Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1417: Ryuji's preparation

   Chapter 1417-Liu Zhi's Preparation

  A sword, a necklace and a shield are used to provide entities for the three artifacts.

The projection of the   three artifacts has fallen on top of these three things, and it should have been one or two hundred years ago.

  These three things can be supported, but it is a good thing.

  Yagiji is thinking about how to retain the power of projection placed in these three things.

  As long as the power of the projection can be taken down, Liu Zhi is equivalent to grabbing part of the power of three 19th-level gods.

  This point needs to be considered slowly by Liu Zhi.

  He began to look around.

  Under Liu Zhi's search, he really found something.

  Liu Zhi noticed that under the platform where the three objects were placed, there were obvious magic lines. These magic lines were divided into three different colors: black, red, and blue.

  The red lines spread directly to the ground, while the cyan lines go further up.

  Only black lines lock all positions on this layer.

  It can be seen that the red pattern is a magic circle used to extract the power of Sadako.

  The cyan pattern is a magic circle used to absorb the magic power in the sky.

  And the black lines are used to suppress everything here and prevent people from taking these three artifacts away.

  At the same time, Yanagi also understands that the black lines also have a way to deal with all attacks on Tokyo Skytree.

  If you want to get three things, just destroy the black lines.

  But this is not what Yanagi wanted.

  He began to analyze the black lines.

  There are so many messy things in the Japanese-style magic circle, and they always add things that they think are like magic.

  The most speechless thing is that they are also very successful.

  You have no way of recognizing what it is, even there are many meaningless things in it.

  This brought a lot of difficulty to Liu Zhi's analysis.

  If Liu Zhi didn't want to get the three artifact projections in a complete state, he wanted to directly destroy everything and let Sadako out.

  It took more than three hours, and Liu Zhi finally managed a small part of it.

  This small part is enough for Liu Zhi.

  In this part of what he has researched and understood, Liu Zhi is very well controlled.

  He adjusted the route of this part of the black magic pattern.

After   , he secretly injected his magic power into it.

  With the injection of Ryuzhi's magic power, he did not control the control of the 333 floors. Instead, at the moment his magic power was injected, all the rooms on this floor exploded in a small area.

  The projections of the three artifacts were also startled by this explosion, and they flew out of the three objects.

  This is exactly the effect that Ryuuji needs.

  The moment the projection of the three artifacts flew out, Liu Zhi took out three objects and threw them at the previous three objects.

  The three things thrown by Yanagiji were naturally a sword, a necklace and a shield.

  It’s just that it’s different from what those people arranged here. All that Liu Zhi brought out were ordinary goods made by his own plane.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi grabbed three things and ran towards the 332nd floor.

  Yagiji moved here, and the projection of the three artifacts immediately reacted.

  They were about to chase after Liu Zhi, but the initial arrangement of Liu Zhi played a role.

  What Liu Zhi wanted at the time was to prevent the three artifacts from coming down to this level.

  Don’t stop for too long, just stop for a while.

  Holding three things, Liu Zhi retreated to the 332th floor.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had already begun to deal with the three things he had just received.

  None of these three things are Japanese-style weapons. The sword is a European-style two-handed sword.

  Although Liu Zhi can use it, he usually doesn't use such a long sword.

  Necklace is a cross necklace, and the shield is a small round shield with some signs that look like heraldry.

  It can be seen that this is the equipment of a crusader.

  Just what does this have to do with Liu Zhi.

After   Yagiji snatched the three items, he quickly dealt with them.

  Previously, when Liu Zhi was at level 13, he had a four-piece set of natural disaster balance.

  Now he is level 17, but the four-piece natural disaster balance set is obviously not enough for him.

  Yagiji has many needs. For example, he needs a crown, for example, he needs a thin thorn sword, or for example, he needs a cloak or something.

  These are not in the previous four-piece set or not good enough.

  Getting such a good material from Ryuji, of course, he has to make a better sword for himself.

  Yagiji wrapped the necklace around the two-handed sword, and then began to inject his own divine power into the two-handed sword.

  With the infusion of Yanagi's supernatural power.

  The power from the three artifacts in the long sword and necklace before began to counterattack the divine power injected by Yanagi.

  It’s just that these long swords and necklaces are not three artifacts, and even the projections of the three artifacts are not counted. They are only used to attach to the projection of the three artifacts. Although they are stained with the power of the three artifacts, they are actually not many.

After   Yagiji's divine power was injected into it, even though the power also fought back at the beginning.

  But it was immediately suppressed by Liu Zhi.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi threw something into the sword and necklace, such as some seeds or the dead body.

  Slowly the long sword became a thin thorn sword that Liu Zhi was accustomed to using.

  This thin thorn sword looks like wood, with wood grain on it, and a bowl-shaped handguard at the hilt, which is composed of countless twisted faces.

  The counterweight behind the hilt is an irregular silver ore, and a necklace is wrapped around the hilt.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi sighed. Before he got the projection of Sanshen Shun, this thing was not a success.

  Now this sword is only good-looking, but it has no attributes at all.

  Riuzhi carried the sword and rushed up the first floor.

  Only rushed to the entrance of the stairs, and Liu Zhi saw that the projections of the three artifacts were already waiting at the entrance of the stairs.

   Lost the body used for attachment, and the projection of the three artifacts obviously changed.

   Just as Liu Zhi had guessed, the projection of the three artifacts alone would not last long.

  So when Liu Zhi appeared at the top of the stairs, the projections of these three artifacts took the initiative to slam into Liu Zhi's side.

  Liu Zhi took the untransformed buckler in his hand, and turned it towards the Three Sacred Artifacts.

  The Yata Mirror of the three artifacts immediately locked the position of Yanagi.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi raised the shield above his head and walked out the stairs.

  Then Yata Mirror and the projection of Kusana sword rushed towards Liu Zhi at the same time.

  The goal of Yata Mirror is to fly into the shield, while the goal of Kusana Sword is to kill Liu Zhi here.

This is what Liu Zhi wants.

  He lifted his hand, and the thin thorn sword that had just been made was thrown at the last untouched Gouyu.

  (End of this chapter)

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