Necromantic Myth

Chapter 206: Come again

  Chapter 206 Again

   "Hero potential."

Mander said in some memories, "I also met back then. Compared with grassroots heroes like ours, they are too smooth. Generally speaking, the existence of hero potentials only needs to be inaugurated as transcendents and trained. With your own troops, you can become a hero, unlike the opportunities we have to fight for in all kinds of battles."

  Liu Zhi looked at Mander, he seemed to hear something in Mander’s words.

"But these guys with heroic potential often don't cherish their talents so much. I have encountered so many heroic potentials. There are not many who can truly become heroes. On the contrary, many have become heroes inadvertently because of various opportunities. , Let him grow up first with the one you have."

  When Mander said that, Liu Zhi understood the situation here. He thought about it and brought the murloc back to the lake where it lacked water.

Throwing the hero's potential into the lake, he then said to the three spiritual dead lake murlocs who have grown up: "You teach him well, if he can become a hero, it will be a good thing for you. From now on he will be called Nasha."

After talking about Ryuzhi, he no longer cares about the things here. After all, he still has a lot of things to do next, and the thing here is to put the murloc eggs into the lake, so that the lake water slowly affects the murloc eggs. This is not something Liu Zhi can get in a hurry.

  It was Yanagi who saw that the newly-born fish people were eating the murloc eggs that had failed to hatch. He didn't know if it was their instinct or what the fish people had discovered.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly received a dangerous message that someone wanted to sneak into the Hades.

This information came in from the outside world. When he entered the Hades, he moved the corpse soul Naga, who had been guarded in the small courtyard, to the basement for guarding. At the same time, he also arranged for Letoz to return. The passage that is not sealed there.

  Now that the news comes, it is clear that someone wants to enter the Hades through that passage again.

  This irritated Liu Zhi.

   "Okay, you regard me as a place. Come and leave if you want."

  Liu Zhi roared, called the Fangming Spider Girl and Vidnina, and left the palace in this way and entered the real world.

  Only when he opened the door of the basement, Liu Zhi heard the sound of fighting outside.

  Yagiji poked her head out and found that the corpse soul Naga outside was spinning non-stop, using her whirlwind slash on the corridor leading to the basement.

  And beside her, a large number of decks with flames were flying up and rushing towards the corpse Naga.

   "It really is you."

  Yagiji recognized at a glance where the guy in front of him came from. This was the owner of the secret gathering last time, Mr. Skeleton.

  It’s just that at that time, Liu Zhi already knew that he was just an undead servant of a necromancer, so he didn't take him to heart. He didn't expect that he would have been thinking about him for so long.

   "I didn't want to deal with you, but I am in a bad mood now, so go and die."

Liu Zhi’s death rod pointed forward, and a strong wind blew outwards. This strong wind sailor’s extraordinary ability when he sails can blow a big ship. Under the control of Liu Zhi, the small beetle was As soon as the wind blows, it flies back.

  Then the Soul Naga also retreated to Ryuji's side. Compared with Vidnina, this Soul Naga couldn't even speak, but made a gesture with other enemies.

  Liu Zhi understood it at a glance, "Spinning Spider Girl, seal this place with a spider web. I remember you have a fire-proof spider web. Don’t let any beetle pass here."

   "Okay, don't worry, I have done a lot for spider web fire prevention, and more than that, I also brought other small spiders up there. If the number of their beetles is not large, they are not my opponent at all."

   Spinning Spider Girl said, she began to arrange in front of the basement door.

  And Liu Zhi was also angry at this time. He didn't care about the others at all. He took two corpse soul naga and rushed out of the basement.

   ran to the passage, and Liu Zhi found that Letoz was entangled by the enemy.

  Just a glance, Ryuji knew why Letoz couldn't beat that guy. Letoz was the one who was completely defeated.

It is a ghost made up of yellow sand that fights Letoz. That guy usually looks like a sandstorm. Only a face is hidden in the sandstorm. He has the characteristics of a ghost. All attacks against him There is a half chance of immunity, and at the same time it has the characteristics of sandstorms. Attacks are all large-scale. Letotz's stealth, back-stab, and backstab skills are of no use to this ghost.

  Before getting close to the ghost, the invisible Letoz was beaten out by the ghost’s wind and sand.

  So at this time, Letoz played more embarrassed.

  As soon as he saw such a situation, Liu Zhi waved his hand, and the two corpse soul naga rushed over there.

  Vednina is okay, but the wind blades are gathered together and turned into a typhoon ball.

  The other one was different. She rushed towards the ghost, and then used Whirlwind in this way, transforming into a tornado directly, pulling the yellow sand towards her side.

  It can be seen that the two corpse soul naga are the nemesis of this one, and the other party keeps shrinking their yellow sandstorms, seeming not to dare to play like before.

  Ryuzhi slammed and jumped to the roof in twos or twos. He knew that the two corpse soul naga were just dragging the enemy, and the best way to deal with the ghost was the mana system attack.

  So he stood at a high point, raised the death rod, and pointed at the ghost.

  The stars fall.

   Dealing with such a simple enemy, Liu Zhi would naturally not gamble all his magic power.

  A falling star is actually enough.

  It's just that Liu Zhi is a little angry. He forgets that he is not in the underworld, but in the real world.

  The sandstorm that had risen in his courtyard had already attracted the attention of some people. Now, Liu Zhi has directly used attack magic, and the nearby residents immediately became confused.

   Then Liu Zhi noticed that some bone guards appeared nearby, and one of them was the little Victor who embarrassed him.

After    appeared nearby, little Victor pointed at Yanagi who was standing on a high place.

   "You dare to use magic in the crowd. You are destroying the stability of the city. I suspect that you are a blood soldier. Come out and walk with us."

  Ryuzhi's star fall has been released at this time, and Liu Zhi is still free to look at Xiao Victor. For this kind of guy, Liu Zhi didn't want to pay attention to it, and he shouted directly.


  (End of this chapter)

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