Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1351: ready

   Chapter 1351 Preparation

  At this time, Liu Zhi has returned to his portable space, and the troops that have just been transferred are all sorted out.

  Ryuzhi only mobilized one legion this time. This is the first legion under Liuzhi, the light legion of the arena.

  In the past few years, the Arena of Light Corps has been constantly growing and strengthening. At this time, among the entire Arena of Light, seven of the ten heroes have reached level 13, and three heroes have reached level 14.

  The troops they led are all fully staffed. The lowest-strength troop is also an elite troop of level 11, and the strongest troop has reached level 14.

  The most important thing is that these troops are all fighting on the battlefield and arena, and their combat capabilities and combat experience far exceed normal troops.

  At this time, the commander of the Light Legion of the Arena is still the violent blood shark Dak. His level has reached level 14, and he is now looking for a chance to break through level 15.

Liu Zhi didn't stop him from thinking like this. From his point of view, the hero is different from the player. They set foot on level 15, but they are more than twice as strong as normal heroes, and they cannot crush like the myth level. all.

   Standing behind him is Jack Patrick, the think tank of the Arena of Light, the only human mage hero.

  After seeing Liu Zhi, Jack was quite polite. He saluted Liu Zhi, and then said: "Your Majesty, all the troops of the Light of the Arena are here, just waiting for your majesty's instructions."

  "This is the goal this time. I don't have much time for us. My requirements are not high. They have a group of level 15 Adamantine Gargoyles. You will be dragged down and killed." Liu Zhi made his own request.

  "Adamantine Gargoyle?"

   "Level 15?"

  Jack and Duck react differently.

The two of them will react like this, which is actually quite normal. In fact, Dak has been looking for a way to suddenly level 15 during this period. Whether he breaks through or breaks through to become a hero, he is looking for it. So as soon as he heard level 15, he locked it.

   And Jack, as the think tank of the Light of the Arena, he actually thinks more.

  He considered how to win this battle, how to ensure the existence of the core combat power of the Light of the Arena, and how to better help Liu Zhi fight.

  At this time, what he was holding was the information in the hands of the gargoyle boss, and he had some judgments about some 15-level Adamantine Gargoyles here.

"Adamantly gold gargoyles are not so easy to fight. Adamantine is not only strong, but also has a super magic affinity. In addition, the adamantine gargoyles are elemental gargoyles in the previous stage. They will definitely have some elemental attacks. , This aspect is what we are not good at."

  Jack is right. The biggest problem with the Legion of Light in the Arena is that there are fewer French troops.

  After all, no legal system can win a hundred games in a row in the arena.

  Jack's appearance is an accident in an accident.

  If you want to deal with elemental attacks, if you don’t have a wizard, then you need...

   "Spellbreaker, I need a full set of spellbreakers. Although we can't quickly train a group of spellbreakers, it is better to have equipment than without equipment."

   "Yes, I want to find a way to transfer a batch of saboteur suits to you, besides, time can't be delayed." Liu Zhi thought for a while and made a decision immediately.

  Jack nodded quickly.

  If it is another legion, a sudden change of outfit will definitely affect the legion’s combat power.

But the Army of the Light of the Arena is different. They usually go to the arena to fight and choose weapons temporarily. Sometimes they can’t choose the most suitable weapon for themselves and quickly learn how to use the weapons. For the troops of the Light of the Arena. , In fact, it's not that difficult.

  The Spellbreaker suit that Liu Zhi and the others said is actually a full set of heavy armor on the side of the elves.

  The most important of these is the full body armor and the front shield.

  These can allow the wearer to completely resist the attacks of elemental magic.

  If you add their magic-breaking blade, you can even break the magical attack.

  For the troops of the Arena of Light, they actually don’t want much.

  They just need to wear heavy armor, just take an extra shield.

  In the force of the light of the arena, there are special shield guards, they are the heavy defenders in the light of the arena.

  Before, they were equipped with a black thick iron full body armor. This kind of full body armor was thick and heavy, and the thickest position was as thick as the palm of a normal person.

  General crossbow arrows can't shoot through this kind of full body armor at all.

  Now they all put on the Spellbreaker suits, and they seem to be significantly smaller than two laps.

  But they are still adjusting their steps there, hoping they can adapt to the spellbreaker suit in front of them more.

  As more and more spellbreaker suits were delivered here, Liu Zhi also began to transport some other equipment.

  Because this time we are fighting inside the city, and we need to fight the flying troops in the sky.

  So Liu Zhi transported a large number of long-range weapons such as bows and crossbows. These long-range weapons were all new guys Liu Zhi and the others researched during this period.

  Before, Ryuzhi had always put the focus of the armed forces on the spider unit.

  Because they are cheap, they are easy to use, and they are easy to train. Just throw them out and don’t care about them, they can kill a circle and come back by themselves.

  But after becoming the myth level, Liu Zhi understood that he was the **** of death, not the **** of spiders.

  He can't always rely on the spider force to fill his own combat power.

  He will finally return to the undead army.

  As it is now for Ryuuji, he began to use undead players, and his Ide plane began to accumulate more undead.

   However, Liu Zhi also understood that he still should not give up the use of the spider force.

  So he took the spider army as a tool and made a series of spider weapons.

  This is how the crossbow delivered in front of me was made.

  The two most powerful crossbows here are transformed from spider artillery.

The   big type is called the spider plasma cannon. This kind of crossbow is half human and can fire five rounds of plasma cannons that are one-third the size of their normal power. After firing, they need to be charged for a day before they can be fired again.

  However, this heavy crossbow machine has an advantage. In addition to its size, this thing is not heavy. A person can carry three crossbow machines on his back. Generally speaking, it is their limit for the archer's 15-round attack.

  Another type is called a spider web thrower. This is about the size of a normal heavy crossbow. It can throw a spider web 30 times at the same time. It is the best weapon to trap the enemy.

  (End of this chapter)

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