Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1291: Features of the corpse

  Chapter 1291 The characteristics of the corpse

Regarding the corpse, Liu Zhi had seen it many years ago, and what he saw was not the myth-level corpse in front of him. He saw the true-god-level corpse, which is not right. That should be regarded as the true **** in sleep. .

  So for this kind of corpse, which is only more than a hundred meters long, Liu Zhi didn't pay attention to it at all.

  The corpse of the **** was soaked in the water, lying flat on the surface of the sea, underneath it were islands and reefs piled up of debris from various ships, so that the corpse would not completely sink to the seabed.

  When seeing this corpse, Liu Zhi flashed a thought in his mind.

That's it?

Fortunately, Liu Zhi is the kind of stable person. He didn't point out that this **** corpse could turn himself into an island like the corpse of the harvest goddess Demeter the last time he saw. He just came to study the corpse.

  The most important thing is that he needs to know whether this kind of mythical corpse will be affected in the God Abandoned Sea.

  Looking at the corpse from a distance, Liu Zhi had a certain judgment in his heart.

  This is the corpse of a player. Although he has worked very hard to integrate himself into the world, his equipment is quite weird.

It can be seen that his equipment is composed of three different sets of equipment. Although he has worked very hard to unify the style, there are too many things in it with visual conflicts, which make people feel at first glance. It can be seen that this product is wrong.

  Ryuzhi did not go up directly. He waved his hand and drove two small boats from the Adariyat, sending a group of undead to the vicinity of the corpse.

  Liu Zhi was there to observe the actions of the undead. They would take some materials from the corpse and return, and let Liu Zhi judge the condition of the corpse.

  What Ryuzhi now wants to judge is actually what level this person is, what route he took before, how much he died, what influence he was here, and whether there is any possibility of resurrection.

  However, Liu Zhi did not expect that the ships could not approach the corpse more than 100 meters away.

   On the body, a powerful breath gushed out. Although the breath was rigid and rigid, the mythical breath was still there, preventing all ordinary people or ordinary undead from approaching.

   "Can't ordinary undead be approached?"

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and his thumb opened the index finger of his right hand. Then he flipped his hand and a gem fell into his hand. A drop of blood dripped from the index finger of his right hand and merged into the gem.

  This is a method that Ryuuji usually makes divine gems. He has made many mythical gems by this method.

  It can be said that more than 80% of the places that need mythical gems in his territory use this kind of gems.

  However, this time Ryuzhi did not make the last move. As long as he made the last move and held the gem in the palm of his hand, the quality of the gem would stabilize and it could be used in the end.

  It's different now. Liu Zhi lifted his hand and threw the gem with his blood on the corpse easily with his strength.

  The moment the gem fell on the corpse, Liu Zhi heard a pop.

  He found that the gem he threw out was broken, and the drop of blood in it disappeared.

   "Sure enough."

  Looking at this situation, Liu Zhi had a judgment in his mind.

  He has already seen that, although the player is dead and the corpse is thrown here, he has not given up his plan to resurrect himself.

  He used his corpse as a bait to prevent ordinary people from approaching his body, but allowed the divine person to pass.

  As long as people with divinity touch his body, the divinity in them will be absorbed by the corpse. These divinities will become the power for the corpse to maintain, and perhaps eventually become the power for his resurrection.

  I believe that this is not only Liu Zhi, but even the divine masters passing by can see it.

  It is precisely for this reason that most of the divine beings will not approach this corpse.

  However, Liu Zhi has always wondered about one thing. The reason why this corpse will become like this is because God abandoned the sea, or because the player did his hands and feet before his death.

  Thinking about it, Liu Zhi decided to use this corpse for an experiment.

  Of course, he did not intend to approach the corpse. The situation in front of him is so obvious. He is not a fool. He can naturally see that as long as he approaches, his power will be absorbed by this player.

  Although he can control his power to prevent it from losing, what if something goes wrong?

  Ryuzhi didn't want to run in vain this time, and even lost all of his divinity.

  So Liu Zhi needs to experiment. At least he needs to know whether this characteristic is the characteristic of God's Abandoned Sea Area or that of the player.

  Want to know this is not too difficult for Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi took out his wand, and did not use the balance behind him, he directly pointed at the corpse and made an action.

  After completing this action, Liu Zhi asked the Adariyat to circle the corpse.

  The corpse didn't react. After all, the other party was already dead. As long as the divine creature didn't touch the corpse, it wouldn't cause him to react.

  Yagiji took advantage of this characteristic to do his own thing slowly.

  He concentrated all the power of his necromancer on the staff, and let the Adariyat lead herself around the corpse.

  After making two turns, Ryuzhi brought the Adariyat to a stop.

  "Very well, it depends on whether you can succeed or not. Open it, the gate of the underworld."

  Under the order of Liu Zhi, the underworld gate of this world was opened, but it was different from the normal underworld gate. The normal gate was upright, but the underworld gate in front of him was laid flat under the corpse.

  At the moment when the gate of the underworld was opened, Liu Zhi heard a dog barking.

  This world is dominated by Greek mythology, so the three-headed dog of **** next to Pluto also exists. He usually guards the gate of the underworld and is also a mythical existence.

  Liu Zhi really wanted to know, when this corpse fell into the underworld, would it still be able to absorb the divinity of other people as he now shows.

  Liu Zhi looked at the corpse slowly falling into the gate of the underworld driven by a large amount of seawater, with a hint of thought in his heart.

  At this time, he has already flew up, flying to the top of the gate of the underworld, watching every move below.

The three-headed **** dog below    was yelling excitedly, he had already smelled the mythical smell of this corpse.

  Although the existence of the myth level is not something he can condemn, it shouldn’t be a problem to take two bites before the corpse is transported away.

  (End of this chapter)

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