Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1314: Projection-level clone

  Chapter 1314 Projection-class clone

   After confessing the matter, Liu Zhi sent them away. These players did not realize that, among them, three new players who were not very eye-catching were mixed in.

  Because the player has a higher chance of death in battle, and at the same time, the player will upgrade relatively quickly before level 5. Some players have reached level 4 after only two games.

  So it is normal for players to be less familiar with each other.

  No one cares about the extra ones.

  What they care about is the game they are about to face.

  These players don't know that the extra ones are clones made by Liu Zhi through some means.

  Of course, this is not the same as the avatar of Liu Zhi before. After reaching the mythical level, he can make a avatar like projection at will.

These clones are not so closely related to the deity. They are usually no different from normal people and do not have too much contact with Liu Zhi, but when Liu Zhi needs it, he can directly put his own power over. Control these clones.

  It feels like a game character who hangs up by himself. When Yanji really needs it, he can take over the control of this character at any time.

  The three players mixed in the crowd of players and left quickly.

  Their profession is the same as those of the players, they are relatively simple, for example, one of these three is an official Necromancer.

  He is different from the necromancer like Liu Zhi who took the wrong route and added the wrong point. He took the route of the orthodox necromancer.

  Compared to Liu Zhi, he is more like a real necromancer, and a wild necromancer who can live no matter where he is.

  He has a good command ability, which is like a necromancer hero. At the same time, he also has a good research ability. He can use the simplest flesh and blood and corpses to make the simplest undead troops.

  It can be said that no matter what kind of situation he encounters, he can produce an undead army at any time, and quickly enter the battle.

  Although this undead unit is the same as other undead units, there are strict restrictions on the number and number of teams, but his troops can be constantly replenished. Under such circumstances, he will not have the chance to be defeated.

  And such a Necromancer player is the most common state among the Necromancer players currently under Liu Zhi.

  After all, for the players, Liu Zhi didn't give them much.

  Ryuzhi himself has only a few taverns, and every hero produced in the taverns is an important target of Ryuzhi's attention.

  Whether it is used to manage the city, or used to join the legion, Liu Zhi will only think that there are fewer heroes, how can he be too many heroes.

  So the average player cannot recruit heroes at all.

  For other professional players, it doesn’t matter whether there are heroes or not.

   But for the Necromancer, if there are no heroes, they can only manage the Necromancer by themselves.

  In this way, it brought another direction for the development of Necromancer.

  Currently, the players of the Necromancer under Liu Zhi, except for some of the route of the underworld ecosystem, most of them are following this route.

  Liu Zhi subdivided the two types of necromancers. Liu Zhi who walks in the underworld ecosystem is called the necromancer, and the one who walks in the wild necromancer is called the wild wizard by Liu Zhi.

   Liu Zhi will be more concerned about the selection of the underworld mage, after all, he is on the same path as him.

But for the selection of the wild mage, Liu Zhi didn’t care so much, because he took the route of the necromancer, and his leading position was also in the underworld ecological circle, so let them not take the route of the necromancer. what.

  So what kind of path the wild mage took, Liu Zhi would definitely not ask much.

  Now he even arranged a clone of the projection line to go in and let him follow the route of the wild mage.

  In this way, it also reflects Liu Zhi's requirements for the development of players.

  The other two avatars are the display of other routes of Ryuzhi.

  One of them is clearly a player who has just been directly produced by Liu Zhi and sneaked into the crowd, but everyone believes that he is an old player who has existed for at least a year and a half and has experienced three games.

   And he is usually quite high-profile. When he leaves the game, he always goes to the Beka Sword Hall to study.

  So he can be regarded as a relatively ‘famous’ among the players, at least his profession and his swordsmanship are quite unique.

  According to the ‘player’, he is preparing to change his job as a vampire after level 5 and become a vampire with a thin stinging sword.

  In fact, this is not Liu Zhi’s inheritance of Dark Night Stabbing, but an influence action for other players.

  This kind of high-profile existence can leave a certain image among the players. Then the other two usually inconspicuous players appear, and the players will naturally have no doubts.

  Only in this way, these projections arranged by Liu Zhi will be integrated into the players. They can form teams, make friends, join forces, or move forward alone.

  Liu Zhi needs to use this method to slowly guide these hundreds of players.

  Don’t let them lose themselves in the game again and again, forget what they came from, and forget what Ryuzhi asked them.

  With their slow influence inside, Ryuzhi believes that these players will walk step by step to the plane designated by Sandru.

  As long as this path goes through, things will become smoother in the future, and Liu Zhi can use this method to control the players one by one.

  In this way, the players will become the assistants of Liu Zhi's, and at the same time, they will grow up slowly. Perhaps one day, Liu Zhi can bring them to the level of myth.

  The last player is a leader-shaped player specially arranged by Ryuzhi.

  Of course, because of the sudden incident, Liu Zhi could not arrange a better identity for him, so he could only arrange this as a more enthusiastic player.

  This kind of enthusiastic personality is relatively rare among players under Liu Zhi.

  Because the sources of most of the players under Liu Zhi are creatures of the underworld, they are affected by the breath of the underworld, and their bodies are considered semi-dead.

  Although their bodies will not rot and have enough vitality, their hearts are mostly cold.

  It’s okay to let them hug, but it’s quite difficult to really get them enthusiastic.

  So Liu Zhi made some settings for this player, setting him to be the kind of weird who is eager to help others, but most of the players do not understand him, and are unwilling to communicate with him.

  In this way, without changing the persona, he can slowly draw in some players who are willing to join his team.

  (End of this chapter)

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