Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1382: Way to leave

  Chapter 1382 Ways to Leave

   "Is there something wrong here?"

  "It’s not right, it’s not there, but there are two large public planes nearby. Players from about three hundred star regions nearby will go to which public plane to transit instead of coming here."

   Xu Tao explained as he took the beach chair from the pickup, put it on the ground and sat on it.

After    sat down, he was a little embarrassed to say to Liu Zhi: "My heavy armor can't keep me standing for a long time, and I need to soak in water from time to time to cool down, so I'm a little embarrassed."

  Liu Zhi didn't say anything. He had already noticed that the heavy armor on Xu Tao was a little different from him. The heavy armor looked like it was made from a certain mythical creature.

  There is also the soul of the mythical creature above it.

  Only a **** of war like Xu Tao would wear such heavy armor on his body.

  For such a man, Liu Zhi would not say much.

After lying down, Xu Tao yelled comfortably, and then explained: "It is understandable that they are unwilling to come over. This Asomia plane is actually a gathering place for a group of fighting lunatics when it comes to the public plane. .

  Do you know how many mythical existences are there?

  Let me tell you that there are a total of seventy-one people at the mythical level of the compilation, and the number of people who are not in the compilation, who are temporarily stationed here like me, is close to four digits. "

  Close to four digits?

  Liu Zhi took a deep breath. The mythical players he has seen so far have not reached this number.

   But what Xu Tao said is quite certain, “It is precisely because of this reason that most people are reluctant to come. You can understand after thinking about it that those who have not reached the mythical level are just being cannon fodder and doing what they are doing.

  Anyone who has reached the mythical level can't be the strongest one when he comes over, so what else will he do when he comes over?

  Only the gods who want to hit the level of mythology will come and take a look, and leave when they find the opportunity. "

   "Then why are you staying here?"

  Liu Zhi can see that Xu Tao came here directly as the main body.

   Xu Tao laughed as soon as he heard it: “Because there are battles here every day, fighting against myth level is of different use to me. I can feel that I am growing here every day.”

  Riuzhi reached this level, he also understood how the road after the myth level was going.

  Xu Tao is the **** of thunder and lightning, so fighting must have a different meaning to him. It's as if Liu Zhi became the **** of death and wanted to build an underworld.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi understood what he meant, Xu Tao said again: “Another reason why people are reluctant to come is because all the games in this world point to one place, **** battle.

  It is precisely for this reason that the situation of this face has become what you see. Some ordinary players will be dragged into the **** battle if they are not determined, and they will never be able to get out.

  And mythical players who stay here for a long time will also join the **** battle, and are slowly affected by the **** battle.

So you should leave soon. In addition, if you really want to stay here, don’t do it as a clone. Only the deity can come here. If the clone comes here, the clone will be swallowed by the **** battle, and nothing will be left in the end. . "

Liu Zhi was about to nod his head. Suddenly he thought of something, so he said: "This time I came out for a plane. That plane was swallowed by an underworld. It happened that that plane was the one I passed by before. The plane, so I just went over and took a look, and closed it.

  In that plane, I found some problems with the hostile underworld.

  The underworld is also dealing with clones, do you think there will be any connection there. "

Xu Tao laughed instead, "Where is there any connection? Everything in the **** battle is the most original thing. Anything can happen here. Even if I meet someone with a breath like you, I don’t What are the surprises."

  Liu Zhi smiled awkwardly. His position in the Fourth Natural Disaster Returning Group is a **** of death, but his breath is a balance between nature and death.

  This kind of breath is obvious at a glance, and Ryuzhi's route is unique.

  So Liu Zhi didn't care about Xu Tao's words for a long time.

  After talking about the situation here, Liu Zhi really didn't want to stay here any longer.

  It's not that he doesn't like this place, but now he really has no time to stay here for a while.

  So Liu Zhi also asked Xu Tao how to get back, at least he needs to transfer to Luogang'a plane.

  For this matter, Xu Tao easily explained several routes to Liu Zhi.

  One of them is naturally a route that jumps to the public plane three times in a row.

  The other one is to jump to a public plane first, then enter a game from this public plane, and then exit the game.

  This route is strongly recommended by Xu Tao.

"You'd better take this route, nothing else, that is, if you have come to the Asomia plane, it would be better to go to that game and transfer for a while, because no one will know that you are in the Asomia plane. In the face, what kind of things will you encounter.

  In case some eyeliner catches you, leaving some marks on you, your plane will be locked by someone, and you will cry. "

  Listening to Xu Tao's words, Liu Zhi also got serious.

   "What you said is true?"

"Of course it is true. I have encountered such a thing before. Fortunately, I am a **** of war. My plane is not afraid of fighting at all, so the several planes we fought were all backhanded by us, but I don't think you are such a person.

  You should be transforming your plane now. If your plane is beaten by someone, you may not be able to enter the transformation period for a long time. "

  Liu Zhi is the kind of person who listens to people to persuade him to have food. Hearing Xu Tao's words, he immediately understood.

   "Then am I going to the designated game, or just find any game."

"From the light plane of Ikado I mentioned, you can connect to any game there. After that, you don’t need to worry about which plane you will appear on. They do this service, and they have a way to treat you. Send it back to your own plane."

  Yiu Zhi nodded, and then took another look at the situation here, "Okay, I know, yes, then if I want to come here next time, how can I come here?"

   "The Logan A Plane you mentioned can be transferred to the Blood Sea Plane, and then transferred from there, but what are you going to do?"

   "I don't know, but I always have a feeling that I will come here again in the future."

  (End of this chapter)

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