Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1328: Changes in the Logan Plane

  Chapter 1328 The Change of Logan's Plane

  Liu Zhi did not expect that he would be so popular. For the invitation of the myth-level boss of the elves, Liu Zhi also hesitated. He could not see the relationship between Betsy and these people.

   Say they are a god, they don’t look like it.

   Say they are a government, they don’t look like it.

As for their online and offline relationship, it is even more impossible. Although the strength of these mythical ranks is not as high as that of Betsy, they have reached the mythical rank. He can see from the exchanges between them. Come out, they should be equal and opposed.

  This model makes Yanagi feel a little weird.

   After thinking for a while, he finally thought that this should be the unique pattern of Logan's Plane.

  After all, the Logan A plane is a plane for players to transfer and concentrate.

  Only the number of players on this plane exceeds the number of normal planes by ten times.

  If there are players on the southern swamp plane, there may be about three to four hundred thousand players, then the number of players on this plane should be close to ten million.

  That's why there will be a main city built specifically for players.

It is also for this reason that Betsy, as the main **** of Logan's Plane, cannot manage so many players, and he has no way to make all the players have one mind. Naturally, giving up part of the benefits has become his main goal. select.

At the same time, Liu Zhi also noticed that when he was communicating with Betsy, Betsy had something to jump over to talk about. Liu Zhi wondered whether this Logan A plane was not the player’s transfer station at the beginning, but because This is how Betsy took the route.

  If this is the case, it means that Betsy is not actually relaxing the control of the Logan A plane, but he knows what he wants.

  So does he have other ways to control the gods in his plane?

  Yagiji couldn't help but become curious.

   So Liu Zhi agreed to the invitation of the myth-level elven clan boss, and promised to wait and take a look at the elven continent.

  Liu Zhi agreed, and the myth-level boss of the undead system also looked at Liu Zhi.

   "Oh, do you want to come and see me, I found that the power of the undead in you and the power of nature have reached a balance. Is this your own way out?"

   "Yes, since my original foundation, I have been walking on the road of balance. There may be some detours in the middle, but in the end this path is the most suitable for me."

When the undead gods heard about Liu Zhi’s situation, he also became interested in Liu Zhi’s situation. He said to Liu Zhi, “I don’t think you are in a hurry. Do you want to sit down on my continent? This is a clone, there are many things that can't be discussed. When you come to me, I will let the deity take a moment to meet you."

  Because both parties are at the myth level, and Liu Zhi's strength is stronger than that of the undead gods, so they have an attitude of communicating with each other.

  Yagiji did not lower his position.

  Liu Zhi just got along with them on an equal footing. The elf first asked him to come and have a look, so Liu Zhi agreed to wait for him to come out from the elf continent before going to the undead continent to take a look.

  For Liu Zhi's answer, the undead mythical leader is not surprised.

If Liu Zhi is still at level 14, he may be very angry. If Liu Zhi is at level 15 or 16, he may be dissatisfied, but it is different now. Liu Zhi is at level 17. He is right no matter what he does. of.

  Liu Zhi can make an appointment for the time to pass. That is quite a shame. He can no longer force Liu Zhi to offend another mythical rank for him.

  After agreeing to several invitations, these mythical players also left in twos and threes.

Naturally, Betsy left last. He left a mark on Ragiji. With this mark, Ryuji can move freely on the plane of Logan'a without being affected. At the same time, he can move on the plane of Logan'a. Move your own supernatural power in the plane, and do things that normal players can't do.

  For example, teleportation, or some mythical skills and so on.

  However, Liu Zhi believes that this mark is a mark for him, so that when he commits acts of sabotaging Logan's plane, someone will find out and stop him.

  Think about this kind of thing Yanagi can understand.

  Only before Logan’a plane had three mythical murlocs who suddenly appeared, almost swallowing the entire plane.

  If Logan'a can't pass by the myth-level players pay attention, then they are really stupid.

On the contrary, it is like this. As soon as the myth level appears, I come over to say hello. All myth levels appear, show their muscles, and finally put a mark on them so that people can move freely in this Luoganga. This is what it is. The most reasonable thing.

  Riuzhi believes that with this mark, even if one or two mythical murlocs appear, they may not be able to drag a murloc empire.

   By the way, when he got this mark, Liu Zhi also got a coordinate.

The coordinate of    is that Bezit is somewhere on the Logan A plane. According to Betsy, there is a game channel for mythical players to enter and exit the game. The entire Logan A plane is just one place.

  For this, Liu Zhi believes. After all, after the myth level, he actually needs to participate in the game. You can't just let your clone play a game and stay outside.

  But the number of games that can put mythical players into it is few after all.

  Not to mention other things, that is, the game volume must be large, and it must be able to accommodate multiple mythical players.

  This kind of game is often a huge existence of the entire star field at the beginning.

  At that time, a dozen may be the destruction of a planet.

And the guidance of this kind of game definitely consumes a lot of energy. Ryuzhi believes that if he gets such a thing and he wants to enter the game, then at least he needs to stop other players from entering the game and concentrate the energy of the plane of Id. It will take a while to get enough.

  The plane of his house can do this, but Logan's Plane can't do it here. Logan's Plane is famous because it doesn't pick players.

  As long as the players have a way to guide, they can use the game teleportation array at will.

   is at most handing in something.

   But if you want to enter the game for the myth-level boss, just send the game to stop and have a look.

  In minutes, the Logan A plane will be abandoned, and no foreign players will enter here again.

   Therefore, Liu Zhi is willing to believe that there is a teleportation array dedicated to myth-level players.

  But whether this teleportation formation would be used by Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi didn't even think about it. He guessed that this was just a means by Betsy, in order to prove to him how powerful Rogan's plane was.

  (End of this chapter)

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