Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1312: Plane to Underworld

  Chapter 1312 The plane changes to the underworld

  After exiting the game, Liu Zhi returned to the plane of Ide in an instant.

  When Liu Zhi returned to the plane, the entire star field felt the aura of Liu Zhi, and everyone felt that Liu Zhi had successfully consecrated the gods.

  For this situation, the divine beings in the star field are a little speechless. They have found their way for a long time, but they have no guts to take the last step.

  Unexpectedly, Liu Zhi just came here, he took this step.

  And he also raised his strength to level 17.

  This is a terrible thing.

  You must know that the strongest here now is only level 14. Before Liu Zhi could fight a lot of planes on a single plane, now with his strength, he can directly sweep everything.

  But the more this happened, the more stable Liu Zhi became.

  After returning to the Ide plane, Liu Zhi did not attack other planes.

  It's not that Liu Zhi didn't want to expand his territory.

  He wants to absorb all the nearby planes into his own plane like Netherlight Underworld.

  Ryuzhi, who has become the **** of death now, needs a underworld of his own.

  For example, Ide Underworld is a good name.

  But it is not a simple matter to change the plane of Id into the underworld.

  Yagiji takes a lot of time to make the final adjustment.

  At least he needs to let the plane of Id evolve again according to his ideas.

  And adjusting all of this will take a long time, and it may not be conceivable for Yanagi to grow up.

   But Ryuzhi did it anyway.

  After returning to the plane of Ide, Liu Zhi entered the palace of the underworld.

  He just sat down in the Scarab Secret Hall, and the big tree behind Liu Zhi appeared on the spot.

  The big tree has changed from a virtual state to a solid, and it has begun to grow rapidly.

  The core location of the big tree is Ryuzhi’s first Hades. The roots grow towards the underworld of the Id plane, while the trunk part grows in the real world part of the Id plane.

After   , the plane of Id began to separate into layers.

  The plane of Id was centered on the giant tree from Liu Zhihua. The earth began to shatter, and the plane began to merge into the tree.

  Osman, who has reached the level of mythology, also helped.

  At this time, Osman flew his new body to the plane of Id along with the fragments of the original plane of the elves.

  Unlike Ottoman, Amanite and Lasha happened to be on the plane of Id, and they also acted at the same time.

  Both of them have now stepped out of mythical level.

  As soon as Ryuzhi came back, they felt it.

  Liu Zhi did not let them immediately participate in the transformation of the plane of Ide.

  Instead, let the two of them cooperate with Osman to drag the elven plane fragments here.

  This can be regarded as the new beginning of Ryuzhi's transformation of the plane of Id. Whether I can grow up behind the plane of Id depends on the action of this step.

  As Ryuji and his avatar shot, the fragments of the Elven Plane approached the Id Plane at a faster speed.

  Osman saw the giant tree that had grown up from a distance, and he clearly felt the energy and rules contained in the giant tree.

  Osman itself has actually become a big tree on the side of the elves, so Ryuzhi did not require that the fragments of the elven plane must be integrated into his Ide plane.

  His requirement for this elven plane is only to integrate into the system of the plane of Id, instead of being far away from the plane of Id as before.

  This requirement is actually very reasonable. After the big tree of the Elf plane got close to the Id plane, it stopped near the Id plane.

  Then the big tree began to grow towards the plane of Id, and the roots of the tree directly hit the plane of Id.

  This process is slow, but very stable.

  When Liu Zhi found out, at least three tree roots had grown on the plane of Ide.

When    discovered this situation, Liu Zhi was also surprised.

  He knew very well that the big tree of this elven plane was the foundation of Ottoman becoming a god. If it were him, he would definitely not make such a choice.

  But Osman made this choice easily and executed it quite decisively.

  You can see what Osman thought when he made this choice.

  For such an arrangement, Liu Zhi will definitely not refuse.

  He controlled his big tree and made the final adjustments to the plane of Id.

  In Ryuzhi's plan, the Ide plane will be centered on the Hades, divided into two parts, the ground and the underground.

  Both parts take the environment of the underworld ecosphere, but the above ground part is more realistic and dominated by harvest power, while the underground part is more of the undead, dominated by death power.

  On the ground, Liu Zhi is going to be divided into eight floors, the underground is divided into nine floors, plus the original real-world ground floor, the total is 18 floors.

  Riu Zhi at each level does not plan to make some arrangements, just let these worlds develop on their own.

  Of course, judging from the current situation of Ryuzhi, it is quite good that the plane of Id can complete the ground floor and the first layer above the ground in the real world. As for the underground people, the underworld of the plane of Id is only one level in size for the time being.

  Liuzhi will need a lot of plane fragments or planes to expand his territory.

  Ryuzhi estimated that in the past, he wanted to initially establish his own Ide underworld. He would need at least ten medium-sized or three large-scale planes.

  And like the plane fragments sent by Osman, at least hundreds of them will do.

  Moreover, this is only initially completed. After completion, the underworld will expand further, and Liu Zhi's strength will increase.

  It can be said that after turning the plane into the underworld, Liu Zhi's demand for the plane will not end.

  In the end, he may also become like the Netherworld, while facing several planes with mythical players.

   began to devour other planes little by little to strengthen himself.

  For such a thing, Liu Zhi has no regrets at all.

This is the only way for him to follow. Whether he can step out of the level 20 level in the future, and whether he can stand up a power alone like the big men of the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group, it depends on this time. Can he go on.

  Ryuzhi has made plans. He is ready to lay the foundation here first, and then think of a way to shoot two or three planes.

  For these planes to be swallowed, Liu Zhi didn't plan to drag them directly into his Ide plane in one go.

  In that case, he has to slowly digest the plane and transform the territory attributes he swallowed in.

  Yagiji intends to change the attributes of the plane through some means when dragging the plane over, and slowly assimilate that plane.

  When swallowing the opponent's plane in this way, the plane can be easily integrated into the plane of Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi estimated that this time will save about three to fifty years.

  (End of this chapter)

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