Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1390: Sign in

   Chapter 1390 Landing

  For this situation, Liu Zhi at first thought that the **** underwater wanted more soul fragments.

  But after giving the soul fragments, the **** still didn't leave, but wanted to tell Liu Zhi something.

  Liu Zhi thought for a moment, and when he scratched the surface of the water, a human figure made of water appeared in front of him.

   "Tell me what happened."

"My lord, it’s not that I don’t want to send you there, but that the local people are very repulsive to us gods born overseas. We can’t pass it until we reach a certain level. The past is to become their dinner or become Their servants."

   Upon hearing this, Liu Zhi frowned. He didn't know if it was aimed at ordinary little gods or all gods.

   However, Liu Zhi occupies his 17th level strength, and he did not put some little guys in his eyes.

  He said calmly: "Okay, I know about this."

   After finishing talking, Ryuzhi didn't let the weird water **** push him forward, but walked forward calmly.

  Yagiji has mastered the ability to walk on the water from the beginning.

  It's just that he needs to run on the water at that time, so that he can walk on the water at a speed without sinking.

After   , Liu Zhi slowly learned the ability to stand on the water.

  After reaching the mythical level, Liu Zhi didn't need to consider whether it was water surface or ordinary land. He could walk through it easily anywhere.

  This is the case now, and Yanagi easily walked towards the big island in front of him.

  Only after a certain distance, Liu Zhi saw a huge wave on the sea, and a huge sea beast poked its head out of the water in the huge wave.

  The sea beast looks like a snake, but it obviously has several heads, but it is wrong to say that he is the Japanese legend of Yaki, because he does not have as many heads as eight.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that his head was obviously half dead. The skin on one head had rotted away, and the other head was as hard as iron, but it would hang down without moving.

  In the middle of the two dead heads, there are two living heads. One of the two heads is a black poisonous snake head, and the other is a white ordinary snake head.

   But no matter what Liu Zhi looked at, he realized that the guy in front of him was dominated by the ordinary snake head.

   Liu Zhi frowned, and he let out his breath.

"Step aside."

  The snake just wanted to stop Liu Zhi at first, but when Liu Zhi said so, the snake became angry.

  The white head of the snake stuck his tongue out, and he wanted to direct the black viper to move forward.

  But the black poisonous snake head understood the strength of Liu Zhi, and kept twisting, how he was unwilling to make a move.

  It can be seen that the connection between them is not so close.

  Liu Zhi saw this situation, and immediately took a step forward.

   "Get out of me, I don't want to fight with you."

   Seeing that there was no possibility of the black poisonous snake head, the white snake's eyes turned red all at once, and then he took a step back and said to Liu Zhi.

   "Foreign gods, this is the territory of Izanami Setia. You can't go inside."

  Izanami? Setia?

  For this half-Japanese half-Western name, Yanagi feels quite weird.

  What kind of situation is this?

  Japanese gods and Western gods merged?

  This is not impossible. You have to know that in the era of Yanagiji, the Japanese gods were actually partly Westernized.

  It's just that the situation in front of you is not what Liu Zhi understands.

  He thought for a while and said: "Keep a way. I just want to go to the island and will not conflict with the master behind you."

  The white snake was still there hesitating, but the black viper said: "If he wants to go up, let him go. Anyway, the island becomes like this, so what are you worried about."

  Yagiji felt that there was something in the words.

  But he didn't understand the current situation on the island of Japan, so he didn't think much about it.

  White Snake did not hesitate anymore, he shrank his head and dived into the sea.

  Liu Zhi knew at a glance that he had made a way for himself, and he strode towards the land not far away.

  Although White Snake had already given way, their words still made Liu Zhi be careful.

  As he approached the land, Liu Zhi suddenly felt a mist rising from the sea. In the mist, it was a strange smell.

  The taste is like rotten flesh and sulphur, plus some strong acid mixed together and fermented.

  This kind of smell is quite unpleasant to people like Yanagi, and he doesn't want to go inside.

After   , Liu Zhi looked through the fog and saw something behind.

  Yagiji saw a fallen building at a glance.

  But even if this building has collapsed in the middle, it is quite big.

  The entire building covers an area as large as twenty football fields. The remaining part on the ground is more than one meter high, and the fallen part falls towards the seaside.

  Liu Zhi noticed that there were some traces of cement and steel on the sea. This trace continued to a distance of one or two kilometers. From this you can see how high the building was before.

  After approaching the building, Liu Zhi noticed that the rest of the building had undergone some reinforcement, and a special kind of vine was placed on the outermost periphery after reinforcement with steel bars.

Most of the windows have been broken. The frame of the windows has been removed and replaced with some wood, but it can be seen that there are people living in every room. From time to time, there are some people with gray skins and bows and arrows. The woman with the spear appeared at the window and looked out.

  The ground of the building is full of various debris. They seem to want to use these debris to build a maze-like defense line, but these things are too fragmentary, and they have no effect.

   is at most to prevent the entry of ordinary creatures. For some powerful enemies, this maze is of no use.

  Liu Zhi noticed that in this maze, there were some little guys with small red skins patrolling there. At intervals, there were some creatures with sheep heads and sickles gathered in twos and threes.

  It can be seen that they should be the guard and patrol team of this maze.

  It's just looking at them, how you don't look like good people.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and was about to attack these guys as wild monsters, when he heard the bells ringing from the building.

  Yagiji looked in the direction of the building. He found that on the top floor of the building, a large number of red birds that looked like a mixture of flesh and blood were flying.

   Then a group of green-skinned women wearing black leather armor rushed out.

  They shouted loudly: "The enemy attack, those demons have attacked, they are all ready!"

  (End of this chapter)

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