Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1237: Face to face

   Chapter 1237

After making up his mind, Liu Zhi quickly gave orders.

  The void fleet that has been sent out naturally does not need to be taken back, but now their mission has changed. They now need to entangle the enemy fleet in the star field so that these enemies cannot return to their planes.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi opened the channel of his own plane.

   docked with the plane where the wizard appeared.

  Be aware that there are actually three different ways of communication between planes.

  One kind of nature is teleportation. Generally speaking, as long as the coordinates of one's own plane are opened, other people's teleportation array can enter here.

  And most planes will not specifically lock all this, because most planes also need to consider the issue of player access.

  They hide the coordinate information at most, and prevent outsiders from knowing the coordinate situation here.

  Since the establishment of the teleportation array of the game, Liu Zhi has also arranged this way, except for him and his clone, no one knows the coordinates of his plane.

The second is the same as the current battle. Entering the outer wall of the plane from the star field. This is a forcibly breakthrough method. The attacking party will be limited in number and other aspects. Instead, the defending party can prepare in advance and wait for the enemy to come. seek death.

The third is what Ryuuji wants to do now. He forcibly connects the channel with the plane of the elves and connects the two faces together. Either the plane of Ryuji swallows the plane of the elves, or it is the elves. The plane swallowed Liu Zhi's plane, and there would be no third choice.

  At the beginning, the relationship between the southern swamp plane and the underworld was like this, but the underworld was significantly stronger and could swallow several planes at the same time.

  Yagiji's current level, he can swallow one plane at a time is already quite difficult.

  At the same time, he also understood that if he did this, several nearby planes would immediately start operations.

  But Liu Zhi is not afraid at all. If it were other necromancer routes, he might have had a headache long ago, but the route that Liu Zhi took was the route of the underworld ecosystem, and he was the existence of the effect of changing the plane from the fundamental direction.

  In addition, Liu Zhi is not only one plane, he also has his own portable space, can mobilize troops from various ghost domains, and even he has a game world that is almost exclusive.

  His background is much stronger than the people in front of him.

  He intends to turn the plane war into a positional warfare and swallow the opponent's plane bit by bit.

  As long as one plane is swallowed, the other planes are no longer his opponents.

  After all, for professions like Necromancers, fighting is actually their root.

  Unless they are defeated at all, they will only get stronger and stronger, not weaker.

  Ryuzhi's move angered several other players who wanted to persuade Liuzhi to be kind.

  They immediately took action, and the four-five-dimensional plane connection flew towards this side.

   Feeling the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi smiled instead.

  If they didn't do anything at first, Liu Zhi would not be optimistic about their bottom line. Now they want to control the plane to connect with the plane of Id, let Liu Zhi see that their control of the plane is not in place.

  Thinking that they don’t want outsiders to go to the position of the first mythical player, which also limits their growth.

  This also gave Liu Zhi an opportunity to know that the plane also has its own consciousness.

   When the plane of Id was a semi-plane before, he also wanted to launch his own son of the plane, and wanted it to help the plane grow.

The    plane means that their nature is relatively selfish, and they just want to grow and develop themselves.

  If the Liuzhi plane is a semi-plane, they will connect if they want to connect, or swallow if they want to swallow, and they won't stop at all.

  However, Liu Zhi is now showing relatively strong strength, and there is no benefit in hindering them between the plane and the plane.

  So these planes themselves produced a little repulsion for a while.

  But Liu Zhi is different. He has completely mastered the plane of Ide decades ago. He can do whatever he wants.

  Liu Zhi felt the connection that those faces had taken over, and Liu Zhi directly picked a plane that felt that the strength of the plane was relatively weak and took it over.

  This plane is the territory of a 14th-level divine player, and Liu Zhi had already sensed it when he first came into contact with the information.

  But his face is also the weakest of all the planes in this star field.

  The planes of this star field are a mixture of nature and undead attributes, and each plane has its own path.

  And the route of this plane in front of you is a loop.

  This plane is arid every thirty years, there is no drop of water on the ground, thirty years is a flood, and there is no land on the ground.

So the people on this plane are very weird. They look like a special kind of mummies. During drought, their bodies are dry and dead. When people are flooded, they are creatures living underwater. Looks like a murloc.

When   Yagiji docked on this plane, he felt as if he couldn't get rid of troublesome enemies like murlocs wherever he went.

  At this time period, their plane is in a period of drought, and the entire plane is a piece of yellow sand.

  Because this plane is relatively close to Wang Liang, close to the elf side, and the other party also docks with the Id plane, so this side is docked for the first time.

  The pair was connected, and Liu Zhi released Amanite who had just called back.

  The mummified troops under Amanite were also released together.

  In the past few years, he has not used all the mummies that came out of Liuzhi's Burial Desert to serve as the main force.

  Instead, it slowly develops in the plane of Id.

  It’s not because these mummies are ineffective.

  It was because he did not have a suitable place to fight.

  The power of these mummies under Liu Zhi is similar to that of the zombies. Their advantage lies in the defensive strength of their bodies, but the zombies under Liu Zhi are also similar.

  Ryuzhi does not need to specifically promote the status of these mummies.

  Now it’s different. Liu Zhi can see at a glance that these mummies in the arid zone are the most suitable for a horse, so he simply released all the mummies that had accumulated for more than ten years.

  At the same time, a large number of mummified heroes were released together.

  After all these years, the mummified heroes will be refreshed from time to time. With the existence of these heroes, Amanite easily controlled the mummified troops.

  When the two men faced each other, Amanite rushed out in a chariot.

  The mummified troops under Ryuzhi have been managed by Amanite from the beginning, so they have one of the biggest characteristics. They have the power of the sun.

  Although Ryuji no longer uses the sun divinity, Amanite still has a part of the sun divinity in his hands.

  After the mummies rushed out, the sun illuminates the enemy's plane for the first time.

  (End of this chapter)

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