Necromantic Myth

Chapter 180: Victor disappeared (October ticket plus more)

  Chapter 180 Victor’s Disappearance (October ticket plus more)

right now?

  Now the entire legion's organization on the battlefield has collapsed. Although there are ten main battle heroes commanding there, it suddenly changed from a big legion into a melee situation in which ten heroes are in charge of their own affairs.

  Victor didn't know what happened, but he felt it as soon as the battle situation changed. Originally, his plan was to kill the heroes of the main battle and then clean up the ordinary undead soldiers.

  Such a good opportunity, how could he let it go.

  Victor took his men and rushed towards the enemy. When charging, they had actually determined the target, and whoever faced which main battle hero was assigned.

  Under Victor’s order, all the bone guards quickly rushed towards the main battle heroes.

The Necromancer himself is an orthodox Necromancer, and his subordinates are naturally the main battle heroes of the orthodox faction. Their role is more in commanding troops and strengthening troops, but their own combat power is not as necromantic. Strong.

In addition, the troops they command are all under the necromancers. They only have command power and no ownership, and they can’t pull some confidants. When Victor and the others raided, the ten main battle heroes could not control The various undead who were in the melee in front called back to help.

  Victor and they all know that there is only one chance like this. If there is no way to kill the enemy, they may die, so they all use their most powerful power.

  Like Victor, he mounted a bone horse made of bones and rushed towards the enemy with a bone spear.

  And this Victor's bone horse not only looks handsome, but also runs handsome.

  The bony eyes and four hooves were filled with dark green ghost fires. When they ran, they didn't fall to the ground. Instead, they felt like a horse stepping on the void.

Victor’s goal is the most difficult ghost among the enemies, not the most powerful corpse king. Among these ten main battle heroes, the Skeleton King and the Zombie King are the best to deal with. Vampires are better, as long as It's okay not to let the other party **** blood, and so can the ghost.

Among the last three, the ghost, the corpse witch king, and a stitching monster that looks like a piece together, these three are the most difficult to deal with, so Victor’s main target is placed on the ghost, his plan He used his own level to forcefully kill the ghost, and then turned around to help his men deal with the corpse witch king and the suture monster.

  As for the remaining main battle heroes, he can handle them without him needing too much consideration.

  Victor’s idea was quite correct. When he rushed to the ghost, a section of the bone spear in his hand became imaginary.

  This is exactly one of Victor’s ability. The reason why he can become the captain of the Bone Guardian has a great advantage. The Bone Spear, which has become virtual, can easily hit creatures like ghosts.

  However, when he rushed to the ghost, Victor suddenly felt something was wrong. There seemed to be something wrong with the ghost’s eyes.

  Be aware that normal ghosts are creatures that resemble ghosts but are stronger than ghosts. Their bodies are black and their eyes are red, but there is a hint of green hidden under the red light in the ghost’s eyes.

  When he rushed to the ghost, Victor found that he seemed to have entered another space.

   Then Victor heard a voice, “I thought I was going to fail this time, but I didn’t expect you to come here by yourself.”

   Victor was shocked, and what happened in the next few days kept appearing in his mind. Finally, he said: "You are just to draw me out?"

   "You are very smart, but you are too smart, so now I can only ask you to die."

  After that voice, Victor only darkened before his eyes and knew nothing.

And at this time, Liu Zhi didn’t know what was going on. He only saw the bone guards rushing to the enemy’s main battle heroes. The other ten main battle heroes killed seven, the most powerful three. The ghost, the corpse witch king, and the suture monster escaped.

  And the undead troops they brought, none of them were taken away. In the absence of anyone's command, those undead troops caused chaos outside Liu Zhiming Palace.

The fact that the Bone Guardians were their undead helped Liu Zhi to clean up these undead troops. They didn’t notice this battle until after the battle was over. Nearly forty Bone Guardians came and only less than ten were killed. But their captain Victor disappeared.

  This situation caused the bone guards to explode. When they came here, they had already thought that they might die in battle, so they were not dissatisfied with the few brothers who died.

  Instead, they have already killed the seven main battle heroes, which is equivalent to finding some clues about the enemy, and even ruining the enemy's plan. At their level, the main battle hero is not so simple to take out.

  But they lost their captain, which is terrible.

One of the bone guards said: "When the captain arranged the task for us, I was in charge of the corpse witch king, because I have a good resistance to magic. The captain meant that I would drag the corpse witch king and wait for him to kill. Come over to help me or help..."

  Speaking of this, the Bone Guard's gaze turned to the other one, who was sent to deal with the Stitching Monster. "The captain didn't come to help me either. That means that the captain had an accident while in the ghost of the Holy Physique.

  This time, the bone guards are frying the pot. They are not idiots. Victor can think of things they can think of. One of the bone guards walked in front of Ryuuji.

   "You come with us."

   Liu Zhi drew the thin stabbing sword. "A few meanings, do you want to be sent away by me in advance?"

   "Our captain has an accident with you, you have to go back with us to investigate."

   "That's right, we were invited by you. If something happens, we must find you."

   "Yes, you brought our captain over."

  Looking at them pressing toward him, Liu Zhi was also angry. He slammed the death rod to the ground heavily, and a flash of light blew the eyes of everyone present.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi began to communicate the divinity of the feather snake god. In the confines of the palace, the cold death breath began to entangle these bone guards.

  The bone guards are all players, and they can all feel the strong breath of death. At this time, their hearts shrink a little.

  At this time, Liu Zhi said: “You will listen to me one or two. Your captain’s business has nothing to do with me. If you are looking for it, I can tell you clearly. Look for this mark.”

  (End of this chapter)

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