Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1211: Time flies

   Chapter 1211 Time Flies

Regarding Conan’s request, Liu Zhi finally chose this plan. He could only ask Julian to bring something to Amanite. In addition to some supplies, there were some bone dragons that he had just trained. With the death knight.

  A large number of spider eggs were transported together at the same time, and Amanite knew how to use these things.

  Send these things to Amanite at this time, it is to support Amanite's mission.

  After all, Armanet’s role under Conan should be a little bit taller than cannon fodder. If you don't show some skills, Armanet will be useless when Ryuzhi's army is exhausted.

   With the supplies given by Liu Zhi, Julian left easily.

  After he left, Liu Zhi also started his own work.

  At this time, his center of gravity is naturally still on the portable space.

  Although there is a portable space, Ryuzhi has no way to transfer all of his power to the portable space at once.

  He himself sits on the side of the island ghost domain, and at the same time put a part of his mind in the portable space, dealing with the environmental problems there.

  Yuzhi has already planned to adjust the environment of the portable space in the first half of the year.

  Instead of rushing to put all kinds of creatures in as before.

  Yagiji intends to turn the entire environment into a state similar to the underworld, and then spend a year and a half to put a lot of spiders inside.

  It seems that the life and death of spiders slowly changes the attributes of the entire space.

  Although it may take about two years to do so, for Liu Zhi, he has time and can afford to wait.

  Of course, before that, Ryuzhi still threw the bone logging ground and the floating corpse gem pond into it.

  These two buildings don't need human hands, they will run automatically as long as they are built. Besides, Liu Zhi just made the portable space underworld, and he didn't say nothing about it.

  So don’t worry about the daily harvest.

  Ryuzhi never expected that he waited on the island waters for three full years.

  In the past three years, he himself has not left the island waters in a single step, but his clones come and go, running around in his ghost domains.

  In fact, on the tenth day when Ryuzhi was sitting in the island waters, Sandro returned from the game.

  He brought back a message for Liu Zhi.

As a clone of Ryuzhi, Sandro can also use Ryuzhi’s VIP level. Other permissions have not been reduced. Only time permissions are not as exaggerated as players. There is no way to achieve the highest limit of 1:72, at most. A conversion ratio of 1:36 can be achieved.

  So Sandro consumes more time.

   But he also brought back good news to Liu Zhi.

  The game guidance tool that Liu Zhi bought from the Fire Blade City market is a bronze-level prop that has been abandoned.

The reason why    was abandoned is because this guide tool can only guide people into the same game.

  Because of the excessive development of this game, there are not many benefits to be gained from this game. The gods of the game have been taken away, and the whole game is dealing with a point where it is about to collapse.

  In this case, it can be regarded as an opportunity for Ryuzhi, because not many people are willing to come over in this game. Even the aborigines in the game are thinking of ways to leave.

  So this is a half-empty game, Sandro has an idea, if Ryuzhi can take this game down, then they will get a steady stream of logistics base.

  For this idea, Ryuzhi agreed, so in the past three years, in addition to the main body sitting in the island ghost domain, his clone has continuously entered this game world they called the waste star through various means.

After the avatars of   Yagiji entered separately, they either dealt with some of the basics of the game or cut off other channels that can enter the game.

  In order to facilitate the entry and arrangement of his avatars, Liu Zhi even arranged a ghost domain in this game.

  This time he used a rotting base. Of course, this rotting base is hidden behind. No one knows except for a few clones of Ryuzhi. Unless there is a big battle, there is no way to get in here.

  On the surface, the city that Liu Zhi occupies in this waste star game is a large city swallowed by a rotten land.

  This city is also one of the only three remaining cities in this game.

  After three years outside the game and nearly a hundred years of annexation in the game, Liu Zhi finally took down the city completely.

  It can be said that now he has mastered one-third of the power of this game, and should slowly extract some benefits from the game.

  Of course, these were done by the avatar of Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi himself had not been there. He only exchanged information when he came back from the avatar and learned about the situation of the game.

   also knows what the game has become now.

  The previous game was an apocalypse that has been changed many times.

The whole apocalyptic story doesn’t know what it’s going to be like. Except for no humans, there are all weird things in the world, such as zombies, robots, cannibals, non-cannibals, local waste stars, aliens, etc. Those with supernatural powers, those who have not been modified by supernatural powers, those who have landed on the shore, and those who have been under the sea, have everything.

  This situation made Liu Zhi not know what kind of world this world was in the beginning.

  The more this happens, the more Yanagi feels it is interesting.

  He discovered that the consciousness of heaven in this game world has been taken away, and now a new consciousness of heaven is taking shape.

  If this Tiandao consciousness is formed successfully, then he will restart the game.

   And restarting the game does not directly restore the planet to its original state.

  That is not called restarting the game, it is called restarting the planet.

  The real restart of the game is a catastrophe that will bring the entire planet to annihilation. What can't be resisted is death.

   Those who resist the past will become the masters of the new era.

  But the arrival of Ryuzhi has changed all of this. His clone has been handling everything in this game for such a long period of time.

  In addition to devouring a city with a rotten land, they also used a rotten base to transform a large number of weird undead.

  Yagiji’s plan is to turn this game directly into an undead game when the game restarts.

  And this world is directly handled by the layout of the underworld ecosystem.

  It can be said that even though Liu Zhi left the Ide family, he really carried forward the underworld ecosystem of the Ide family to the extreme.

  If Liu Zhi is not taking the path of the ghost domain lord, but has been walking the path of the underworld ecosystem, this time the plan is enough to push him to the 14th level.

  (End of this chapter)

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