Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1393: stronghold

   Chapter 1393 Stronghold

  Following the blood bird down the passage, Liu Zhi noticed that the passage in front of him had begun to transform in the direction of flesh and steel.

  There are some broken walls that were directly repaired with flesh and blood, and flesh and blood in some places seem to be moving slightly there.

Noting that Liu Zhi was observing this, the Blood Bird explained with a smile: “We don’t have much material here. Many times we can only use human bodies on top. Fortunately, these bodies will be resurrected after death, and it will not affect them. We shelter these people, otherwise we would not do such a thing."

  Liu Zhi heard the meaning in the words of Bleeding Bird, she wanted to tell herself, don’t look at each of them as demons, in fact, they are all good people in nature.

  But how does Ryuuji care about these.

  He is a necromancer himself, how can he consider the quality of these people?

  On the contrary, Liu Zhi is more concerned about the occupations of these people.

  It can be seen that, including the blood bird, the civilians here actually all have occupations to deal with, at least one-to-one correspondence with the outside professionals who look like Japanese.

   is like a blood bird, it is a variant of Amazon, and it is the same kind of maidens who learn the way of arrows.

  For this, Blood Bird has no embarrassment at all.

   Instead, she nodded and said: "You can see this. In fact, since the big pineapple came, the actual rules have been somewhat affected.

  Previously, you only need to build a torii gate and circle a piece of land to build your own sacred land.

It’s not that convenient now. To build a stronghold, in addition to having a torii gate, you also need to have the corresponding manpower. At least one blood bird must act as a mercenary releaser, a blacksmith Smith, and finally To have a nun Andariel, as to whether there is a countess, it depends on their own circumstances. "

  Liu Zhi heard it, and then corresponded to the game plot he knew. He felt that this was really a one-to-one correspondence.

   But he asked a little curiously, "Then you will have corpses angry?"

   "I don't know about other strongholds, but we have one, and he is responsible for gambling."

  Yiu Zhi nodded. It seems that this should be the evil taste of the player named Big Pineapple. It is precisely because of his ability that he has forcibly turned down the pros and cons of a certain game.

  The gods of this world may not be affected, but these people in front of them are all ordinary people at first, and they will definitely be affected by the ability of this big pineapple player.

  When they were still mortals, they had to embark on the path that others had guided them.

  Wait for their strength to improve, and then they want to change themselves, the time is already in no hurry.

  Even if they want to change, they can only live like this in the end.

  Blood Bird was somewhat surprised by the change in Liu Zhi's expression.

  They have also encountered some foreign players before, and they don’t plan on what the situation is.

  Sometimes those foreign players will attack their own side with the projection troops.

  As if they are the bad guys.

   Few people like Liu Zhi are willing to join them, and even fewer ask such detailed questions.

  Not to mention, Liu Zhi also showed a sympathy for them.

  This makes the blood bird who has become accustomed to become a little overwhelmed.

   At this moment, a voice suddenly rang, "Blood Bird, you can withdraw, I will do it here."

  Looking in the direction of the sound, there came out a creature over three meters tall, looking like a woman.

  This creature has a pair of long legs over 1.5 meters, and behind him are three pairs of weird arms.

  Yagiji noticed that this creature has a female face, but his body is male.

  After seeing Liu Zhi, the creature said to Liu Zhi: "I am Andariel in this stronghold. You can also see that I am a male."

  Liu Zhi's face twitched, not knowing how to deal with such a situation.

"PLZ follow me."

  Andariel in this base led Ryuji to the bottom of the building.

  As he walked down, he also began to explain the situation in front of him.

  "You can see it, too. I am different from them. This stronghold was my sacred land at the beginning, and I was the **** who guarded this place.

Before I became a god, I was a monk in the Heian era. Because I retreated a few ghosts, I was left by the locals and built a temple that belonged to me. After that, my temple was passed on from generation to generation. I have also become the patron saint of this place.

  Even if my descendants sold my temple two hundred years ago, the local developer also reserved a place for me on the top of the building.

  Of course, you also know that people like me cannot go to Gao Tianyuan, so when the catastrophe came, I was actually affected the first time.

At that time, I was already at the level of a golden arhat, and I also felt that the projection side was hostile to us, so I was the first to take refuge in the **** forces, and with their power, I became a **** bodhisattva and became a bodhisattva. It looks like this now. "

  For the fact that everything in Japan can become gods and buddhas, Ryuzhi is not surprised at all. At the same time, he also understands why this man was a monk at the beginning but turned into Andariel in the end.

  The one in front of him, or the gods in all the strongholds, were all abandoned by Gao Tianyuan.

  They must consider for themselves, choose whether to join the **** or the projection.

  If they choose to join the hell, their appearance will change, and if they choose to join the projection, they may no longer be themselves.

  So most of the gods who do not want to die will choose to abandon their original appearance and maintain their independence.

  This is what Ryuuji and the gods thought were the same.

  If Liu Zhi himself encountered such a problem, he would make the same choice.

  After all, he has become a demon, and he still has a chance to change back again. If he becomes a projection, who knows what it will become in the end.

   Seeing Liu Zhi's understanding, Andariel smiled, and he took Liu Zhi and went underground.

  Soon Liu Zhi felt that he had gone deep underground for a long distance.

Seeing the doubts in Liu Zhi's heart, Andariel explained: "Please don't worry, the underground is our real stronghold. The ground will be affected by changes in the day and night. The defenses of strongholds may be strong or weak, but the underground is different. Now, our defense is stable underground."

   Speaking of being at this moment, Andariel stopped for a while, and he mysteriously said: "Moreover, when we are underground, we also have a resurrection point. All dead soldiers can be resurrected here."

  When they spoke, they had reached the corresponding position. After pushing a door open, a space that Liu Zhi could not imagine appeared in front of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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