Necromantic Myth

Chapter 200: The calculation of the bone guards (110 monthly ticket plus more)

  Chapter 200 The calculation of the bone guards (110 monthly ticket plus more)

   "I am the new captain of the bone guarding this city."

After rushing back to the place where the accident occurred in his jurisdiction, Liu Zhi saw a group of bone guards sealing up the block. He could recognize that there were many bone guards in his city last time. Fought.

  And the captain of the bone guard in front of him looks relatively young and does not seem to be a powerful existence.

Noting the look in Ryuzhi’s eyes, the bone guard said, “The previous captain Victor was my uncle. I’m also called Victor. You can call me Victor. This time, you’ve encountered a large-scale death of residents here. I doubt it. It has something to do with the conspiracy of the blood warrior, so please deal with the souls here. We are going to your city for a resident guard. You go faster.

Even if there is no reminder from the blood warrior, Liu Zhi will not let the bone guard go to his haunted palace again. Last time, he could not do it. If he did not invite the bone guard to the haunted palace, his haunted palace would be It's going to be taken down.

  This time, does that little Victor really think he is the kind of person who will not leave if he is bullied?

Liu Zhi ignored little Victor at all. He carried the death rod and walked past corpses on the ground. Every time he walked past one, he would stop. The death rod was a little on the ground, and a spiritualism was put on it. The souls of these corpses put a mark.

  After finishing everything here, Liu Zhi turned his head and left.

  Little Victor waved his hand, and the bone guard followed behind, and Liu Zhi ignored them, letting them follow to the door of his small courtyard.

  Liu Zhi opened the door of the small courtyard and walked in like this.

Little Victor thought that Liu Zhi had compromised, with a disdainful smile on his face. He wondered how to deal with Liu Zhi's revenge for his uncle when he arrived in Liu Zhi's palace, just as he was about to step into Liu Zhi's courtyard. In an instant, a giant axe slashed at his front door.

Little Victor belonged to the death knight, and he reacted quite quickly. He stepped back and retreated behind the door. He looked at a corpse soul Naga stuck in front of the door, and his face changed. He pointed to Yuji and said "Sandrew, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean." Liu Zhi turned around and looked at Xiao Vic's hand. "How I told your uncle back then, how I tell you now, the city of the undead is the root of our corpse. Unless I invite you in, if one comes in, I will hack one to death."

   "Okay, Sandro, I now suspect that you are connected to the blood officer, you will come out immediately." Little Victor was a little frustrated, and jumped there.

"Hehe." Liu Zhi only replied. The death rod was a little heavy on the ground. The Golden Skull and the Skeleton Archer quickly appeared in a team. The Golden Marrow under the command of Rust Bone laid a defensive formation in front, and the Skeleton Archer also Raised the longbow in his hand.

   "You dare to come in and have a try."

  After talking, Liu Zhi walked towards his own small building without looking back.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's indifferent appearance, a bone guard whispered: "Captain, what shall we do now?"

   "Keep on guard, I don't believe it anymore. He doesn't need to come out to work. As long as he comes out, he will be taken away in the name of his coordinator."

   "But we have no evidence."

   "No today, doesn't mean there will be no tomorrow. Have the souls of those who died today been dealt with?" Little Victor asked with a serious face.

   "It's done, but Captain, is this really good?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. I want to avenge my uncle. This hatred fell on Sandru. If he hadn't offended the **** officer, my uncle would not disappear, so Sandru must die. These souls should be buried for him."

After    finished speaking, little Victor pointed to a few bone guards, "You stay here, and when the one called Sandro comes out tomorrow, he will be arrested directly."

At this moment, outside the Liuzhi courtyard, a zombie covered in aquatic plants was crawling out of the silt. He glanced at the situation here and couldn't help saying, "What's going on here, Bone Guard What to do this morning, but this is also an opportunity."

  At this time, Liu Zhi didn't have any air traffic control outside. After returning to Hades, he already knew Xiao Victor's plan.

   "How dare they do this." Looking at the soul in front of him, Liu Zhi's face became quite solemn.

Just after returning to the Hades, Ryuzhi knew about Little Victor’s plan. All the souls were manipulated by them. These souls were affected by a curse, and now they look okay, but after about seven or eight hours, These souls will automatically dissipate and disappear in Liu Zhi's palace.

  For Liu Zhi, this is a plan to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot, because the reason why Liu Zhi has the identity of the corpse officer is not because he has an undead city, but he has the responsibility of escorting dead souls to a designated location.

  These souls are just passing through in his Hades, and they don't belong to him.

  Ryuzhi needs to send these souls to the higher level, that is, the undead city of Wilder, and then send them to the higher level by Wilder.

  This kind of soul transfer has very strict requirements. One of them is that all human souls are not allowed to be detained privately.

If Liu Zhi loses only one soul here, the data will not be matched, and this time hundreds of people have been affected by this curse, and hundreds of souls have disappeared in one breath, then he will be suspected of becoming a blood warrior in an instant. , There will be no other end at all.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's hand holding the death rod became tighter.

   "Little Victor, you are fine."

  Some thoughts flashed in Liu Zhi's mind. The words Connor had said before, as well as the words of the unknown blood soldier before, all appeared in Liu Zhi's heart.

   "Very good, all very good." Liu Zhi raised the death rod and shouted loudly, "You are all fine."

   Then Liu Zhi's body dissipated in the palace, and a large feathered snake appeared in the sky. This was the first time that Liu Zhi merged himself with the divine nature of the feathered snake.

When he became a feathered snake, Liu Zhi hovered in the sky and began to meditate. This time he used the meditation idea of ​​Rasha's eyes. When using this meditation idea, the wings of the feathered snake turned into a meditation. It was faintly golden, and at the same time, the body of the feather snake turned into a blue-black like a dark cloud.

Hovering constantly in the sky, Liu Zhi exudes a breath of sunlight and undead, a lot of rain fell in the palace, and the rain with the power of Liu Zhi washes everything in the palace. , Also flushing the curse on those souls.

  (End of this chapter)

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