Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1349: Hapless enemy

   Chapter 1349 Unlucky Enemy

   "It's no wonder he needs so much death divinity, he wants to play a big one."

  Ryuzhi asked about the identities of several other people, and found that they were all famous figures in Krum City.

  There is even a legend that he exists in the same age as Pluto, but Pluto has stepped onto the level of mythology one step ahead, but he has been stuck at the last level and did not step out.

  Ryuzhi does not believe that Pluto will not know the existence of these people.

  He also didn’t believe that Pluto would allow these people to mess around here like this.

  Liu Zhi guessed that everything here is guided by Pluto, in order to find an opportunity to deal with those who threaten his rule.

And Liu Zhi also speculated that the reason why Pluto did not dare to do too much, did not dare to use his own power to deal with these people, it was because Pluto’s source of power came from supporting him to rule. The undead player in the Il Continent.

  With the existence of such high-level divine-level players, he is worried that the opponent will take his place. Without the existence of these high-level divine-level players, his strength will be affected.

   "He is really a contradictory person."

  Liu Zhi finally made this evaluation.

  After that, Liu Zhi made a decision about this time.

  It is definitely impossible for him not to retaliate, so he will lose the face of mythical players.

  But it’s impossible to hit all of them. In that case, the Pluto will take advantage of it for nothing, and if too many undead players are killed, the Pluto will also be unhappy.

  Yagiji intends to take action against one of the enemies.

  That is not the highest jump among all players.

   is the one with the deepest potential. If it weren't for Liu Zhi who had been following the intelligence line, there would be no way to find this one.

  Even Blood Fury had recognized it for a long time before determining who this was.

  He appears to be the owner of a sarcophagus in Krum City, but he is actually a level 14 gargoyle.

  The gargoyle was a creature that Liu Zhi had in the beginning.

  He can be regarded as an undead, a mechanical creature or a petrified creature.

  The gargoyle has its own direction of advancement, and the players among them are advancing in one direction.

  But Liu Zhi noticed that these gargoyles had hidden themselves among the undead.

  It happens that the underlord has the ability to metalize the undead, so some metal gargoyles appear in these metalized undeads are not very noticeable.

  But Liu Zhi clearly saw some problems. He clearly remembered the gargoyle’s advancement route. When their whole body was made of fine gold and turned into a fine gold gargoyle, they would become hero units.

  This is an enhancement method specifically for the soldiers under the player. Heroic troops refer to those troops whose rank exceeds 15 but do not have mythical strength.

  This is similar to the situation of heroes who want to break through 15th level, but it is different.

  There is still a gap between ordinary troops and heroes. They are only upgraded to level 15. Their essence has not changed because of breaking through level 15.

   didn't even touch the side of divinity.

   But even so, the combat power of the heroic troops is about twice that of the normal troops, and there is still a big gap between the 14th-level troops and the 15th-level troops.

  Yagiji can tell at a glance that all the gargoyles on the roof of the gargoyle boss are all heroic troops among the gargoyles, adamantine gargoyles.

  They hide themselves in this city, there are reasons to save their own strength, and there are also the thoughts of the gargoyle player.

  Ryuzhi doesn't care about this.

  This time there were seven or eight people behind the scenes, and Liu Zhi could not find them one by one.

  He can only choose one that he can easily kill.

  Just like Liu Zhi was in the star field before, when he first got there, he encountered various provocations.

  After Liu Zhi killed a few god-level players, everything went smoothly. No one dared to provoke Liu Zhi anymore. Finally, Liu Zhi seized the opportunity and stepped into the mythical level.

  The same is true now, as long as you kill one of them, the others will bow their heads.

  At that time, Ryuzhi can offer whatever compensation he wants.

  If this is not done, even if Liu Zhi is angry, these people will not care.

  And they will also find ways to help Liu Zhi ‘make peace’ and ‘resolve’ the conflict between Liu Zhi and the chairman of the Ice Lich Guild.

  Ryuzhi is not a stupid, how could such a thing happen?

  When the blood rage was invited to a party, Liu Zhi had already started the layout.

  As a necromancer, when facing such a situation, Liu Zhi's first reaction was naturally to recruit his own troops first.

  Of course he can’t call in too many troops this time.

  On the one hand, this is not his home court, and he can't start a team fight here.

  On the other hand, there is a mythical underworld staring at him.

  Ryuzhi fought a big battle in his territory, and finally released a large number of troops, what will the Underlord think.

  Is Ryuzhi wanting to grab the site, or do you want to grab the site, do you want to grab the site?

  So Liu Zhi knew that this time there could not be too many troops, and at most only one legion could be brought.

  With such a number of troops, it is not enough to win a ground snake that has been lurking in Krum City for many years.

  So Ryuzhi hit the blood anger on them.

  When Bloodrage obviously drank them, Liu Zhi said to Bloodrage.

   "What did you think of the matter just now?"

  Blood froze for a while, and then realized that what Liu Zhi was talking about, it turned out that he was talking about the people he asked just now.

  Bloodfury was also a little excited at this time, but he understood that the strength of his guild was okay, but the true cohesion was not enough.

  Let him take so many brothers to fight, he can't make a decision right away.

  Yiu Zhi could see the blood and anger at a glance.

  "I know what you think. This is an opportunity and a challenge for you. I can't guarantee you anything, but if this time is completed, you can definitely live in this city."

  His eyes lit up after hearing the blood anger, but he immediately shook his head.

   "What's the use even if I live here, my brothers and my guild's residence are all outside the city."

  Liu Zhi knew that the blood was angered when he heard it. He stretched out his hand.

"this is for you."

Those were the drinks that were soaked after the transformation of the divine nature that Liu Zhi had obtained before. After that, Liu Zhi said again: "Aren’t they trying to grab the divine nature? Then let’s take action against these divine natures. I have already stepped into the myth. Level, what I need right now is not divinity, as long as you are willing to send troops to help me, then all the divinity I got in this battle can be given to you."

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi paused and added another sentence.

  (End of this chapter)

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