Necromantic Myth

Chapter 178: Battle with the Necromancer

  Chapter 178 Battle with the Necromancer

  The Necromancer was stunned by Liu Zhi, but how he said he was also an advanced player. His level was not given to him by others, but he made it out of the game step by step.

  Even if he can control a legion-level existence, it is not a fluke, but has his own strength.

  After Liu Zhi scratched a ‘Z’ on his face, the Necromancer finally got serious, or in other words, facing the danger of his life, he had to get serious.

The necromancer opened his mouth to Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi only felt a strange sound wave hitting his face like this. The sound wave was quite powerful and seemed to arouse the breath of the undead. Hearing this sound, his heart was After tight, he was blown away, as if his soul was about to be blown away.

Liu Zhi reacted quickly, and he understood in an instant that this should be an attack skill of a necromancer, similar to a banshee's wailing technique. After he was blown out, he lay down on the ground and avoided it. The maximum range of attack.

But at this time, the initiative has fallen into the hands of the Necromancer. He kept backing away. Almost every step back, an undead servant or a group of undead soldiers appeared beside him, which can be seen. After a short while, Liu Zhi will not even say that he is close to the kill, he will not even have a chance to survive.

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't even think about it, and shouted at the death staff thrown in the distance.

   "Flash burst!"

  The sun crystal on the death rod in the distance burst out a dazzling white light, and it fell on all the undead.

  But the necromancer smiled there and said: "It's useless, I already know your methods, as long as they don't look at your light, their eyes will not be blind..."

Before the Necromancer had finished speaking, he felt a pain behind him. Letots followed the flashing shadow, sneaked from the shadow of Yuji to behind the Necromancer, and used his own backstab trick. .

  The necromancer was stabbed, and he couldn't help but panic. The necromancers and troops that had just been released quickly surrounded him, trying to **** the necromancer.

At this moment, Liu Zhi rolled to the ground and rolled to the death rod. He raised the death rod and poured all his magic power into the death rod, pointing towards the necromancer. .

The Necromancer was facing an attack from Letoz at this time. He never expected that Liu Zhi, who showed super melee combat ability, would use a ranged attack. When he reacted, he had been fallen by the star of Liu Zhi. Extraordinary skills Xingguang Yongdao was locked.

  Countless stars fell from the sky with powerful lethality, and all the stars fell heavily on the body of the necromancer like shooting stars.

  For Necromancers to use other magics, it is actually quite normal in this world. Every Necromancer has another identity before their profession, the player.

  You don’t need to point at the players to follow their career settings. They tend to learn whatever they get. Except for the special skills of the Necromancer, it is possible to learn anything.

It’s just that the Necromancer never expected that Liu Zhi would have such a method, and he had obviously learned the extraordinary level of 4th. Facing such a situation, he had to transform his magic power to support himself. A shield made of bones.

  At this time, Liu Zhi also took this opportunity to replace the sun crystal on the death rod with lightning coral.

  After that, he didn't care about magic or magic, so he rushed towards the necromancer.

  As he ran forward, the undead servants and undead troops around the necromancer finally became confused. They didn't know whether to help the necromancer or to stop Liu Zhi.

  This gave Liu Zhi a good opportunity. He rushed into the undead army and threw the death staff to the ground.

   "Static shock!"

  Yagiji did not use his own magic power this time, but the effect of thunder and lightning coral. With the death wand he pierced as the center, a wave of thunder and lightning spread to the surroundings.

  The undead servants and the undead troops that surrounded Yuji were all affected by this, centered on the distance from Yuji, the closer to him, the more scorched the darker.

  The necromancer at this time was also affected to a certain extent. He looked at Liu Zhi with a bit of surprise, and involuntarily moved the bone shield used to resist the starlight surge to him.

  At this moment, Letotz suddenly flipped the dagger in his hand, and hit the necromancer's head with the handle of the dagger.

   Although the bone shield of the Necromancer can be regarded as an all-round defense, Letoz was originally a bit capable, and he finally hit the Necromancer with a sap on the head.

  This is not like smashing like Liu Zhi, this is a skill activation, which can be cancelled, but it will also make people dizzy for a while.

  But it was this moment that allowed Liu Zhi to seize the opportunity, and his death rod pierced into the gap that the bone shield could not defend, and then his thin thorn sword swept forward.

   Under this stroke, Liu Zhi was a little embarrassed. The electrostatic impact just now used up all the electricity in the thunder and lightning coral above. This time he only shot out with his wind blade.

  Fortunately, Liu Zhi was quick to respond. When he found that there was no thunder and lightning, he directly stabbed the death rod forward and placed the death rod on the chest of the necromancer.

The necromancer just came out from the attack of Liu Zhi’s starlight, and was pushed against his chest by Liu Zhi holding a death staff. He thought that Liu Zhi’s trick must be done, so he couldn’t help but pay attention. On top of the death rod, where the effect of the gem on the top of the death rod was analyzed.

  At this moment, the wind blade released by Liu Zhi flew out along the top of the death rod and cut to the face of the necromancer.

  At this time, the necromancer reacted. He was a little speechless. Why did Liu Zhi use such tricks? It didn't look like an undead skill at all. At the same time, he dodged and wanted to get out.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi let go of his hand, and the death rod was released in this way. All his attention was focused on the thin thorn sword in his hand.

At this time, Liu Zhi could not take care of a lot. He knew that if he didn’t kill the guy in front of him this time, he wouldn’t report any hope. At this time, he used his full strength, night stabbing and swordsmanship. The cooperation of the Z-shaped secret sword, coupled with the wind blade of Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship, slowly formed a weird sword curtain between Liu Zhi and the Necromancer.

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  (End of this chapter)

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