Necromantic Myth

Chapter 264: Weird fish (subscription required)

  Chapter 264 Strange fish (seeking subscription)

  Since there was so much sea in the Hades, the half of the city wall of Liu Zhi by the sea was almost destroyed. Standing in the Hades, you can see the situation on the sea at a glance.

Now his palace was dragged out of the underworld, and the sea water poured into many underground passages. The previous type extended directly to the sea in the mist of the underworld, and finally became only the size of a small lake, allowing Liu Zhi to see what was not washed away by the sea. building.

  At the edge of the building, a large number of kobold mummies were tentatively frantically testing, but none of them had the ability to enter the sea, or why, as long as they stepped on the surface of the sea, they would quickly turn into a pool of black ash.

  So at this time they can only run back and forth on the beach, wanting to rush into the sea, but they don't have the guts.

"It's very spiritual, and I know how to seek good luck and avoid evil, but isn't it considered an undead? Doesn't it mean that the undead forces will rush forward even if they are swords, mountains and flames? Up."

  Yagiji finished speaking, a strange roar came from there, and a fish monster that did not appear to be on the ground rushed out of a nearby building and jumped into the sea.

It was a strange fish with a length of at least three meters. In addition to a human face on its head, it also had a pair of sturdy backs. He rammed back and forth among the kobold mummies, and the scales on his body could block it. The swords and axes of those kobold mummies, and his huge body just happened to knock those kobold mummies away.

After    jumped into the sea, the strange fish immediately attracted the attention of the Dead Lake fishes. Standing on the Devil’s Reef in the abyss, Nasha pointed towards the strange fish, and a flash of lightning struck there.

   Then a large number of Dead Lake murlocs swam in the direction of the strange fish, trying to kill the strange fish in the sea.

  After the strange fish entered the sea, it was as if it had entered the home court. Its movement speed increased significantly, and Liu Zhiyou noticed that some ice fragments appeared on the strange fish.

   "The situation is not right." Liu Zhi had a judgment in an instant, "Kill the fish."

  Ryuzhi's voice reached Nasha. Nasha glanced at Liuzhi and nodded his head vigorously. Then he stood on the top of the altar of the Demon Reef in the abyss and creaked.

  Under the command of Nasha, the murlocs cooperated quite well. The dead lake murlocs, the most useless, swam the fastest. They rushed forward as cannon fodder.

The power-type Dead Lake murlocs swam at the end with spears and harpoons, but the agile Dead Lake murlocs with lancets swim in the middle, but their hands seem to be more useful. Cast net made of seaweed.

These dead lake murlocs surrounded from all directions, the strange fish naturally saw that the situation was wrong, but the murlocs' ability to move underwater was no weaker than him, and the strange fish had to take a deep breath of the water. Makes the body bigger again.

Seeing this, Liu Zhi was also taken aback. At this time, the soul Naga who was guarding Liu Zhi also saw this situation. Holding her battle axe and double swords, she jumped into the water in one jump. .

  At the same time, the ordinary corpse soul naga made by Ryuzhi also entered the water and swam towards the strange fish.

  "He...body...on...has...the power of...the ocean..."

  Vednina, who was guarding Ryuzhi, explained the actions of her companion.

  Yiuzhi's eyes lit up, "Ocean? Then what are you waiting for, you too."


   "I'm fine, there is nothing to deal with me in the Hades. Go and take back the power of the ocean. It is rare to encounter the power of the ocean in the desert."

  Vednina glanced at Ryuuji, and finally hesitated to go over there.

At this time, the murloc and the corpse soul naga have already fought the strange fish, and the murloc cannon fodder who rushed forward was naturally swallowed by the strange fish, but this also gave the fish people a chance to be agile. The murloc cast a cast net and entangled the strange fish.

After   , the rope of the cast net fell into the hands of the power-type murlocs, and they dragged the enemy.

  After the soul naga enters the battlefield, the situation of the strange fish is even more dangerous. The soul naga is considered a professional existence, and their own strength will exceed a certain level of the murloc.

When approaching the strange fish, they acted in batches, often slashing a sword or stabbing a spear and then quickly retreating, and the position where they exited will soon be filled by other corpse souls. The effect is the same as the flow operation, precise and fast.

  In a short while, many wounds appeared on the strange fish. If it were not for the wounds on the strange fish, it would freeze and condense in a short period of time. Maybe the strange fish had bleed too much and died.

  But the strange fish also understands that the current situation can't let him drag on any longer.

  While the weird fish was shaking its tail vigorously, it began to swallow the sea water.

  Of course, this situation attracted the attention of the murloc and the soul naga, but everyone did not retreat. Now it is a chance to defeat the murloc. If it retreats, the murloc will run away.

  So even if they knew there was danger, they still rushed forward.

At this moment, the fish monster opened its mouth, and the sea water that was sucked in was sprayed out. There were a lot of ice in the sea, and the murloc and the corpse soul naga blocking the fish monster were frozen on the spot. Up.

  Then the fish monster rushed forward, smashing the frozen murloc and the soul naga.

   Seeing that the fish monster was about to escape, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit the center of the fish monster’s eyebrows. Then the four-armed corpse Naga came out from the water, and an axe slashed to the position where the lightning hit.

At this time, Vidnina arrived just in time. This time she did not use the swordsmanship of thin stabbing swords, but used the indigo wind chasing swordsmanship. The wind blades gathered at the tip of Vidnina's sword, and the last row Formed into a row, like shark fins, rowed from the underwater to the abdomen of the monster.

This blow was considered to have hit the vital point of the fish monster. After the abdomen was cut open, all the murlocs swallowed by the fish monster at first fell out. Vednina saw that there was another inside these corpses. Head of a female.

  The head was wrapped in ice and looked lifelike, but after the head entered the sea, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and the ice on his face began to melt.

  Vednina in the water seemed to have discovered this situation. She did not pursue the fish monster again, but pierced the head with a long sword from four directions.

At the moment when Vidnina pierced the head, there was a sudden bang under the sea, and an iceberg about three meters high appeared on the sea, taking all the murlocs and corpse soul naga surrounding here at the time. They squeezed out, leaving only the head of the person who was pinned to the top of the iceberg.

  (End of this chapter)

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