Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1259: The battle here is not easy

   Chapter 1259 The battle here is not easy

  It is precisely because of the identity of the clone, La Xia did not rush to take that step with his divinity. Liu Zhi is only at level 13 now. He wants to get out of this step, so he has to wait until after Liu Zhi is level 15.

  But now is definitely not the time to waste the sun divinity. After Laxia absorbed this sun divinity, he began to let the sun divinity run on its own in the body.

  Now he can’t raise his level to myth level, but Lasha can first use the sun’s divinity to transform into a mythical body.

  In this way, after Liu Zhi upgrades to the myth level, it is much easier for him to upgrade.

  Raxia began to transform, and the pyramid under him also began to undergo some changes.

  As the pyramid began to glow, a temperature belonging to the sun began to spread from here.

Before that, the mummies surrounding this side were immediately shocked. At first, when Rasha fought the light people, they couldn’t fly up. When Rasha beat the eagle-headed mummies, they couldn’t help either. come.

  Now that Rasha has finished controlling the pyramid, they can finally fly over.

  But what's the use of them flying over, the pyramid shone dazzling light, and directly enveloped them.

  The solar boat nearby is nothing. On the one hand, the attribute of the solar boat itself is the attribute of the sun, and it is also very suitable for the situation on the pyramid side. On the other hand, Laxia has controlled the pyramid sun.

  The mummies that turned into yellow sand are different. They are not solar attributes, nor are they under Laxia's. Under the attack of the sun, they melt like wax on a flame.

  Looking at the black ash falling in the sky, Liu Zhi smiled calmly.

   "Okay, the sun on this plane is ours, ready to attack."

  "Has taken it down?" Amanite also felt the situation inside. She just didn't expect that Laxia would take the sun down in such a short time.

   "We have prepared a lot. All my solar boats have been released. It is normal that there will be such a result in the end."

  Amarnet also knew it, but she was still a little unwilling in her heart. She really missed this opportunity, or she could really win a divinity ahead of time.

"Don't think too much, that player also has divinity in him. It should be a death, a water, and the divinity of water. I definitely don't want it. If you can grab it, you can deal with it yourself. Of course, I also have a channel here. You can find the sea king. I’ll change it for you, change a sun or a desert."

   "I will find a way, and this star field has so many planes, there must be other sun divinities."

  Listening to Amanite’s words, Ryuuji raised his head and glanced at the sky.

  His gaze saw the star wall of the plane and the star field.

  Just as Amarnet said, there are other planes in this star field, and there must be a sun divinity in it.

  But the problem is that if Liu Zhi swallows this plane now, he can't mess around. If messed up, he will face attacks from seven or eight planes at the same time.

Liu Zhi hasn't reached that level. After he swallows this plane, he may need to digest it, and wait for the completion of the Elf Plane. The three planes are combined into a large plane. After his strength is raised to the myth level. , He has the capital to attack seven or eight planes at the same time.

  Ryuzhi is not working now, he needs to wait a little longer.

  With such thoughts, Ryuzhi glanced at Amnett.

   "Shall we start attacking now?"

  Amanett looked at Yanagi's gaze and asked curiously.

  At this time, Ryuzhi put his chin on his hand and said, “Amanite, you don’t seem to have such a personality before. You always had your own ideas before. Was it because participating in the battle was affected?”

  Amarnet only realized that she seemed to have been affected in the battle with the Murloc Empire.

  When participating in the battle of the Murloc Empire, she always accepted tasks, accepted orders from others, and completed the battle as required.

  In this way, although the fight went smoothly, her attention was limited to one point in many cases, and her grasp of the battle situation was lost, and her spirituality was also lost.

  Thinking of this, Amanite's face also turned pale.

   "I know what to do."

"Well, I'll leave it to you again. Don't worry, the sun in the sky is ours now. He wants to become a flood here, and there are others waiting, even if it becomes a flood, we There are also underwater troops, so don't be afraid of losses, you just shoot yourself here, remember, to beat out your spirituality.

  Don’t want me to come here again, and take a new divine go from your hand. "

   Lost the opportunity to obtain the sun's divinity, Amanite was already quite depressed, how could she miss other divinities anymore.

  Thinking of this, Amnet’s eyes are full of excitement.

   "I have no problem here, but the troops..."

  "All the mummified troops will be given to you, and I will transfer half of the spider troops to you. If there is a flood, you can take the new fleet, and you can also use the lizardman undead troops."

   "I can't control it alone. I need three legions, plus scattered heroes."

  Amanette made his request all at once.

  "The preparation can be given to you, and the hero needs to be found by yourself. Then, I will give you a special tavern. They are all new heroes. You can use them first."

  Amanette thought for a moment, "How long have I?"

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at this plane, "It can grow so long that you can't stand it."

   "It doesn't need to be that long. Give me ten years. Within ten years, I will definitely strike down this plane."

Liu Zhi looked at Armanet: "You better be careful yourself. You know, the player on the opposite side is likely to take that step at any time. If he takes that step, I will come over and take over. The battle here."

"Don't worry, I have a way, and I am improving. It can be said that I have found a way forward. As long as my strength is enough, I can attack that step. Maybe I will be one step ahead of you. Mythical level."

   Regarding Amanite’s words, Ryuzhi only believed halfway. If she had found the way, she wouldn’t be angry because Laxia had robbed her of her sun divinity.

  But Ryuzhi didn't tell the matter, he just glanced at Amanite, and then handed some authority to Amanite.

  Finally, when Ryuzhi was about to return to his plane, he also reminded Amanite.

  "If necessary, please feel free to contact Rasha. The battle here is not that simple."

  (End of this chapter)

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