Necromantic Myth

Chapter 223: Tomb of Triton

  Chapter 223 Tomb of Triton

  "Mr. Sandrew." After talking to the woman, Edward led her to Yanagi, "This is Captain Stephanie of the 33rd Army. She has something to ask you."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the woman, and finally nodded, which was regarded as a face to Edward.

  I didn’t want the Stefanie to come up and said directly: "The 15th Legion will also play the Necromancer. Believe it or not, your sun **** will shoot you to death with one arrow."

   "Oh, what then?" Liu Zhi was not moved at all.

   "What then." Seeing Liu Zhi's unsatisfactory attitude, Stephanie was also a little angry.

"What does I have to do with you when I play with necromancers?" Liu Zhi said casually, "You are not trying to suppress my arrogance like this, and make me afraid to listen to you forcing me there. In the end, I had to choose to be You do things, so then, what do you want to do."

  Stephanie was also a little embarrassed when said by Ryuuji, but he immediately realized that Ryuuji would not do this in the Fifteenth Army too.

   "I seriously doubt that Terry Tong has plans to resurrect. I need someone to check the tomb of Triton with me, Mr. Sandro, would you like to go with it."

"The Tomb of Triton?" Seeing that Stephanie's tone changed and was no longer as aggressive as before, Ryuzhi was also moved. This is also an adventure team. He joined them to explore the Tomb of Triton. , Can also be regarded as a way to complete VIP tasks.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi had a joy in his eyes. He was about to agree, when suddenly a strange Qiu Qiu sound came from outside.

  Yagiji looked in the direction where the sound came from, and found a bird that resembled a seagull screaming while falling into Stefanie’s hand.

When Stephanie looked at the things the bird was carrying, her face changed, "Edward, I have nothing to tell you. You can leave here quickly, and we will help you with the sea monsters below. "

  After finishing talking, Stephanie ignored Liu Zhi again, ran to the bow of the ship, and jumped into the sea with one jump.

  Waiting for Liu Zhi and Edward to chase them, they only saw Stephanie riding on the back of a giant red seahorse and sneaking into the sea.

   "Captain, what is going on."

   "I don't know, but depending on the situation, there should be sea monsters coming. Captain Stephanie is going to help us stop the sea monsters."

  Speaking of this, Edward sighed involuntarily, "It's a pity that you missed the opportunity to explore the Tomb of Triton with Stephanie."

"What's the saying here?" Liu Zhi was a little curious. He found that this time the incident should have been carried out around the resurrection of Triton, but he didn't know much about Triton, only that he should It was Poseidon's son, and he didn't know the rest.

   "I know a little bit about this, let's go, I'm going to arrange for the boys to set up the boat, so I can only tell you about the things here on the road."

  Yagiji nodded, and followed Edward towards the bridge of the Zeus.

  On the road, Edward explained the situation of Triton to Liu Zhi.

It’s true that Triton in this world is still Poseidon’s son, but about a thousand years ago, in the age of the legendary gods’ twilight, Triton was given a name for various reasons. The forgotten man was killed.

The strength of that person is not very strong, but this time the beheading succeeded in ruining everything about Triton. After that, the person disappeared in this world. No matter how angry Poseidon was, there was no way to find that person. revenge.

  The angry Poseidon set off a full ten-year storm in the Mediterranean, and finally received his magical powers. He buried Tedili's body somewhere in the Mediterranean, leaving behind the prophecy of Triton's inevitable resurrection.

  But after so many years, Triton is still alive and I don’t know. Anyway, the sea monsters in the entire Mediterranean have been resurrected by Triton.

I don’t know when there has been such a rumor in the major kingdoms under the Mediterranean Sea. If someone can resurrect Triton, then he will receive a little divinity from Poseidon, and even become a **** directly. It is not impossible.

  So in the range of the Mediterranean Sea, there are countless sea monsters, all kinds of sea creatures with the same idea.

  The 33rd Army’s usual task is to patrol the Mediterranean Sea. It also has a task of guarding Terry Tomb. At least they can’t let those people dig Terry Tomb.

  "They found the tomb of Triton?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

"I don't know, I didn't ask in detail, this kind of thing is not the turn of civilians like us, but after sailing in the Mediterranean for so long, I have heard some things, in this sea area, there are at least four places claiming to be It’s the Tomb of Triton, and the closest one is on a nearby waterway. There is a relatively dangerous sea area. From time to time there are news of the sinking of ships, and sometimes ghost ships will appear in the storm. Rumor has it that Terry is unwilling to resent."

   "Nast Fanny and their goal is to go there too?"

  "I guess not in the past. I suspect that the reason why they came so quickly is because the power of Zeus appeared on the sea. You must know that the relationship between Zeus and Poseidon was not very good at the beginning."

After speaking, the two of them arrived at the bridge. At this time Edward stopped, "The bridge is heavy, I won't invite you in. By the way, thanks to you, I have let you go down this voyage. It’s arranged, you must take a good look at the craftsmanship of our chef on board these days."

  Yagiji also knew that it was impossible for him to be invited into the bridge, so he nodded, turned and prepared to leave.

   Just as Liu Zhi turned around, a string of messages suddenly popped up in front of him.

  【Hint: You successfully defended against three attacks, and the gem challenge has been completed. 】

  【Hint: Players complete the gem challenge and get a challenge chest (intermediate). 】

  [Reminder: After the player completes the gem challenge, the internal energy of the magic gem will be completely absorbed by the Hades. The Hades is in the process of transformation. The conversion time is 3 hours. The Hades cannot be used within 3 hours. Please pay attention to the player. 】

  As the message popped up, Liu Zhi noticed that the altar of the Hades that hung around his waist was emitting a deep blue light, which seemed to echo the atmosphere of the sea outside, changing into some environment in the Hades.

  Yuzhi wanted to see the changes in the palace, but he found that not only he could not enter, but even his mental power could not see the adjustment in the palace.

  The only thing he knows is that his Hades is changing in a good direction.

  (End of this chapter)

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