Necromantic Myth

Chapter 261: Underground Hades (420 monthly pass plus more)

  Chapter 261 Underground Hades (420 monthly pass plus more)

[Absorbing the iron-blood plague of Set's curse will make it a part of the Hades, replacing part of the functional effects in the Hades, and will also affect the attributes of the Hades (Note: The iron-blood plague of the Set's curse is like absorption , There is a 56.22% chance that an underground passage of the Hades will be opened, and a 37.1% chance will be a plague and frenzied war effect for the dead of the Hades)]

  【Fusion with the iron-blood plague of Seth’s curse will disperse it completely, integrate it into the Hades, and expand the scope of the Hades. (Note: If the iron-blood plague of Seth's curse is completely dispelled, all the attributes contained in it will all disappear, and only the purest energy will remain.)]

[To rebuild the iron-blood plague of Seth’s curse, rebuild the Altar of Seth somewhere in the Hades, will automatically attract the ghosts associated with Seth to enter the Hades, become a member of the Hades, and give two exclusives to Seth force. (Note: Can't stop Xiangguang Ghost's belief in Seth.)]

   "You can't let the enemy appear from the ground."

  At this time, Liu Zhi had only one thought in his mind, and the 56.22% chance was enough for him to take a gamble.

   "Absorb the iron-blood plague of Seth's curse."

When Liu Zhi said here, the black liquid hovering around him flew up. A few hours ago, his Hades Altar had already absorbed the curse, but Liu Zhi was facing this choice. At that time, I didn’t know what to do.

  If it is like the fragments of the Aztec altar last time, Ryuji doesn't need to think too much. It is the best choice to integrate and expand the area of ​​the Hades.

  But the iron-blood plague of Seth’s curse had half the effect of opening the underground world, which made Liu Zhi's heart moved.

  He has too many buildings to be placed underground. Before, he wanted to let his zombie miners dig it. Now that he has such an opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

   So this hesitation, he hesitated to the present.

  But right now he has no choice. The biggest advantage of the enemy in front of him is that he is underground. If the underground is not cleared, Liu Zhi will definitely be uneasy.

  After the black liquid flew up, it did not disappear in the Hades, but circled on top of Liu Zhi's head and flew to the Dragon Hill not far away.

  This situation made Liu Zhi also a little stunned. Didn't it mean opening an underground passage? How did he fly over there?

Liu Zhi was worried. The black liquid fell to the foot of the hill. After a while, a huge hole was corroded in the ground. Along the hole, you can see an underground passage hidden at the foot of the mountain. The inside is empty and dark. Bottomless.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, called Vidnina back, and walked on like this with the death rod.

  After entering the underground passage, Liu Zhi discovered that the so-called underground passage in front of him was actually the underground structure of the city. The expansion of the Hades was related to the real world. The Golden City was directly moved in for the first time.

  The second time I digested the mountains outside the Golden City.

  A large amount of seawater was absorbed for the third time.

  This time is different. This time, the underground passage in this city is used directly.

  On the surface of this city is the palace of Horus, which is actually a huge tomb.

  Due to the power of the Hades, when Liu Zhi came down, he only saw the empty tomb passage, and all the organs and the undead disappeared.

  After entering the underground, Liu Zhi understood why the iron-blood plague of Seth’s curse chose this place as the entrance.

  After coming down from the top, as long as you go around a turn, you can see a hall. Around the hall are engraved the plot of how Horus escaped Seth’s pursuit, grew, and counter-killed Seth.

  Of course these are not important. What’s important is that Liu Zhi found out that he seemed to have done something stupid.

  He saw a coffin larger than normal in this hall. The coffin was in the style of Ancient Egypt, and it looked like a person had fallen in the middle of the hall.

  It can be seen from the outside of the coffin. The person who can fall into the obsidian coffin must be an emperor.

  Liu Zhi believed that as long as he opened the coffin, there must be a mummy inside, and this mummy was sealed in Horus’ underground palace in all likelihood.

  Also, there is a possibility of more than 70%. This guy is a believer in Seth.

How to do?

A very realistic matter was placed in front of Ryuzhi. Regardless of the cause of this incident, the kobold mummy outside must be Seth’s men. Ninety-nine percent of their target is the corpse. Give this thing out?

One thought after another flashed in Liu Zhi's mind.

  At this moment, Mander's voice suddenly came from Yuji's ear.

   "Attention, there is a strong enemy."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the coffin in the middle of the hall, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Seal this place and wait until we leave this place."

   After saying that, Ryuzhi dragged Vidnina, took a step forward, and appeared on the city wall.

After climbing on the city wall, Liu Zhi saw a black jackal over four meters tall rushing towards this side. It could be seen that he was much stronger than the kobold mummies.

   "Is this a powerful enemy?" Liu Zhi was a little puzzled, but he also believed that Mander would not lie to him.

   "Look at that way." Mander pointed at the black jackal, Yanagi narrowed his eyes, and he saw a shadow following the black jackal.

  It was a man wrapped in a black robe. He was holding a spear in his left hand and a long sword in his right hand. You can see from his footsteps that he is an assassin.

  But the assassin with this heavy weapon, it is hard to say that he is the kind of sneak genre that kills all witnesses.

   Tucao in his heart, Liu Zhi took a closer look.

   "I have seen this person."

   Then Liu Zhi's eyes flashed with solemnity, "This man's power is very strange, and it is the opposite of my meditation. He came here specifically to chase me, but this is also my opportunity."

  Speaking of this, Liu Zhi shook his hand and drew the thin stabbing sword out, "This time it seems that I want to go personally."

   "Well, pay attention to yourself. I feel that the person's flexibility is not worse than that of you, and the outside is a big battlefield. You'd better have the ability to come back at any time, otherwise I can't guarantee your safety."

  Yagiji hadn’t set off, she was held back by Vidnina. She spoke slowly, "Let...I...come..."

   "No, this is an opportunity for me, and maybe the key to our break."

  (End of this chapter)

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