Necromantic Myth

Chapter 170: Dark wisdom

  Chapter 170 Dark Wisdom

  Letoz turned his head and glanced at Liu Zhi, "Do you still want to know about that organization?"

  Liu Zhi raised his head and looked at the sky, and found that Quetzalcoatl was still hovering in the sky. He bit his teeth and said, "Say it bit by bit, let’s talk about the unimportant first. What is the name of that organization?"

"The Black Wisdom, that organization is called the Black Wisdom. I don’t know who established it. I only know that my superior is a necromancer, a friend I met during the fourth game. He should have level 4. Yes, he brought me to this organization."

   "That's not right, the sign behind you is a letter V. How does this have to do with the dark wisdom?"

  Ryuzhi asked somewhat puzzledly.

   "The logo tattooed on my back is WildWisdom."

"Elvish language?" Liu Zhi asked, spitting out there, where the words on your back look like WildWisdom, and it is not a place that can be retracted. It is obviously unreasonable. what.

"Yes, it's Elvish language. It's a rare saying. I don't know what the superiors think. We are regarded as peripheral members. There are eleven teams, each team has 100 people, most of them are 1 to 3. At level 4, the team’s elite is at level 4, and the captain and deputy captain are at level 5. After reaching level 4, you can apply to join the main team and become a full member. I don’t know the general situation, but I heard that the main team has three teams, one A team of death knights, a team of necromancers, and a team don’t know what the situation is.

   Hearing this, Liu Zhi had already taken a deep breath. He had already estimated the seriousness of the matter, but he did not expect that he still underestimated everything in it.

But Letotz’s words are not finished yet, "In addition, I heard that there is a core team that requires players of level 6 or higher to join. I am not sure about the latter, but they must have players of level 9 or higher. , I met a level 9 player once at a party, and he was obviously not a high-level player."

   "Okay, that's all there is to it." Ryuzhi stopped Letotz's plan to continue. He was a little scared, afraid that he would leave the city desperately if he listened to it.

At this time, he has understood that the city in front of him has become a big pit. Although I don’t know why there is such a big organization here, even a rookie like him can find the problem. There is no reason for the southern swamp. The big bosses of the plane will not find it.

  The reason why those big guys will allow this organization to exist must have their own considerations, but at the cost.

  An organization has grown so big, no matter whether you choose to join the organization or not, as long as you are in the city, it will eventually become the sacrifice of the organization's rise or fall.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's face also became dignified, he wondered if he had to prepare some other means to save his life.

   After thinking for a while, Liu Zhi asked again: "I see that there are many planes here. Do you know how to leave this plane and go to other planes?"

   After that, Liu Zhi thought for a while and said, "Forget it, there is no such method, and you are only Level 2. I don’t know if this is normal."

At this time, Letoz said: "There is this method. In fact, in capital-level cities, there will be a plane teleportation array. You can use it if you pay enough general coins below level 5, and you can use yourself at level 5 and above. To open the teleportation array, you only need to pay for the activation of the teleportation array. As for those above level 10, they can come from various planes freely, and there is no need for a teleportation array or something."

Speaking of this, Letotz paused, "But even if it can go to other planes, it's useless. Each plane has its own power. Even if it passes, it's just a start again. There is no such thing. "

   "Then what do you say?" Liu Zhi asked angrily.

   "I can tell you the good brother who brought me to the Dark Wisdom. As long as you join, you can get some help."

  Ryuzhi did not speak. He was not evaluating something, but when Letoz made this opinion, there was always a kind of Liuzhi who seemed to have forgotten or ignored something.

   "Forget it, I don't want to join any organization at all. I can't hide it if I can't provoke me. As long as they don't trouble me, I just stay here."

  After speaking, Ryuzhi waved his hand and left like this.

  However, he did not immediately return to the real world, but walked out of the Hades along the road that was almost paved.

  Although it hasn’t been a few days, the road outside Hades has been paved for a long distance, and there are some skeleton soldiers with spears and shields patrolling there.

  Liu Zhi noticed that there seemed to be some small spiders lying on the bodies of these skeleton soldiers.

After thinking about it, Liu Zhi realized that this was the method of the Spider Girl, and the Spider Girl was not a hero. The skeleton soldiers under Liu Zhi were also skirmishers. They would be released on patrol, and they would be released. The feeling of letting go.

  The most terrible thing is that I don’t know what happened, and I don’t know if these skeletons are gone or are in danger.

Spinning Spider Girl also thought of using this method to throw a small spider on each skeleton soldier. These small spiders are not responsible for sending orders or anything. They tell after the skeleton soldier ran away or was killed. Where is the skeleton soldier who disappeared?

Regarding this situation, Liu Zhi wouldn’t say much. With the protection of these skeleton soldiers, this road has become much safer. Those skeleton soldiers only accepted a few orders, one is to protect the road and attack all that they set on. The enemy of the road, and the soul with the symbol of Yanagi, return to the palace.

  As the master of the Hades, Ryuzhi will naturally not be attacked by these skeleton soldiers. Ryuzhi easily came to the end of the road.

  At this time, the road has not been paved to the Liuzhi advance base. Now it is still a messy construction site, and a large number of undead are carrying stones and holding alchemy potions to advance here.

In the way of the spider girl, this road is the same as the city wall of Liuzhi Ming Palace. It is all a mixture of soil and spider webs. After it is laid out, the firmness will not be worse than that of ordinary marble, and it is also very strong. It is easy to handle, the only problem is that the alchemy potion will consume more.

  But it’s not a problem for the Spider Lady Fangming. The Spider Lady Fangming herself will make this kind of alchemy potion. These days the alchemy hut is working hard to make it, and there is only an alchemist there.

  (End of this chapter)

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