Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1332: Elves' choice

   Chapter 1332 The Elves' Choice

  The big elves quickly prepared these young elves and sent them all into the game.

  Liu Zhi looked at the movements of the big elves, and couldn’t help asking more, “Did you add V to them?”

   "Yes, generally speaking, for the first batch of each profession, I will give them some privileges, at least they can quickly get out of the game."

  Yuzhi realized it at a glance. This is the hope that the characteristics of the profession can be determined in a short time.

  If it weren’t for this, who would spend a lot of money to open VIP permissions for some novice players?

  This caused Liu Zhi to have some interest. The reason why he stayed and did not rush to the Undead Continent was because the big wizard said that he could see the answer quickly.

  The situation here is exactly the same. It only takes more than a day, and the result of whether or not it can become a professional can come out. Then why not wait for Ryuzhi.

   So Yanagi just waited here.

  While waiting, Liu Zhi began to communicate with his own plane through the portable space in his hand.

  Although he was farther away, the contact with Liu Zhi would not be interrupted. All kinds of things could be contacted by letter. Soon some orders were passed on from Liu Zhi.

  Looking at what Liu Zhi was doing there, the big wizard was a little surprised.

  "Don't you have a doppelganger specializing in political affairs?"

   "Yes, but he has recently gone out to improve his strength, and all political affairs have fallen on me."

  Naturally, what Ryuzhi said was Sandro. He had already planned that when several of his clones had grown up, he would release other clones in the future.

  One day passed quickly, and only then did Liu Zhi deal with the backlog of work on his hands. The big wizard ran over to inform Liu Zhi that the players who entered the game had come out.

  Ryuzhi followed there and took a look.

  He discovered that the elf that came out this time had changed from a young elf to an adult elf.

  Not all elves have successfully become players in their posts. Among the 100 elves, a total of 89 have survived, but only less than 30 have successfully found their jobs.

  This is normal for Liu Zhi. Think about Sandro at the beginning. It was because of three consecutive unsuccessful appointments that Liu Zhi took advantage of the loophole.

  This situation is relatively normal.

  Liu Zhi and the big elves called the twenty-eight elves one by one to inquire.

  Yiu Zhi didn't do much, just watching the actions of the big elves from behind.

  Elf bosses go to check the career choices of those elves one by one.

  This kind of thing Ryuzhi can also do to the undead players in the plane of Id, but he has never done it.

  In Ryuzhi's view, after becoming a player, the relationship between them will change, and the previous methods can no longer be used to treat these undead.

  Unexpectedly, the big elves didn’t think so. From his point of view, he regarded all these young elves as his own children. He looked at them as if the teacher checked homework directly.

  In addition to these elves who have already taken office, he also checked those who have not taken office.

  The incumbent is checking the choices of the elves, recording the direction they are heading, and checking which combination the elves suddenly choose.

On the side of the unemployed elves, what they found was the reason why they did not find a job, in order to change their job plan and make some responses.

  Liu Zhi looked at the big elven boss and analyzed it there by himself, and felt the big boss's ability to some extent.

Among the 28 elven players who have already taken up their posts, Liu Zhi found a very strange thing. The elves didn’t seem to like the direction of skeletons. Among the 28 professional players, only one chose the transformation of the direction of skeletons. .

  In the rest, there are seven walking zombies, eleven walking ghosts, and nine walking other routes.

  Among the nine elf players who took other routes, only one chose to take the mummy route, and the remaining eight all chose the blood race route.

  Ryuzhi suspected that when these elves chose a route, they definitely did not look at which route was strong, but which route was handsome to choose.

  Yiuzhi guessed this way because he didn’t understand these elves.

  The big elves know the elves quite well, and he is not surprised at their choice like this, but he said to the elves there.

  "Tell me, what do you think about the four changes, none of you choose to change bears, and only two of you choose to become wolves. Do you think that physical attacks are not important, and close combat is not important?

  It’s true that we are elves, but the professions of elves can’t be limited to long-range shooters, sword dancers, and mages.

  We also need to have heavy equipment, as well as frontal attack forces.

  You don’t choose bears, how will you get out of tanks in the future? No one will stand up to it. Do you think that the sword dancers can be attacked by cavalry?

  You don’t choose when the wolf is not good. In this way, we don’t have an assault force. In the end, what do we use when confronting the enemy’s cavalry, the Unicorn Knights or the Pegasus Knights?

  Those are all high-level arms, will they be wasted on the cannon fodder? "

  Speaking of this, the big elves pointed at them and cursed again, and then pointed at those elves who had not succeeded in taking up their posts.

"You guys will listen to me, next time I will send you to the dungeon, your target is only one, zombie-oriented bears, skeletonized wolves, these two changes, I will see at least 30 people, if No, then you will start all over again.

  Anyway, there are some elves who are willing to participate in the experiment, not less than a hundred of you. "

  Hearing this, all the elves shrank their heads.

  It can be seen that the elf boss is really angry this time, otherwise he would not directly point out what kind of career he needs.

  And most importantly, the big elves simply sent those elves that hadn’t succeeded in the game again.

  You should know that even if you have not succeeded in finding a job, you should take a break outside the game to restore your mood after you quit the game.

  But now the big elves didn't give them any chance at all, so they just let them out.

  After sending in all the elves who hadn’t taken a job, the elven boss brought the twenty-eight elves into another place.

  He wants to analyze the situation of these elves now, design weapons and equipment for these elves, design professional skills and so on. There are also a batch of druids under the elves, and some of their skills can be used.

  And Ryuzhi also has a certain understanding of the druid profession, so he quickly joined in, at least this can let himself learn something.

  (End of this chapter)

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