Necromantic Myth

Chapter 265: Divine invasion (1/30)

  Chapter 265 Divine Invasion (130)

  [Warning: There is a foreign divine invasion, please deal with it in time, otherwise it will affect the integrity of the palace. 】

  At the moment when the iceberg appeared, a red light flashed in front of Liu Zhi's eyes, and a series of warnings jumped out, telling him directly what is going on with the iceberg.

  Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Zhi was stunned, but he reacted quickly, no matter there was no one to protect him, he sat down again and began to meditate.

  This time Liu Zhi still used the idea of ​​the Eye of Laxia, but when he was meditating, he communicated the divinity of the feathered snake in the palace.

Then the divinity belonging to the sun in the feathered snake was fully enhanced, and the death rod in Liu Zhi's hand also flew automatically and fell into the iceberg. The sun crystal on it was activated by the feathered snake's sun divinity, a kind of summer noon. The sun shines directly on the iceberg.

  But I don’t know what the iceberg is. The sunlight released by Liu Zhi can only prevent the iceberg from expanding, but there is no way to make the iceberg disappear.

  In a short while, the cold of the iceberg has slowly spread to the surroundings, and a little bit of floating ice has appeared on the sea.

  At this time, Liu Zhi could also see that if his sea surface was completely occupied by icebergs, he would have to remove the part of the sea surface he had just acquired to prevent his Hades from being invaded by foreign powers.

But Liu Zhi absolutely didn’t want such a thing to happen. His sea was not easy to come by. He killed at least two waves of enemies for this sea, and he has invested a lot of resources here, his tree-bound spirit. The aquatic plant-murloc system has all been transferred here.

  It can be said that Liu Zhi’s hope of rising to 2 levels in a short time lies on this.

   Wanting to understand this, Liu Zhi was squeezing his own potential. He concentrated all his spiritual power on the feathered snake god’s sun divinity, and wanted to melt the iceberg on the sea.

  Perhaps because of the stimulation of Liu Zhi's divine nature, a blue light appeared on the iceberg, seeming to want to contend with the sun crystal on the death rod.

  In fact, Liu Zhi understood that it was a confrontation between the divinity of the iceberg and the divinity of the sun.

At this point, he has obviously fallen behind. If he is a pure sun god, or now has the strength of 15th level, he can easily erase the foreign divinity, but he is only a level 1 necromancer, sun divinity It was only a quarter of the power of the divinity he mastered. In such a comparison, he couldn't support it anymore.

  Under such pressure, Liu Zhi made a negligence and even let the breath of Bingshan's divinity leak out.

  When Liu Zhi wanted to turn back and suppress, he found that he could no longer suppress it. A lot of frost had begun to appear on his sea, and the ice was freezing his sea.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi stimulated the divine nature of the sun with all his strength, ready to be ruthless.

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations from the ground of this city. It was the power of the sky. The sun and moon seemed to be watching him in the sky.

   Then there was a ray of light from the sun in the sky, which fell straight down and injected into Liu Zhi's body.

  In the next moment, the feathered snake that was transformed into a **** wailed in the sky, and the feathers on its body changed from bright red to a kind of golden like sunlight.

Liu Zhi felt a little speechless that the feathered snake god’s divinity had undergone some changes. The sun divinity, which originally accounted for only a quarter, occupies half of the divinity. The three divinities of death, harvest and rain, plus Only when he gets up can he barely match the divine nature of the sun.

  This situation makes Ryuzhi quite uncomfortable. He is a necromancer. What can he do with such a powerful solar power? Should he change his job to become a paladin?

  Ryuzhi was a little speechless, but he still had to thank for the help this time. When he was about to use this solar power to destroy the iceberg below, another stronger solar power came from a distance.

  The power uses the body of Yuji as the medium, the death rod thrown by Yuji as the center, and the solar crystal as the flash point, spreading out a powerful and bright power.

  In the next instant, the whole city seemed to have returned to noon. Under the fluctuation of the sun, the iceberg and all the kobold mummies disappeared into the air.

  Even the underworld passage that was forcibly opened by someone has shrunk rapidly, becoming only one-tenth the size of its original size.

  Such a powerful force, Liu Zhi couldn't stand it at all. When the sun's divine power disappeared, he was directly bounced out, spouting a mouthful of golden blood.

【Ding! Baptized by the divine power of the sun, strength +1, agility +1, physique +1, spirit +1]

【Ding! Discovery of Ymir's Breath Fragments, please choose to absorb, merge or rebuild them. 】

[Absorbing the Fragments of Ymir’s Breath will make it part of the Hades, replacing part of the functional effects in the Hades, and will also affect the properties of the Hades (Note: The Fragments of Ymir’s Breath are like absorption, There is a 77.63 chance that the four seasons will be activated in the Hades, and it will snow in winter)]

   [Fusing the Shards of Ymir's Breath will completely disperse them, integrate them into the Hades, and expand the scope of the Hades. (Note: If the Fragments of Ymir's Breath are integrated, a new glacier-type land will appear just north of the Hades.)]

[Rebuild the Shard of Ymir’s Breath and build the Ymir Crypt somewhere in the Hades, which will automatically attract the ghosts associated with Ymir to enter the Hades and become a member of the Hades, and give two exclusive Ymir's troops. (Note: Ymir's troops are mostly giants or frost giants.)]

[Warning: The sun divine power in the Hades is too strong, about 7.14 times the normal level. If these sun divine powers cannot be processed within one hour, all creatures related to the undead in the Hades will be affected. Three hours later, the Hades Palace attributes will be forced to become solar attributes. 】

  The first two strings of messages were good news for Liu Zhi, but the red warning at the end scared him directly.

  Forcibly become a solar attribute? What does he want the sun attribute to do, is the necromancer of the light system?

  Yagiji felt like he was going crazy.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raised his head. There was only one hope in front of him, and that was the place where the sun's divine power came from.

  Although everything was not under Ryuzhi's control at the time, he could feel it. He saw a gem like an eyeball in that position, the blue one was the same color as the sky.

   "The Eye of Horus."

  Ryuzhi believes that the thing can give him a chance. Although he knows that he can't take the real thing, he has a task. As long as the task is completed, he can get at least one imitation.

  (End of this chapter)

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