  Sometimes there are scattered people appearing, they will soon join the team, it looks like they have cooperated many times, they are very clear where they should stand.

  Compared with the Vikings, the whole feeling is quite obvious.

  This is a comparison between personal bravery and the strength of the legion, as well as a comparison of growth concepts.

In addition to these two waves of people, there are actually some scattered humans here, but they are some strong men who died in the Nordic region, and they are not considered as followers of Odin, so the number of these people is not counted. many.

  When they stayed in this Hall of Valor, they just felt that they were dead, and it was the same wherever they went, so they just ‘live’ here.

  While observing the crowd, Liu Zhi stepped onto the hall of the Hall of Valor.

As he walked through the gate, Yuji saw a large number of beasts and giant dragon heads hung on the top of the door. The smallest beasts had the size of a hill, and the largest was bigger than the body of a white bear before. .

  These heads don’t seem to know how many years they have been dead. They are hung on the top of the porch, but their eyes seem to be alive, and they are still staring at Yuji and the others.

  The heroic spirits walking around seemed to have long been used to this situation.

  This is actually their trophy for countless years.

  The heroic spirits usually have nothing to do. They like to brag under their cut-off heads, bragging about how powerful they were at the time and how they killed extremely huge enemies.

  After looking at the heads of these beasts and giant dragons, Liu Zhi understood that his own combat power to kill the white bear was really nothing.

  After entering the hall of the Hall of Valor, Liu Zhi saw a one-eyed old man with a white beard sitting on the throne in the middle of the hall feeding the wolf.

  The old man was about the same height as Liu Zhi, and looked very strong, but Liu Zhi felt that he was like an ordinary person, and seemed to have little combat effectiveness.

This situation made Liu Zhi quite speechless. Liu Zhi still had some understanding of Odin’s appearance. He knew at a glance that this was Odin, but whoever said that Odin was an ordinary person, Liu Zhi would directly treat ordinary people. Three words hit his face.

  A god-level existence, is this an ordinary person?

  This must be a clone of Odin, just like Hela before, and it may even be a clone of Odin.

  At this moment, Odin suddenly raised his head.

   "I am not a clone."

  Liu Zhi almost ran away when he heard it. How could he know what he thought?

  And if this Odin is not a clone, isn’t he a god? Why does it appear in this game? Does this game have gods?

   "According to you, I'm level 25, so I know exactly what I'm talking about."

  (End of this chapter)

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