Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1203: Conan's troubles

   Chapter 1203 Conan’s Trouble

  When Ryuzhi dealt with the internal situation of the Natural Hall of Valor, the exterior of the Natural Hall of Valor also changed.

  The style of the Natural Hall of Valor at the beginning was still the style of Hall of Valor, but as the Hall of Natural Valor took root here, this style slowly changed, and many big trees began to grow nearby.

  At first, the big trees had their own lengths, but then slowly moved closer to the center of the Natural Hall of Valor. At the same time, all the leaves of the trees fell, and the twisted shadows of the trees looked quite weird.

  This is the style of the underworld. Liu Zhi was already accustomed to the growth of such trees when the underworld ecosystem was set up.

  After handling everything, the forty-eight doors of the Natural Hall of Valor were all opened. Except for the main entrance, which was used to enter and exit the Hall of Natural Valor, the other 47 doors were used to lead to other locations in this space.

  In other words, Liu Zhi can deploy forty-seven teleportation formations in this space, allowing people to come to the Natural Hall of Valor at the fastest speed.

  If only Liu Zhi is alone, he actually doesn’t have this need. He is the master of this space, and he can appear in any corner of the space at any time.

  But he doesn't want to play any single-player anymore. His space is to be used as a logistics and military base, so he must deploy troops at the fastest speed.

  The space occupied by Ryuzhi is quite large, and it is impossible for him to place the teleportation array in and out of the space at the core, nor can he use it as a teleportation array every day.

  So the gate of the Natural Hall of Valor has become the most important way of teleportation.

  Liu Zhi divided the unused areas into forty-seven regions, each with a teleportation array.

  Because of the way of the Natural Hall of Valor, the teleportation array is established in the center of each district in the way of gates.

  These teleportation formations do not require human protection or energy, as long as they walk out of the corresponding gate of the Natural Hall of Valor.

  After arranging these arrangements, Liu Zhi built a passage to the ghost domain in a large area on the outermost periphery.

  Ryuzhi will definitely build portals to various ghost realms in the future, but this is not the time.

  After finishing this arrangement, Liu Zhi cut out the part of the ability that belongs to the underworld ecosystem, let it merge with this space, and form a new clone.

  This avatar is different from the other avatars of Liu Zhi.

  The other clones of Ryuzhi are only three-in-one at most. This clone's entire space is one. He can transform a new body in this space at any time, and he can also take the new body back at any time.

  All the big trees here are his eyes and ears, and he can control all the flowers and plants.

  If it weren't for meeting Liu Zhi, he wouldn't even show up in front of him.

  【Clone No. 8: Yide】

  [Occupation: Druid of the Underworld]

  [Level: None (integrated with portable space, cannot be upgraded)]

  【Magic Power: Infinite】

  [Attributes: unlimited strength, unlimited agility, unlimited physique, unlimited spirit]

  [Special Skill: Underworld Ecosphere Level 8]

Regarding the avatar attribute that he had just named Ide, Liu Zhi really didn't know what to say. He knew that Ide had been integrated with the entire space, but he did not expect that he could borrow the power of the space. To achieve this level.

  But it is actually reasonable to think about it. In this space, the power that Ide can borrow is basically unlimited. He doesn't need to worry about being injured, he can raise his power to the highest level at any time, and he can move the trees here at will.

  He can go anywhere he wants. This is the limitlessness of agility.

  As for his life, as long as this space is still there, he is immortal, and his physique is naturally infinite.

  So Ryuzhi is no longer surprised.

After the   space was handled by Ide, Liu Zhi withdrew from the portable space.

  At this time, the avatar that Liu Zhi sent out finally contacted Conan.

  Conan felt a little unhappy that Liu Zhi sent a clone to contact him.

  At this time, he is leading a large army to attack a nearby main city of the Murloc Empire.

  The main city is a half-water and half-water city.

  The whole city is built on a huge floating wood.

  Of course, this is just the initial state. With the arrival and transformation of the murloc, this huge floating wood began to be slowly transformed, and the murloc added many different things here.

  There are everything like ghost ships, mechanical sharks, etc. There are even many murloc mechas with walls entangled with water and plants.

  In this way, this huge main city covers an area of ​​30,000 square kilometers. If you count the surface and underwater parts, at least 30 million murlocs can live here.

  At the same time, there are two murloc fleets and seven underwater attack forces mainly composed of creatures such as mechanical sharks and biochemical whales.

  In addition, what makes Conan most speechless is that there are even murloc altars and murloc magic towers in this city.

  These two are the key to this city, because this city has a murloc magic tower and a murloc altar. This city can be regarded as the largest gathering point of the murloc empire in the nearby waters.

   is also a training base for murloc wizards and murloc priests.

  In addition to the size of this place, it is the main port of the murloc fleet and the construction site of murloc transformation and mechanical forces.

  It can be said that this city is the core city of the Murloc Empire in this sea area.

  Conan set the target here for the first time, wanting to win the city in front of him.

  Even at the beginning, he had a plan not to destroy everything in the city when he took the city.

  Because the city has been changed, it can still be used by ordinary people.

  If they take this city, they can use this city as a base to attack the Murloc Empire in the deep sea.

  This way their future battles will become smoother.

  But Conan looked down on the city too much. In addition, there was a naval battle on his side. It was not like a siege battle on land, where the battle situation was relatively flat.

  Along the way, they encountered many attacks from underwater, as well as some attacks from other directions.

  The most important thing is that when they came to this city, they could not take the initiative to attack the city from the front.

  Because this city is on the sea, even if some soldiers can move freely on the sea, they cannot push the siege equipment to the sea.

  That's why Conan encountered such an embarrassing situation before him. He surrounded the opponent's city, but there was no way to take it down at once.

  (End of this chapter)

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