Necromantic Myth

Chapter 168: Undead

  Chapter 168 Undead

Under the prompt of the information, Liu Zhi took a serious look. He found that not all murlocs have a label. Among the 279 murlocs, there are only 13 of the strength type, and more of the agile type, only 41. The mental type is the least, only 3, and the rest are all ordinary underworld murlocs.

  They have nothing to be strengthened, but their bodies are transformed into the underworld and can adapt to life in the underworld.

As for what Liu Zhi thinks, it is not the time to choose some murlocs who can become pros or heroes from these strengthened underworld murlocs. There are only less than 60 murlocs, and they can’t even form a formation. Get up, let alone professionalism.

Fortunately, Liuzhi was smart this time. Before starting death enhancement, he ordered a large number of murloc eggs from the smuggling captain. Otherwise, for a long time, the number of murlocs here will decrease rapidly, and he will not be able to achieve the initial goal of Liuzhi. .

  According to his own eyes, Liu Zhi picked out all the potential murlocs, and sent all the agile types to the Beka Sword Hall, forcing them to train the night stabbing swordsmanship.

The   strength type is doing basic strength training by the water. The weapons that Liu Zhi prepares for them are two-handed axes or halberds.

  As for the spirit-type murlocs with only three, Liu Zhi singled them out. He let them know a word first, then look at their talents and see what they can learn.

After making the arrangements, Liu Zhi thought about it very seriously, pointing to these underworld murlocs and said, "It’s not alright to call you underworld murlocs, so let’s give you a new name. You will be called in the future. Be a murloc in the Dead Lake."

Under the order of Ryuzhi, some slight fluctuations appeared on these underworld murlocs. The previous underworld murlocs-power-type nouns directly became dead lake murloc-power-type nouns. , It can be seen at the same time, and there should be something like an occupation classification in the back.

  It can also be seen from this point that the intelligence of the game system across ten thousand realms.

   did not refuse to provide them with an attribute classification because these murlocs are not considered NPCs in the game.

  After dealing with the murloc, Liu Zhi went to the training place of the rot-skin cannibal wolf again.

At this moment, under the big tree, some skeleton soldiers are directing some puppies to make various movements. After these days of training, these puppies have changed significantly. The others are nothing, but the skin on their bodies. It has begun to rot, and it gets better again and again.

This is actually a strengthening of the skin of these puppies. After such strengthening, in addition to the enhanced defense, the skin of the puppies will also emit a kind of toxicity. Although it will not directly poison people to death, it will also Cover the enemy's wound with a layer of poison, making it difficult to heal the wound.

Regarding this situation, Liu Zhi was quite speechless. What kind of thing is this? In his mind, when fighting, he killed the enemy directly, biting it into a serious injury and making the opponent's wound difficult to heal. This is to keep it. Going home for the New Year.

But the rot-skin cannibal wolves are such an evolutionary method, and Ryuzhi has no choice. He can only go and ask the skeleton dog trainer when these puppies can go to the battlefield, and when these puppies can be bred and given birth. The next batch of puppies.

Compared to murloc eggs, this kind of fighting dog is quite rare. Even if the first and second generations of rot-skin cannibal wolves are trained by Ryuzhi, they will not be able to fight on the battlefield. They will only To become a breed dog, it may take the third generation. After the fourth generation of rot-skin cannibal wolves are trained, Liu Zhi has the opportunity to use these little guys.

  It's still just an investment stage.

  So now the key is the growth state of these puppies.

  The skeleton dog trainers can't speak, but they are a little talented in keeping dogs.

After Liu Zhi asked a question, they immediately picked out a few puppies from those puppies.

  Yagiji still don’t know what they are doing?

  In the next instant, Liu Zhi understood the thoughts of these skeleton dog trainers.

Among these rot-skin cannibal wolves, only these are considered talented, and all the rest are ordinary little guys. If Liu Zhi needs to be bred, then just use these few wolves, and the rest will be sent directly to the battlefield. The battle is ready.

  Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi thought of the things he had struggled with before, and couldn't help but laugh.

  "Then you guys train well, especially these few, pay attention to protect the rest..."

Looking at the remaining less than 60 rotting man-eating wolves, Liu Zhi thought for a while, "Forget it, I'll buy another batch of puppies to come in. At least two teams of rotting man-eating wolves must be made up. That's fine, just a small team can't reach it, and it will be gone after a fight.

  After calculating all this, Yuji was about to withdraw from Hades. At this moment, Vidnina suddenly appeared next to him.

This situation is more unexpected. Although Vednina has the habit of guarding by Yuji's side, she is not very close to her in the Hades, and she is not close to the point of personal protection. What happened this time, it will suddenly appear.

  Liu Zhi who didn't react, instinctively took out the death rod and stared at the surroundings.

Later, Liu Zhi discovered that a corpse had suddenly risen from a mass grave not far away. The reason why this corpse caused Vednina’s reaction was entirely because the corpse was the one Liu Zhi threw in. The player's corpse.

  At this time, he has been transformed into a mass grave. Half of the surface of his body has rotted away. The bones of his chest and waist are exposed, and his intestines, heart and lungs are dragged outside.

  At the same time, half of his face was rotten, and like his brother, the lower half of his face was rotten, and the entire chin was gone, only one tongue was hanging around his mouth, shaking constantly there.

  Unlike the wandering skeletons and walking corpses, this one seems to have a little memory or consciousness. He stands there as if thinking about something.

  Ryuzhi has a feeling that he should be in the same situation as Vidnina. Compared with the Spinning Spider Girl, that is the difference between the player and the artificial intelligence.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, took a step forward, and then he appeared near the mass grave.

  It's not Liu Zhi's carelessness, but in the palace, there will be basically no undead opponents.

  Sure enough, after seeing Liu Zhi, the weird undead slowly lowered his head. It can be seen that he was affected by the Hades and has become an undead servant of Liu Zhi.

   Standing in front of the undead, Liu Zhi said solemnly: "Then, tell me, who are you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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