Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1178: Liu Zhi's sentiment

   Chapter 1178 Liu Zhi's perception

  Slowly understanding what he needed, Liu Zhi recalled his behavior during this period of time, and wanted to see if he did something wrong during this period of time.

  Odin saw Ryuzhi's thoughts, so he didn't bother him, just sat there drinking goat's milk.

  Ryuzhi didn't know all this, he had fallen into a kind of contemplation.

  At this time, all the things that Liu Zhi had learned before were turned over by him.

  There are some of these that he usually uses, and there are some that he can't remember at all.

  Now he is in Odin’s God’s Domain, and he began to organize these things.

  Every time he organizes, Liu Zhi can always find out some things that he needs to improve, and he can also find out some things that he doesn't need in the battle.

  Yagiji began to consider whether some magic is really useful.

  Many things he only mastered while studying, but few of these skills are really needed.

  Liu Zhi understands that if this continues, not only will he not be able to learn all of these skills, but even some of the skills he needs to master will not be able to be practiced and used properly.

  This is very detrimental to the growth of Ryuzhi.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, suddenly raised his head, and asked Odin, “Does more clones affect your growth?”

Odin laughed as soon as he heard it, "You know, at the beginning I wanted to be a corps by myself, and then slowly I wanted to challenge a corps by myself. Finally, you see how I am now, saying that I am a corps. A corps is a corps, and one person means one person."

  Odin did not answer directly, but Ryuzhi could understand the meaning of his words.

  In other words, at the beginning, you can have more clones, but you need to collect them later. Finally, when you reach the level of Odin, he can clone ten million by himself, and ten million clones can also be said to exist by himself.

   Knowing this, Liu Zhi did not speak any more.

  Neither did he ask Odin what a good way to do it.

  Riuzhi knew that it was one thing for Odin to point out, but it was another thing to find Odin directly for skills.

  The former is regarded as attention between friends. Although they are not so equal friends, the latter is different. Even if the latter is Liu Zhi begging Odin, the situation is different.

  Yagiji began to consider the situation of his own clones.

  Most of his clones were produced by chance.

  But he also knows what is needed to make a clone, and everything else is easy to handle. The most important thing is props such as the Destiny Diamond Statue.

  Ryuzhi now has four clones. Except for No. 3 and No. 4 because of unintentional reasons, the other two are clones created by using similar props.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly thought of something. When he lifted his hand, a huge block of ice appeared in front of him.

  Odin was a little surprised. He glanced at the white bear enclosed in the ice cube, and finally smiled, "You brought him up."

  Yagi is here to sort out his skills, Odin is naturally watching, and when Ryuji releases ice, Odin knows what Ryuji intends to do.

  He also didn’t say that it would be too wasteful to do so. Anyway, this thing belongs to Liu Zhi. He took out the ice cube and let Liu Zhi play it by himself.

Standing in front of the ice cube, Liu Zhi put his hand on the ice cube.

  He began to sense the white bear sealed in the ice.

  This ice cube is actually the effect of eternal tranquility. The reason why it becomes an ice cube is entirely because the blood of the frost giant in the white bear's body spreads out uncontrollably after death.

  Now that Ryuzhi is standing here, it is naturally handy to reach out to deal with the white bear sealed in eternal tranquility.

  Under the influence of Liu Zhi, the ice cube was slowly getting smaller, and finally it turned out to be only the size of a normal white bear.

  Although the white bear in front of you is still taller than ordinary bears, it is a lot smaller than the 50-meter-high existence before.

  After the ice cubes melted completely, Liu Zhi noticed that the white bear's eyes seemed to move.

  This is the characteristic of divine flesh and blood. Even if it is already dead, as long as it is not sealed, this flesh and blood will soon give birth to a new consciousness.

  Riuji was waiting for this opportunity. He ignored Odin and was in front of him. He stretched out his hand and tore the white bear. The skin of the white bear was torn off, and the skull of the white bear was torn off together.

After   , Liu Zhi quickly started, and his ability to extract souls had reached the mythical level just the last step.

  So Ryuzhi kept drawing his soul from this spot of flesh and blood.

  But every time he draws out his consciousness is like dust.

  Odin had seen these things a long time ago, and he even knew what these things were.

  Looking at Yanagi's behavior, Odin felt a little bit interesting.

  He did not expect that Liu Zhi would know so much from such a world.

At the same time, he was also very curious about the level of Liu Zhi's soul extraction. He has already seen that Liu Zhi is a player who has at least several ways to reach the myth level. Don't look at Liu Zhi's current strength so weak, but his knowledge reserve is not at all. Not weak.

  As for Odin’s attitude, Liu Zhi didn't care at all. He kept waving his hand, using his soul to extract the consciousness that would be born from these mythical flesh and blood.

  Soon these flesh and blood lost all their energy, and no new consciousness was produced.

  But Liu Zhi didn't stop there. Instead, he accelerated the speed of his soul extraction, after sampling the white bear's corpse back and forth twice.

  Yagiji felt that his soul extraction ability had finally reached the mythical level.

  At this time, Liu Zhi looked at Bai Xiong again, finally showing a smile in his eyes.

  He raised his head to face Odin and said, "What if I pull out some incredible souls?"

  Odin laughed as soon as he heard it, "Don't be afraid, no one can come in here in the Hall of Valor."

  Odin finished speaking, Liu Zhi stretched out his hand and grabbed the white bear's body, then pumped it out.

  The cold wind rushed out in the next instant, and a huge ice and snow giant that looked nearly a hundred meters away was staring at Liu Zhi.

  The giant looked like he was seriously injured, his body was full of cracks, and he had a battle axe beside him.

  But he hadn’t spoken yet, Odin raised his head and met the frost giant’s gaze.

  After that, Liu Zhi smiled slightly and pulled out his hand, and a fist-sized ice cube appeared in his hand.

  Odin nodded in satisfaction when he saw this situation. He saw that this was the soul of the frost giant sealed in the white bear by Odin in the game world that Ryuzhi participated in.

  (End of this chapter)

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