Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1257: Transform

  Chapter 1257 Transformation

  When the Lightman exploded, Laxia also seized the opportunity, changing from flying around the pyramid to attacking the Lightman.

  Raxia jumped down like this, and it happened to pounce on Guangren’s face.

  If it is normal, there are some ways that Guangren can deal with it, but now there is an explosion in Guangren's body, he has no time to stop Raxia's pounce.

  This allowed Laxia to successfully rush into the body of Lightman.

  The light man looks so big. In fact, his body is made up of white light. His real body is not as huge as imagined.

  After Rasha rushed into Kuangren's body, he felt the rays of light hurt from all directions.

But Rasha doesn’t care at all. He is a sun god, and light is also the most basic thing for him. The light itself can’t harm him. What really hurts him is the light man’s control of light. , So that this light has certain properties.

  The laser beams from the solar boat outside are to break the light man’s control of light.

  Raxia was flying in the body of Guangren, and every time he flew, his eyes would light up.

  This is exactly the characteristic of Laxia’s Eye. At this time, Laxia is flying in a white light, but he has been observing the situation of this light man.

  Following the use of Lightman’s power and the explosion scope inside the Lightman’s body, Laxia quickly locked a position on the Lightman’s body.

  There is a phantom of an eagle-headed human body there.

  This is where the light man's body lies, and everything in the light man is controlled here.

  Because of the explosion, this phantom is moving fast, changing the direction in which it hides.

  But his movement caused him to leave his safe position, which happened to fall into Rasha’s eyes.

After   Raxia locked the enemy, he did not directly pounce on it, but through his own contact, directing the solar ship's laser to launch.

  This time the laser no longer hits the diamond under the Lightman, but instead hits the body of the Lightman.

  Under the guidance of Laxia, these lasers formed a laser net, trapping the eagle-headed figure inside.

  The eagle-headed figure realized that he was locked by someone at this time.

  He didn't care about controlling the Lightman, so he drew a spear and prepared for melee combat.

  At this moment, Laxia flew into the sky, and as he flew higher and higher, the light in the bare human body began to move closer to him.

Originally, these rays were not produced by the eagle-headed figure. He just controlled these rays to form the body he is currently using. Now that the person who is temporarily unable to control the rays of light, Rasha has the authority to take away the control of these rays. right.

  The rays of light chased Laxia and flew into the sky.

  After hovering in the sky, Rasha rushed down to the top of the bare man's head.

As he rushed down, the rays of light around him had turned into a huge spear. The spear used Laxia’s body as its spear. The more it rushed down, the more solid it became. In the end it turned into A real spear, even the patterns on it are revealed.

  The eagle head figure did not expect to encounter such an attack, he had to lift his hand up, and a shield with the sun pattern appeared in his hand.

  As soon as the shield was taken out, a smile appeared in Laxia's eyes.

   "This is what we are waiting for."

  In the next instant, all the solar boats fired lasers again, which happened to hit the diamond. This time the attack caused the diamond to fluctuate again.

  Then the diamond was blown out from the top of the pyramid.

   Losing the diamond, the connection between the light man and the pyramid disappears. The original huge light man disappears like a bubble, leaving only the eagle head figure standing in the air.

  There is no protection such as refraction and reflection of human beings, and the eagle-headed figure is no longer in the semi-virtual state before.

  In Rasha’s eyes, he was an eagle-headed mummy carrying a buckler.

  It's just that his movement of holding the buckler is obviously a bit wrong, and the buckler is constantly drawing his power.

  This is exactly Laxia’s judgment, and this judgment appeared the moment Laxia released his spear.

  When he controlled the light to rush down, it automatically formed such a spear of light. There is no reason why the light man who has been in control for so long does not have a similar weapon.

  Raxia guessed that the opponent not only has such a weapon, but the power should not be weaker than the spear in his hand.

  If you want to control such a weapon, you need a lot of light. Before you become the light of the sun god, there is only one source of light, and that is the pyramid below.

  So breaking the connection between the opponent and the pyramid is equivalent to letting the opponent use his own life to activate the weapon.

  Now what Lasha saw was all of this. The eagle-headed mummy had an idea in her heart. She wanted to hold the round shield, but lost her strength, and some couldn't hold the shield.

  The flaw also fell into La Xia's eyes. La Xia flashed away and pierced into the opponent's body with a spear.

  This spear just missed the shield's defense range, and easily pierced into the position of that person's brow.

  The spear pierced down, and a golden-yellow oil-like liquid spewed from the body of the eagle-headed mummy.

  When these liquids were sprayed out, Laxia smelled a strong divine smell from above.

   "God blood?"

  Raxia didn't rush forward in a hurry, but flew up a little bit, so that the blood of the gods did not get on her body.

  After the blood spurted out, the body of the eagle-headed mummy quickly dried up.

  If he was still a mummy before, with some dry muscles on his body, then now he is completely a skeleton soldier covered with a layer of skin, and there is no trace of flesh and blood on his body.

  At the same time, his movements have also become much slower, and the hand holding the shield is obviously out of control.

   Seeing such a situation, Laxia was not in a hurry to shoot at this person. He shot the spear on his hand and rushed down.

  Raxia's flight speed was not slow, and she caught the flying diamond in an instant.

  As soon as he received the diamond, Laxia's body began to change, and the things resembling the sun's divinity stored in the diamond began to be injected into his body.

  Raxia understood that this was the effect of leaving the pyramid, and the divinity stored in the diamond was somewhat out of control.

  However, Laxia was prepared. After introducing these sun divinities into his body, he did not rely on the pyramid to transform the power inside like the light man, but began to fly to the west.

  While flying, Rasha began to enter the meditation state of Rasha’s Eye.

  The idea is different from that of the light man. Even if it is the transformation of the sun’s divine nature, it must be controlled in his own hands, rather than waiting for transformation in the pyramid.

  (End of this chapter)

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