Necromantic Myth

Chapter 182: Level 3 Mass Burial Grounds (20 month pass plus more)

  Chapter 182 Level 3 Mass Burial Post (20 monthly pass plus more)

  Ryuzhi glanced at the corpse on the ground, then glanced at Mander, "Throw all the corpses in?"

   "Of course not. Just throw in the corpses of the Skeleton King and the Zombie King. You must have never thought about how our heroes are formed, right?"

  Mander pointed to the corpses and said, "Try it, maybe you will understand."

  Ryuzhi gave Mander a blank look. He thought Mander would tell him how the hero was trained. He didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, Mander would tell him this.

  However, according to Mander’s instructions, Ryuzhi threw the corpses of the four Skeleton Kings and one Zombie King into the mass grave.

  Throw in at the same time the flesh and bones of that player.

  After throwing these things in, Liu Zhi got a prompt from the system that the blood and underworld energy absorbed by the mass grave has reached a certain level, and the mass grave can now be upgraded.

  At this time, Liu Zhi couldn't take care of other things. He was also very curious about what changes would happen. He took out the design drawings of his mass grave and threw it into the sky.

Then Liu Zhi saw the mass grave that he had built in the Hades. At this time, the mass grave began to turn green again, and the area was directly four times the size of the original level 1 mass grave. .

  Liu Zhi didn't think much, nodded and agreed, and then the mass grave shook slightly and began to change towards the level 3 mass grave.

Compared with the level 2 mass graves, the level 3 mass graves are significantly larger. At the same time, a large number of graves have been piled up like hills. Between the graves, there are exposed bones and carrion, which can be seen. When they came out, some corpses didn't even have a coffin, so they were thrown in.

  On the top of the tomb in the mass grave, there is a dead old tree. Under the old tree, a large number of broken weapons are inserted.

   Liu Zhi stepped forward and appeared in front of the mass grave.

  The control bar of the mass graves popped up directly, beating in front of Liu Zhi.

  At this time, the control column of the mass graves has been further classified, from the original two columns corresponding to combat troops and labor troops to four columns.

   corresponds to ordinary residents, working population, combat troops and small bosses respectively.

Liu Zhi took a closer look and found that in the classification of ordinary residents, it was naturally the most basic undead in the entire mass grave. In addition to the original bone crawlers, roaming skeletons and walking corpses, there were also two new existences, ghost fires. With wandering ghosts.

  【Wizard fire: Incomplete soul assembly. Because the soul is incomplete, it can only appear in the air in the form of ghost fire, serving as the material for making various undead. 】

  【Wandering Ghost: Lost the body, only the soul exists. Under the influence of the Yin Qi, the condensed ghost can only wander near the mass graves and cannot leave the mass graves. 】

  These two kinds of ordinary residents have more than one, and no matter it is the working population or the combat troops, some new types of troops have been added.

  On the labor force side, there are a total of five new types of arms, corresponding to the five types of ordinary residents.

  【Skeleton Transporter: An on-ground transportation tool made of bone-crawlers and a lot of wood. It can run on the main road and travel between the main city and the forward base or other cities. 】

  【Wildfire Lantern: A common lantern made of wildfire and some wood. It can be used to illuminate the road and also has a certain warning function. 】

  【Skeleton Lumberjack: Skeleton soldiers who can be sent out to log wood. The axe in their hands is made of bones from them. 】

   [Ground-digging zombies: Zombies that can excavate underground, even if they are crushed, will not die, but will slowly dig out. They are good at building underground structures. 】

  [Yin Qi Guide: The most common wandering ghosts can only act as the most common Yin Qi guide. On the surface, they are professional, but they are actually used as electrical wires. 】

  Compared with the changes in the working population, the combat troops have only added two types of troops. There are no ghosts. It is impossible for ghosts to train into combat troops and need special methods.

  【Tomahawk Zombie: The strongest among all zombies, with a battle axe in your hand, it is a whirlwind to kill the enemy, but it is inevitable that they will lose their minds when fighting and ignore their comrades. 】

  【Skeleton Spearman: A long-range unit that does not use bows and arrows, with three to five spears on their backs. In addition to throwing, these spears can also be used for close combat. 】

These two arms made Liu Zhi hesitate. He is not worried about the shortage of his arms, but his troops simply can't make up enough numbers. If they can't make up people on the battlefield, they can't slowly merge into one. Squad.

  Not to mention that these two types of arms are not easy to survive on the battlefield.

  Hesitated, Liu Zhi's gaze finally fell to the column of the little boss.

Then he was stunned. The little boss directly expelled the five corpses that were thrown in by Liu Zhi before, four skeleton kings and one zombie king, and a line of small characters was written under each one, ( Level 1, 5/5) or (Level 2, 10/10).

After Liu Zhi took a closer look, he realized that the level 1 and level 2 refer to the level of the five corpses, and 5/5 refers to the number of small bosses that can be transformed with this corpse.

  After understanding, Liu Zhi was not so eager to do it. He turned his head and said, "Are all the little bosses recruited?"

Yuji's words reached Mander's ears. Mander, who had already returned to the city wall, was not surprised at all. In the Hades Palace, Yuji could do anything. He said directly: "After the little boss is recruited, it will be compared with ordinary people. Soldiers are no different. Only when they have enough experience can they have the opportunity to upgrade and become a hero. This is the only way to become a hero. Naturally, the sooner they are recruited, the better."

   "Then what if there is no way to become a hero?"

  "If they don’t reach the standard of a hero before turning on their wisdom, they will become some special undead, just like what you call NPC, you can let them be responsible for the task release of some advance bases."

   "I see." Liu Zhi said, then looked at the five corpses, "Then recruit them all."

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with the little boss. After the five corpses, there was a bone that looked weird.

  Compared with the five main battle heroes, the situation where all the equipment is thrown in is different. This bone is empty, and there is no flesh and blood.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and then remembered, isn’t this the bone left by the player who blew himself up? Why is he here?

  (End of this chapter)

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