Necromantic Myth

Chapter 221: Frequent accidents (220 monthly ticket plus more)

   Chapter 221 Frequent Accidents (220 monthly pass plus more)

The other people on the boat were shocked when they saw the corpse soul naga released by Ryuzhi. The passengers who knew what this four-armed naga represented just stopped talking. Whose child came out these days and didn’t give it. Arrange a guard or something.

And Edward’s attitude towards Ryuji has changed a little bit, “You want to make a normal corpse soul naga, this is a good thing, uncle can’t do anything else, but I can promise you, as long as it’s us The naga that the sailor killed, the corpse is yours."

   "Thanks a lot." Liu Zhi nodded to Edward, then glanced at the red sharks surrounding this side, quickly ran to the bow of the ship, and roared.

   "Get out of the way, let me come."

   Speaking of Liu Zhi, he took the soul Naga and jumped into the sea.

  Looking at Liu Zhi’s actions, Evelyn who had been watching over there couldn’t help but curled his lips and said, “The second generation who loves the limelight.”

   Then she glanced at Richard again, "What do you want to see, you still want to beat Naga."

   "No, I don't know how to fight underwater, and I will die if I go down." Richard, who was stared at by Evelyn, shook his head repeatedly.

  Seeing Richard like this, Evelyn nodded in satisfaction, "This is right, eh, what is that?"

  Evelyn stared at the corpse that had been charred by Liu Zhi, and quickly touched the corpse, and found a green gem from it.

   "Where did I see this?" Looking at this gem, Evelyn seemed to think of something. She squeezed it hard, and a green light came from the palm of her hand.

  At this time, Liu Zhi, who had just jumped into the sea, suddenly heard a rapid tinkling sound in his ear. He opened the attribute bar and took a look at it with some puzzlement. The whole person was immediately shocked.

[Warning: Someone activates a dragon covenant item, and there will be dragons with random attributes and levels. Due to the insufficient number of sacrifices, the dragons coming from the covenant will have a 75% chance of being converted into enemies, please Be careful to survive the attack of the dragon. 】

  [Description: After the dragon covenant is activated, if the dragon responds, you need to provide gems worth more than 3000 gold coins as a sacrifice. If you can’t provide it, the dragon will be transformed into an enemy for 30 minutes. 】

  Ryuzhi raised his head in confusion, "Dragon?"

Before Liu Zhi was finished, there was a dragon roar on the Zeus, and then an extremely powerful coercion rushed toward her face. Even in the sea, Liu Zhi could feel this coercive belt. Influence.

  If it wasn't for Ryuzhi himself with a part of the feathered snake god's divinity, he might not know how to move his hands and feet in the water like the passengers who went into the water before.

   Then there was a roar from the boat, "What, you have no money, you cheated the great..."

  In the next instant, the pressure and sound brought by the dragon disappeared.

  Ryuzhi was a little puzzled, didn't he say that the dragon attacked for half an hour, how could he disappear in an instant.

   Then he noticed that the passengers in the water seemed to be looking at the sky a little sluggishly. Liu Zhi was taken aback and slowly raised his head.

He noticed that a dark cloud appeared in the sky at this time. Behind the dark cloud, there seemed to be a huge human head poking out. The human head looked like a white hair and beard. He was wearing a laurel crown on top of his head and holding it in his hands. A javelin made of lightning.

  "Zeus?" Looking at the image in the sky, Liu Zhi couldn't help but say.

  Now he really wants to know what this is all about, how such a situation can happen in an ordinary world.

Before he could react, the phantom of Zeus in the sky waved his hand down. The lightning fell from the sky and hit the Zeus below. Then Ryuzhi watched the current follow the ship of Zeus. The deck spread to the surroundings, and was finally led into the sea.

  Under such circumstances, Liu Zhi instinctively took out the Thunder Coral that had used up all the lightning to block him.

It is precisely because of this situation that all the electricity that rushed to Yanagi was absorbed by the Thunder Coral, but the other passengers who entered the water, as well as the red sharks and Naga who were about to rush here, did not have such good luck. Now, these electric currents hit the passengers and the red sharks, causing them terrible damage.

  And it also gave them a certain paralysis effect.

For the naga, a little paralysis may be better. At least the naga will not drown in the water, but for the passengers who are going to fight with the naga, the situation is not so good. They are paralyzed. There is no way to swim.

  At this point, some passengers soaked in the water actually sank into the water.

  Yuzhi had no choice but to save people. At this time, he could only hold the Thunder Coral in front of him, regardless of absorbing the power of thunder and lightning. He knew that as long as he relaxed, he would definitely have the same result as others.

  Videnina and another corpse soul, Naga, have no effect in this situation. They can only hide behind Ryuzhi to avoid being hit by the electric current.

After about four or five minutes, the electric current in the sea disappeared. Ryuzhi glanced at the floating corpses on the sea, and then ordered: "Vidnina, you kill all the haenega, I'll take a look. Are those guys saved yet."

  After talking about Liu Zhi, he swam into the water. For some passengers who can still float on the sea, Liu Zhi will go over to see more or less, as long as he finds people are still alive, he will drag them to the boat.

  And those passengers who sank to the bottom of the sea are embarrassed. They have sunk for four or five minutes. The corpses are already cold. Even if they are dragged up, they will be mixed in a water funeral. There is no other use.

  With this idea, after Ryuzhi sent dozens of surviving passengers to the boat, Vidnina had also killed all the haenejas that appeared this time.

Ryuzhi could see that the lightning just now was not aimed at the sea. Those hainagas were just stunned and not electrocuted. Vidnina and another corpse soul Naga went over. It was just repeating the job of making up the knife, so Vidnina took some time to deal with Hennaga.

  Otherwise, with the help of the Soul Naga, Ryuzhi doesn't have to all carry these passengers by himself.

At this moment, some passengers finally woke up. They looked at the situation in front of them, recalled the dark clouds in the sky before, and a passenger couldn't help but exclaimed: "What's the matter? Who doesn't look at the time and place? Zeus invited it out, isn't it killing us."

  (End of this chapter)

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