Necromantic Myth

Chapter 302: Arrangement (20/30)

  Chapter 302 Arrangement (2030)

With the situation of the Falcons, Ryuzhi also knows the role of the military building. The next thing is much simpler. The only enemies visible to the naked eye are the weird bugs on the legs of the turtles. .

  Yagiji thought for a while, and arranged the first and second teams of the Sea Splitter of the Soul Naga and the first team of the Breaking Sword Guards, and let them go from the sea to deal with the monsters.

   Then he thought about it again, walked out of the military building, and shouted at the sea.

   "Nasa, take your murloc and follow. Anyway, the murloc needs to fight."

After that, Liu Zhi did not manage the matter. He could see that in addition to the army, the military building could also control the heroes, but Liu Zhi had only one defender of the city, Mand, and he could not send it out. Fighting, so there is still no way to reflect the corresponding effect on the map.

Anyway, that’s the case for the military building. Liu Zhi went to the administration building with his hands behind his back. There is also a table and a map on it, except that the main point on the map is Liu Zhi’s palace, nearby minerals and the way.

  Especially the Hades, it is directly a three-dimensional model, including the ground, sea, and underground parts, all of which have corresponding divisions.

  At the same time, all the architectural functions are displayed here. For example, the control bar of the mass graves appears here, and Liu Zhi can directly issue orders to the mass graves.

  There are also things that need to be arranged for a mentor in the Assassin’s Secret Cave. All the dead servants under Liu Zhi have a corresponding sign here, and those functional buildings can be directly put in if they are needed.

  For example, in the Assassin’s Secret Cave, Ryuzhi can put Letots in, so that those assassins can learn some abilities such as shadow steps, and can also assign assassins to some creatures in nearby cities.

Compared to the alchemy hut, Ryuzhi can put in the mummified tutor who has just received his hand. He can study some ancient Egyptian style or demon style alchemy potions. Unlike the Spinning Spider Girl, he can only study some spider web spiders. Poisonous alchemy potions and so on.

  In this administrative building, Liu Zhi can make arrangements from the overall situation. From a different perspective, Liu Zhi's thinking has changed a little. He has made arrangements for the next development direction of his city.

Regardless of other things, Liu Zhi also knows what his biggest problem is now. In addition to supplying mass graves with all his strength, Liu Zhi is also planning to activate several other training buildings, especially the Burial Desert and mass graves. The post plays the same role as the basic building, and Liu Zhi intends to push it to level 3 as soon as possible.

  In addition, Liu Zhi also issued an order to the civilians and laborers in the Hades. They need to repair the road to the three resource points.

  After finishing all this, Liu Zhi returned to his own residence. Compared with the military building and the administrative building, there was nothing left there.

  Ryuzhi doesn't have much demand for a place to live, he only needs a place where he can meditate safely.

  So he did not deal with his residence for the time being, instead he hung the painting of justice that he had obtained before in his residence.

The moment the oil painting was hung up, Liu Zhi felt the space vibrated slightly, and there seemed to be a power transmitted from the oil painting. This power was silent and colorless, but it was inspiring. Even Liu Zhi himself felt something. Excited, as if I had done a good thing.

Liu Zhi knows that this is the power of oil painting that is strengthening all the residents in the city. No matter whether they are combat occupations or not, as long as they have occupations, their ranks have been upgraded accordingly, especially those undead such as laborers and goldsmiths, all of them It was transformed by Liu Zhi's experience. Liu Zhi ignored them, and they had no chance to grow up.

  Now they have directly improved by one level, and their work efficiency has been greatly improved. At the same time, the development speed of Liuzhi city has naturally been further improved.

  This situation made Liu Zhi feel at ease. He felt that he had made the right choice this time, and the space in front of him was of great benefit to him.

  His Hades now needs a place to develop quietly for a period of time.

  Not to mention that now in front of Ryuzhi, there is still a huge treasure, that is the corpse of the turtle named Toga.

  As he walked out of the Scarab Secret Hall, Ryuzhi noticed that Amanit was standing at the gate of the Secret Hall.

"what's happenin."

  Ryuzhi still has a good impression of the "Congshen" under his hand. He did not regard him as a servant, but as a negotiable friend or subordinate.

   "Do you want to see that turtle?"

Liu Zhi nodded, "Yeah, when we get here, we naturally have to go over and take a look at the situation of the sea turtle. The body of the sea turtle may have been left for too long for ordinary people, but for us, it’s actually pretty good. Maybe we You can find some good things from sea turtles. What's wrong, don't you want me to deal with sea turtles like this?"

   "No, I always feel that there is something on the turtle that we didn't expect."

   Listening to what Amanite said, Liu Zhi's face also became serious. It was not that he did not believe in Amanite, but that their current tacit understanding had not reached a certain level, and their three views had not yet been unified.

  As the prince and daughter of Upper Egypt, Amanite’s education from an early age is definitely different from that of Liu Zhi.

  So Ryuzhi asked seriously, "What about your thoughts?"

   "We want to see that turtle as an enemy, or an enemy city."

After being awakened by Amanite so little, Ryuzhi realized that he had only sent two or three teams out, thinking that he could control the whole situation, what caused him to swell to this level, or This is how you are in your own nature.

Seeing that Liu Zhi was reflecting there, Amanite said: "My father said that it is correct to go forward after the war, but before the war, we must consider everything clearly, otherwise what happened after the war. , There is not even a plan, even if it is finally won, it will be a terrible victory."

  Hearing such words, Liu Zhi was not as anxious as before. He thought for a while and said, "Amanite, what's the current situation in my Hades? What are the shortcomings?"

"Your population is insufficient." Amanite said directly, "This is the biggest problem in your city. Without population, you have no troops, no resources, and cannot develop your city, but you don't seem to believe in outsiders. You are willing to believe in the subordinates you get by doing your own tasks, and you are only willing to accumulate step by step. This idea is correct, but I don’t know when you will miss something."

  When Amanite said so, Liu Zhi couldn't help but fall into thought.

  (End of this chapter)

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