Necromantic Myth

Chapter 184: New Soul Naga (30 month ticket plus more)

  Chapter 184 New Soul Naga (30-month ticket plus more)

"Are you really sure? You have read half of this book. As long as you finish reading it, you have a certain chance of becoming a six-armed naga. Now that you take this book away, your chances of becoming a six-armed naga are all It will be much smaller."

  Looking at the Naga training manual that was handed over to him, Ryuji asked seriously.


   "Okay, then." Liu Zhi was speechless, and took the Naga training manual to the corpse of the corpse soul Naga.

The strength of this corpse soul naga should be stronger than that of Vidnina. At least it is obviously much larger in size. At the same time, her arms are obviously problematic. A pair of forearms is normal, but a pair of upper arms are obvious. It became much thicker. If it weren't for the four swords she was holding, Liu Zhi would even think that her upper arm was a heavy weapon such as a battle axe.

  At the same time, the length of the Soul Naga will be longer than that of Vidnina, and all the scales on her body are a kind of weird green, and I don't know if it is a poisonous one.

Putting the Naga training manual on the body of the Soul Naga, Liu Zhi recites the spell of spiritualism. At this time, he seems to have entered a different state. It seems that he has seen the corpse through the corpse in front of him. How did the soul naga transform from an ordinary ha naga.

Slowly, Ragiji's magic power was forcibly injected into it. The corpse soul Naga kept twisting his body, it felt like a snake was twisted unconsciously after its head was cut off. She is quite big, and she often rolls over a long distance when she turns around.

Liu Zhi has always been standing at the head of the Soul Naga. While injecting his magic power, Liu Zhi also injected his own consciousness into it. I don’t know how long it will take. After long, Liu Zhi will think that he is about to support. He couldn't go on any longer, and the system prompt sounded from his ear.

【Ding! You successfully transformed a corpse soul naga. 】

As soon as Ryuji opened his eyes, he found that the huge corpse of the corpse Naga in front of him had disappeared. In front of him there was only a fist-sized silver human-shaped statue, which was the same as the statue of Vidnina when he came out. It was exactly the same, the body of a female creature with four arms crawled out of the ground.

  【Dead Servant: Soul Naga】

  【Occupation: Warrior】

  【Level: Level 1】

[Ability: Weapon master (can use all conventional weapons), four-armed creature (can use two sets of weapons at the same time), melee master (in siege, the strength is improved), whirlwind slash (use yourself as the center to kill the enemy through high-speed rotation) 】

  【Explanation: The quality of the soul naga that has been made for the second time has been somewhat affected, but the characteristics of the soul naga have not changed. 】

【Ding! You have completed a mid-end undead servant production, and the undead knowledge level has been improved. 】

【Ding! You have completed the research on the corpse naga, and learned the orthodox corpse naga production method from it, and you have obtained the corpse naga training method. 】

  Looking at the information in front of him, a glimmer of clarity flashed in Liu Zhi's eyes, and a scene flashed through his mind about how to use Heinaga to make a corpse naga. The success rate was as high as 80%.

But this fart is useless. The most common two-armed soldiers of He Naga are all level 5, and when they are made into Soul Naga, they will become level 1, let alone level 10 four-armed naga. , Judging from the current situation, it is a waste of Ryuzhi to make the soul naga. Only when his strength is raised to about 15 can he make a lot of soul naga.

   Shaking his head, Ryuzhi said, "Videnina, this guy is under your command. She should be an aggressive type. Give her a little bit of talk, and then follow your side."

  Vednina didn’t say anything, she still stood behind Ryuuji, watching the corpse Naga transform from a humanoid statue.

The new corpse soul naga is significantly smaller. It was originally more powerful than Vidnina, but now stands up to only about 1.7 meters tall, but the snake tail is relatively longer, you can see that she and Vader Nina is different.

  Yagiji didn't care about the weapons of the corpse soul Naga. At this time, he had other things to do.

  While Ryuzhi was dealing with the Soul Naga, most of the corpses outside the city were also transported in. The complete and valuable things have been collected, and the rest is a few bits and pieces.

  At this time, Liu Zhi looked at a suture thread with body oil, and a thought flashed in his mind.

  This kind of suture is used to make the necessary materials for the suture monster. It is known as the three key points of the suture monster. However, Liu Zhi has a feeling that the suture in front of him is a bit like the spiders stocked by the Spinning Spider Girl.

If it was Liu Zhi before, he might not have discovered this, but at this time Liu Zhi’s undead knowledge has reached level 5, which has entered another level. His heart moved, after arranging the work in the city , He swiftly moved towards the advancing base.

  At this time, he wanted to ask Spinner Spider Girl if there is any way to make this kind of suture from spider silk.

  This time out of the city, Liu Zhi doesn't need to walk by himself anymore. In addition to transporting goods, the skeleton transporter just made can also transport people. Although it is not as fast as flying, it is faster than Liu Zhi walking.

Ryuzhi went out with two corpse soul naga, Vidnina naturally carried four long swords, and the new corpse soul naga was holding two long swords and a two-handed battle axe, you can see Come out, she is really the kind of existence that can use any weapon.

  It's just that compared to the relatively defensive Vidnina, she is more aggressive. Ryuzhi can see that this corpse soul Naga is full of an urge to kill and release the whirlwind.

The   skeleton transporter ran for about an hour, and then ran past the road that Liuzhi had taken for nearly two hours, and saw the forward base of Fangming Spider Girl and Liuzhi from a distance.

As soon as Liu Zhi came over, the Spider Girl Fangming ran out of the advance base, "I have already discovered what is going on in that shadowy city. I sent someone in, but after my subordinates went in, immediately After being discovered, the city looks weird, just like a shadow. If you don’t enter the city, you will not find the city at all. After you go in, you will find that the city is all shadows, and all the shadows are It’s a tunnel, and some enemies will come out from time to time..."

  "Wait a minute about things in the city, Spinning Spider Girl, I have something to ask you, can your spider spin such a thread?"

  Ryuzhi interrupted the Orancholy Lady, and took out the suture thread with body oil.

  (End of this chapter)

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