Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1365: Ide family affairs

  Chapter 1365 What happened to the Ide family

  Hearing Liu Zhi agreed, Aiden's face immediately showed a slight smile. He had long wanted to deal with those so-called elders who were stronger than him but were not under his control.

  If it weren’t for these so-called elders, he should have been to the new city now. Maybe he could find the problems in his own practice. Maybe he could directly break through the 10th level through the underworld ecosphere that has not yet been built in the new city.

   But now even if he rushes over, there is no chance.

  So Aiden now quite wants to send out all the so-called elders.

  Of course, Liu Zhi also saw Aiden's thoughts. He couldn't help but smiled. In Liu Zhi's feelings, this was actually a good thing.

  The most worried thing about Ryuzhi is that the members of the Ide family are the same as himself, because he has followed the route of Druids and Necromancers and does not have so many requirements for foreign objects.

  Speaking nicely in this way is that it is flat-hearted and not ambitious, and that it is awkward is actually not having the desire to live.

  There is no difference between people like that and the undead. They are affected by the game system at most, and they just need to do a task every day.

  This is meaningless for Liu Zhi. What Liu Zhi needs are players who are ambitious and willing to work hard.

  If it is the players who are eating and waiting to die, Liu Zhi's men don't know how many, he only needs a little time to get a large number of players, there is no need to come here specially.

  Now hearing what Aiden said, Liu Zhi knew that as long as he gave enough rewards, the elders of the Ide family would be happy to serve themselves.

   Nodded in satisfaction, Liu Zhi said, “Let’s go and take a look now. As for you, to be honest, when your current strength has not been able to rely on this, let’s change the direction.”

   Aiden turned his head and glanced at the three hundred and sixty crystal **** here. It can be said that he spent a lot of time and energy on these crystal balls. Now?

   Aiden waved his hand, and all the crystal **** here shattered. The underworld ecosystem inside quickly failed, and the things stored in the crystal ball quickly died.

  Looking at Aiden's decisive look, Liu Zhi nodded in satisfaction.

   "Very good, I like your attitude, this is for you."

  Riuji gave Aiden something, it was a branch.

   Aiden held the branch for a moment, then looked at Liu Zhi with some doubts.

"world Tree?"

   "Similarly, guide all the things in those crystal balls, so that your level will not be lost too much."

   Aiden hurriedly held the branch and waved it, and the broken crystal **** began to rise into a kind of gray mist.

  These mists quickly fell on the branches. After a while, Aiden felt the power originally stored in the crystal ball injected into his body.

  "You can maintain this state for three years. I think three years should be enough for you to rebuild a new underworld ecosystem."

  Looking at Aiden with a happy face, Liu Zhi said calmly.

  Ryu Zhi is now a mythical level, and he dare not say anything about other things. He still has a certain ability to control the underworld ecosystem.

  He doesn't even need to use his own abilities, he can raise the caravan to a certain level by himself.

  But Liu Zhi didn’t have to do that, so what if Aiden’s strength was raised to level 10.

   Aiden is not his own subordinate, but the promotion will affect Ryuzhi's control of the Ide family.

  It's better to help Aiden casually and let Aiden see hope.

  Sure enough, when Ryuzhi did this, Aiden's eyes lit up.

   "Shandru, don't worry, if I haven't established my own underworld ecosystem for three years, then I really don't need to be confused."

   "Shall we go now?" Liu Zhi asked, looking at the empty space.

   Aiden then reacted, "Look at me, let's go now, come here."

   Aiden left the room with Liu Zhi, and began to explain the situation of the Ide family during this period.

"Our family’s luck is not very good, because of the relationship between the family underworld ecosystem, our family territory, that is, there are too many alienated animal and plant systems near the city of sulfur, so the entire ecosystem is quite chaotic, although we have arranged special personnel Management, but sometimes there are some places that cannot be taken care of.

  And you also know that life and death in the ecosystem are actually one, and many times we are willing to let animals die under plants.

  But you have seen the situation on this plane. The Netherworld has always wanted to swallow our plane. Every corpse that has not been disposed of is an opportunity for the Netherworld.

About seven years after you left, the Netherworld has seized an opportunity and released a big guy to destroy the city of sulfur. Fortunately, we were prepared at the time. This did not let the family be destroyed, but The city that has been run by the family for many years is so over, and there are those servants of the family, and the residents have suffered serious losses.

  Finally, several nearby cities sent troops to close the passage that had been opened, and built a fortress on the passage, which prevented the situation from deteriorating.

  And because of the serious losses of this battle, and the loss of our own city, our family moved to a nearby city to rebuild. "

Near   ?

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, as if he had swept the neighborhood with his spiritual sense before and didn’t see the newly built city.

   Aiden did not notice the look of Liu Zhi, under his lead, they soon came to a pier behind the Bone Wind Academy.

  This pier is close to the sewer, and several iron ships that look like coffins are docked near the pier.

  Yagiji noticed that there were a large number of crows parked on the top of the coffin, and there seemed to be some black skeletons fused with the coffin below.

  Riuzhi only took a look, and he found that the black skeletons were no longer bone shields, but had a feeling of trees.

  "The new city is underground?"

   "How did you know?" Aiden asked in surprise, but he quickly understood that with Liu Zhi's current level, he could almost understand the general situation with just a glance.

   "Yes, the new city is located under the swamp. If you want to enter, you must be able to go through this kind of tree passage."

  Ryuzhi didn't say much, he found a coffin iron boat and fell down. When the coffin was closed, Liuzhi felt the coffin move quickly.

Liu Zhi estimated that he could run about 300 kilometers at this speed in about fifteen minutes. This is not what the skeletons under the coffin can do. It seems that there is something under the swamp as he guessed. A passage like a tree root is dragging the coffin.

  (End of this chapter)

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