Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1180: Clone number six

  Chapter 1180 The sixth clone

  Looking at the cold arm pulling out Thor’s Destruction Teeth from the flesh little by little, Liu Zhi knew that this time it was done.

He watched one after another black thunder elements of death fly out of the flesh and blood, slowly condensing into a body, that body was waving with Thunder God’s Destruction Teeth, repeating what Liu Zhi had done before. action.

  From the dark night stabbing swordsmanship, it has been restored to eternal tranquility.

  Go back to practice from eternal tranquility, and finally return to night stabbing swordsmanship.

  After going back and forth three times, the elemental humanoid finally stopped, his body began to materialize, and at the same time a set of leather armor that looked like black lightning appeared on the surface of his body.

  This new clone is somewhat similar to Liu Zhichang's, but with long arms and legs, you can see that it is that kind of agile existence at a glance.

  He has white frost-like hair, and his eyes are flashing with black electric lights. Thor’s Destruction Fang is held in his hand, and it looks like it grows on his hand.

Hooking Thor’s Destruction Fangs back to his waist, this new avatar had a little bit of his hand. When there was no fine stabbing sword, he still made a stabbing action. It can be seen that he is saying that even if he doesn’t have one. With a thin thorn sword, he also has a strong enough combat power.

  After finishing all this, this one walked to Liu Zhi's side. He first glanced at the spirit who was also standing next to Liu Zhi, then a confident smile appeared on his face.

  Yagiji said to this man: "It seems that you have inherited all the swordsmanship of the Beka family, then you will be called Beka in the future."

  【Clone number six: Beka】

  【Occupation: Juggernaut】

  [Level: 8 (the Necromancer can only be upgraded after the level of the necromancer)]

  【Magic Power: 5000/5000】

  [Attributes: Strength 23.7, Agility 36.1, Constitution 28.3, Spirit 28.9]

  [Skills: Dark Night Swordsmanship Level 8, Z-shaped Secret Sword Level 8, Eternal Night Sword Curtain Level 8, Eternal Serenity Level 8]

  [Professional Skills: None]

  For the sixth clone Beka, all of Beka's family heirloom swordsmanship has been upgraded to level 8 at once, Liu Zhi is not surprised at all.

You must know that all of Beka’s flesh and blood comes from that white bear. He has personally experienced the blow of eternal tranquility. In addition, Yanagi's own level is considered to be good, so all of the Bekaa’s family stabbing skills have been improved all at once. Level 8 is not impossible.

  After all, this kind of thing is very legendary.

  After having two clones at once, Liu Zhi didn't stop there, although the white bear's flesh and blood were gone.

  But the soul fragment of the Frost Giant grabbed from the body of the white bear is still in Yuji's hands.

  The soul fragment of the Frost Giant is the clone of the Frost Giant King in the game.

  This comes with a clone effect, if Liu Zhi didn't take advantage of it, it would really be a waste of such a good opportunity.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi was planning to make another clone, Odin couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't want to stay here with bodyguards anymore. He waved his hand and disappeared from the throne.

  However, he did not drive Liu Zhi out of the Hall of Heroes. It can be seen from this point that he did not do too much.

  Ryuzhi also knew that he had borrowed a lot of Odin's power.

  So he didn't blame Odin for running away. Instead, he picked up the fist-sized ice cube and began to pick out other skills that he hadn't used and didn't want to give up and pour it into the ice cube.

  Yagiji had sorted out many of his skills before, and found that he didn’t use many skills.

  There are many skills that have only been level 1 or 2 since they were mastered, and it is simply a waste to put them here now.

  Liu Zhi usually practice and don’t practice, improve and don’t improve, it is not very useful at all.

  So Ryuzhi simply cut out all the skills that are not high in level and rarely used.

  Although the level of these skills has not been high, but the number is relatively large, just can be concentrated together, specifically to find a clone responsible for handling this kind of miscellaneous skills.

  This demand fell on the piece of ice in Liu Zhi's hand.

  Compared to Linghua, Liuzhi used a mythical skill, and compared with Bekaa, Liuzhi used a set of swordsmanship.

  This avatar No.7, which has not yet appeared, is the easiest and most casual way to deal with Liu Zhi.

  Yagiji had thought before that, in these skills, he had to practise himself, and he did not need to practice himself.

  Those skills that didn't need to be practiced on their own were stripped off by Liu Zhi one by one, and poured into the ice in front of them one by one.

  Vampiric Touch Level 4.

  Gathering thaumaturgy 6th level.

  The transaction between life and death is level 3.

  Wild Mark·Attack level 4.

  Wild Mark · Defense Level 4.

  Wild Spirit 5th level.

   Harvest Blood Level 3, Death Ripple Level 4, Banshee's Embrace Level 4, Undead Army Level 4, Autumn Sacrifice Level 3.

Breath of the Sea Level 3, Ghost Surrounding Level 3, Ocean Book Level 2, Banshee Wailing Level 3, Banshee Breath Level 3, The Walking Dead Level 2, Plague Spread Level 3, Vampire Transformation Level 1, Undead Ice Level 2... …

  As Liu Zhi hit in one after another, that piece of ice slowly changed.

  When Liu Zhi penetrates into the Necromancer's skills, the appearance of this piece of ice will slowly change to the appearance of a skull.

  And when Ryuuji penetrated into the Druid's skills, some cold moss appeared on the ice.

  Slowly, as Liu Zhi entered more and more skills, this piece of ice became more and more weird.

  When it seemed to have entered two wild marks, Liu Zhi could clearly see that some special lines appeared on the ice.

  Those lines are the lines of nature, which represent the affirmation of nature to some people.

  When he broke into the embrace of the banshee, Liu Zhi saw the phantom of the banshee appear on the ice.

  Yagiji felt like she was going to have a female clone.

  When Breath of the Sea entered, the breath of the sea appeared in the ice.

  Vampire transformation, walking dead, one skill after another, let the ice begin to split.

  Finally, the ice was divided into three, becoming three female undead entangled in ice chains.

  Since there were twin clones at the beginning, Liu Zhi was not dissatisfied with the three clones suddenly appearing, but he looked at the three clones in front of him curiously, and he found that these three clones seemed a bit interesting.

  Because they were made with the soul of the Frost Giant, these three clones instinctively carried some traces of the Frost Giant.

  Although the three are all women, they are obviously about the same height as Ryuzhi.

  Because most of the skills they took out were legal skills, these three did not become warriors. It can be seen from their profession that the three of them are Necromancers and Druids and Banshees.

  (End of this chapter)

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