Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1244: A strong enemy

  Chapter 1244 A strong enemy

  With plane awareness, secretly leading the way, Ushasi will naturally do things much smoother here.

  But Ushas is not Ryuzhi, she has no way to connect with plane consciousness, and plane consciousness can't directly appear in front of Ushas, ​​so there is no further connection here.

  Liu Zhi didn't know that something like this had happened here, and his attention was still on the void at this time.

   has already docked two planes at the same time, and Liu Zhi doesn't want to meet with one plane again.

  At this time, his attention was focused on the remaining planes, preventing the opponent from sending troops over, or directly connecting to a plane channel.

  Ryuzhi was right. In fact, after he connected the two planes at the same time, all the planes in this star field also understood Liu Zhi's plan.

  That is to fight with them, but they don't know whether Liu Zhi will stop after winning the two planes, or will swallow all the planes of this star field.

  So the leaders of all planes were there hesitating for a while.

  The planes with divine players are better. They can sense the situation of the two planes of Ryuzhi and being attacked at any time, and they can be judged by the battle situation here.

  The remaining planes were blinded. Some of their strongest strengths were at level 13 or 14, but they were stuck because they did not have divine nature.

  The absence of divinity is equivalent to the absence of a divine body. No matter how strong they are, their spiritual power cannot directly break through the plane.

  Those people who want to know the situation of other planes, can't directly scan the mental energy like Liu Zhi, and then they can perceive it.

  They want to know the situation, they must send a clone or come to the star field in person to watch the battle there.

  This is quite dangerous.

  But it’s not that there is no such courage. Liu Zhi noticed that on a plane, a figure appeared, and that figure was looking hard at him.

This discovery made Liu Zhi pay attention, and then he discovered that this was a level 14 player, his profession was a certain variant of the Necromancer, he was surrounded by a layer of death, and the route should be the same as that of Liu Zhi’s underworld. The ecosystem is very similar.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi’s underworld ecosystem transforms the natural ecosystem into the underworld, and that person completely turns himself into a walking nature changer. As long as he appears in one place, it will become the underworld or dead zone.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi took the long-term king's road, and this one took the short, flat, fast, and domineering road.

  It is precisely for this reason that before his strength reaches its peak, he has no way to communicate with plane consciousness.

  At the same time, it is precisely for this reason that his personality is that kind of domineering type, so he has no way to take the line of others and choose the divinity of other people. There are fewer and many ways he can choose the divinity.

  The most important thing is that because of his personality, he would not hide behind and watch. He stood directly on his own plane and looked at the battle on Ryuzhi's side openly.

  Liu Zhi glanced at this person, and he had a slight judgment on this person's situation in his heart, and the plane of this person and this person must be dealt with last.

  Otherwise, if you fight, you don’t know who swallowed whom.

  But when Ryuzhi thought so, this one didn't think so.

  After leaving his own plane, he saw the situation of Liu Zhi at a glance.

   "Transform the ecological environment of the underworld, a very interesting plane. This is what I like. I want this plane."

  After finishing this, this man actually retracted back. It seemed that he was going to prepare for the army.

  As soon as that person left, Liu Zhi felt the danger. Looking at the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi knew the other party's plan.

  "Is this planning to bring troops to attack my plane? It seems I really thought I was easy to deal with, shake people!"

  At this time, Liu Zhi also felt a certain amount of pressure, and he was relatively simple to deal with these two planes in front of him.

  But as soon as that person joins in, the situation becomes different.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally decided to mix up the water first to prevent that guy from having a chance to attack.

   "Isn't it just playing with things like the plague? I will do this too."

  Yiu Zhi guessed the opponent's means and began to deploy his own troops.

  Previously, Liu Zhi thought he could win this battle by relying on the accumulation of planes over the years.

  Now it seems that he still thinks a little bit too much, and it is really impossible to withstand the attacks of several planes at the same time with only one plane.

  Now is the time for other troops to come and help.

  Ryuzhi puts his mind into his portable space.

  In the past year and a half, there have been many more undead and buildings in his portable space.

  Yagiji’s magic tower was built here, along with a new soul-recruiting tower and a more powerful soul-relief tower.

  The undead passing through Liuzhi's space will all be suppressed by this soul-suppressing tower once. After the battle, all souls will return to Liuzhi's space for the first time.

  This method of forcibly dragging the soul back, in addition to the coordination of the soul-recalling tower and the soul-reducing tower, there is also the effect of the soul gem and space gem in Liu Zhi's hand.

  Yagiji started to mobilize the troops of several other ghost domains through the teleportation array in the portable space.

  The first group to be mobilized was the troops from that ghost domain in the exclusive game by Ryuzhi.

  This unit is all weird undead made in the decaying base.

  These undead are researched randomly. Some have a little strength, and some have no strength. The most important thing is that they are still quite large in number, and there is no way to deal with them at all.

  For a period of time, they could only be stored in the cell under the decaying base, throwing a little flesh and blood into it every day.

  Riu Zhi usually doesn't dare to release them, for fear that they will affect the restart of the game after they are released.

  It's different now.

  Liu Zhi needs a large number of undead troops to target other planes, and this time he also focuses on destruction first, and does not intend to control these undead through some heroes, then these undead will have a good place to go.

  Of course, because this ghost domain is in the game, the time for them to transit through the portable space will be slower.

   On the contrary, the speed at which the undead troops from other ghost domains in Liu Zhi mobilized was obviously much faster.

  A group of undead lizard troops transferred from the island ghost domain have now entered the plane of Id.

  Since Ryuzhi left the island ghost domain, the battle between here and the murlocs finally broke out. Even if the island ghost domain of Ryuzhi is far away from the main battlefield, he can receive a large number of murloc souls every day.

The soul tower on the island ghost domain naturally transforms these souls into the appearance of lizardmen. Now the number of lizardmen undead troops there is quite large, and there are too many places to use. When Ryuji shakes people, there is Naturally, they were all sent to Liu Zhi.

  (End of this chapter)

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