Necromantic Myth

Chapter 165: Kill

  Chapter 165 Kill

  As soon as Liu Zhi pushed open the basement door, he suddenly felt a cold behind him.

  Liu Zhi did not look back, the sun crystal on the top of the death rod in his hand suddenly lit up, and the dazzling white light enveloped the entire aisle outside the basement.

  Then Liu Zhi stepped forward. Vindnina, who had been guarding the basement gate before, forced a shot, and the four long swords slashed at the position behind Liu Zhi.

Under Vednina’s sword, a bone guard who was hiding in the shadow was shot out. Like other bone guards, he was wearing armor made of bone and a mask on his face. What he held in his hands was a pair of short daggers.

After    was shot out, the bone guard didn't stop at all, just flashed and ran towards the stairs.

  But Liu Zhi turned his head at this moment, and the death rod smashed behind the bone guard.

   Then Liu Zhi drew the thin stabbing sword on his waist, and the three wind blades made a small Z in the air and flew towards the bone guard.

  The bone guard did not expect that Liu Zhi turned out to be a different kind of force, as if he was clearly an assassin in heavy armor.

Under such circumstances, the bone guard could only leap forward, and then hit the ground twice with both hands, forcibly twisting his body at an unbelievable angle, and flashing the blow of Ryuzhi. .

  And it was so slow, Vidnina’s four swords had already been chopped from all directions, and the bone guard had to turn his head back to block the blow.

  However, this bone guard is also a battle-tested. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Vidnina's blow, he took the initiative to send himself back and successfully smashed on the upward stairs.

  At this time, the bone guard did not forget to wave to Liu Zhi, indicating that he was leaving.

  But at the moment he waved his hand, he suddenly felt something appeared in front of him. It was some white and blue shadows, which seemed to be the people he had killed before.

  This situation surprised the Bone Guard. He knew that the Necromancer had his own troops, but it was obviously impossible to turn them into ghosts.

  While thinking, the Bone Guard waved the dagger in his hand, wanting to fight the shadows.

  But no matter how he fights, he can't cut those shadows.

   Soon the Bone Guardian felt that something was wrong. Even if the ghost has 50% immunity to physical attacks, it hasn’t been dodged like this. Could it be that these are all fakes.

  The Bone Guard thought of this, and he couldn't help looking in the direction of Liu Zhi.

  But at this time everything was too late. Ryuzhi and Vednina had already come to the bone guard on the left side, and several wind blades gathered on the long swords in their hands.

  When the Bone Guard looked up, he saw the wind blades slashing towards him.

  The powerful bone guards of the wind blades had already been seen before. He knew that these wind blades could not cut off the bone armor of his body, so he roared and was about to pounce on Liu Zhi.

  But at this moment, Liu Zhi said, "You are wrong again."

   In the surprised eyes of the bone guard, the wind blades collided in the air, forming a huge wind ball, swallowing the bone guard.

   Although the armor on the bone guard can prevent one or two attacks from the wind blade, he can't prevent this kind of constant attacks inside the wind ball.

  After giving the bone guard to the troubled typhoon, Ryuuji and Vidnina quickly retreated into the basement and closed the door.

  In the next instant, the uncontrollable typhoon ball exploded like this, and the bone guard trapped in the typhoon ball was also smashed to the ground, unable to move.

   Waiting for the explosion outside to stop, Liu Zhi walked out of the basement. He glanced at the corpse of the bone guard who fell on the ground, and he felt a bad feeling in his heart. Why does this guy's face look familiar?

   Seriously think about it, I haven't encountered any players during this period of time.

  Unexplained, Ryuzhi cast a look at Vednina and asked him to drag this guy up and prepare to be dragged into the Hades.

  This is the corpse of a player. Although he does not know his level, it is obvious that he has not grown to the level of resurrection at will. The guy in front of him is dead if he is dead.

For a Necromancer player, killing the enemy is just the beginning, and the enemy’s corpse is the best harvest. The player in front of him is obviously an assassin-type bone guard, which may be used to make some assassin-like undead. In this way, when Liu Zhi goes out in the future, he won't have to be afraid of a sneak attack.

  And as a player, what if you don’t have any props on your body, as long as you find out these props and equipment, no more money will be issued.

  You must know that it is not in the game now, but now it is killing people in the real world, so what kind of interplanetary game can not say that the player’s equipment needs to be recycled.

  With this thought, Ryuzhi and Vednina dragged the corpse into the Hades.

  As soon as he entered the Hades, before putting the corpse down, Liu Zhi's eyes lit up. He seemed to remember where he had seen this guy.

  Yagiji moved his hand, and a skull with the upper half of the machine and the lower half of the octopus tentacles fell into his hands.

  Yiu Zhi carefully compared the skull with the face of the bone guard in front of him, and came to a conclusion that these two guys should be brothers, blood brothers.

   "No wonder." Liu Zhi couldn't help but said. At this moment, he finally wanted to understand that there was such a big **** soldier hidden under the Great Ditch. How could it not be discovered by the Bone Guard? It turned out that there was an insider.

  As a result, Liu Zhi couldn't help but have an idea. Could it be that this incident was not an accident, but a game that specifically led him out?

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally shook his head. He didn't think he had such a big face, and someone specially designed such a trap to deal with him.

  After knowing the identity of the opponent, Liu Zhi did not think too much, and began to deal with the armor on the player.

   Just like the corpse officer will give a node of the underworld as a resident, the bone armor on the bone guard is not their own, but is assigned to them.

  Those are all good things made by advanced players, but this time the bone armor on the body has been almost blown up under the action of the wind blade.

  Yagiji didn't have the need for these bone armor, so he tore off the bone armor at will.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi discovered that there was a strange mark behind the player.

  (End of this chapter)

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