Necromantic Myth

Chapter 325: Murloc's goal (October ticket plus more)

  Chapter 325 The goal of the octopus man (October ticket plus more)

Seeing what the skeleton soldiers hurriedly delivered, Liu Zhi was stunned. It was something that looked like a small radar and did not have a display. It could be seen from the wires above. This thing should be entangled directly on the brain of the robotic murloc.

Only from the situation in front of him, Liu Zhi had a judgment in his heart. The weaponized murloc could find here, not because the weaponized murloc accidentally got a passage into this space, but they specifically targeted here. Come, they seem to be looking for something here.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi's gaze fell on Toga's corpse for the first time. When Toga died, Liu Zhi also saw it. It was seriously injured by a shark and finally escaped here and died.

  From the perspective of the shark’s mouth, it is not impossible to swallow Toga in one bite, but in the end Toga escapes here. If there is no problem, it is a joke.

  In addition, when the previous batch of murlocs came over, most of them were miner-type transformations. From this point, it can be seen that the weaponized murlocs knew what was hidden here, and they came for this.

   The appearance of this small radar directly linked all the clues together. Liu Zhi found that the space he rented this time was a pit, a pit facing a powerful enemy.

Thinking of here, Liu Zhi grabbed the radar and prepared to throw it to the ground, but when he raised the radar, a question suddenly flashed in his mind. If the murlocs need things in this space, then Can he get it?

  This thought flashed in Liu Zhi's mind again and again, and finally Liu Zhi patted his thigh heavily, "I can do this thing too."

  Yes, Liu Zhi thought about it for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and finally made a decision. He wanted what Toga left behind.

  In the hall of the Scarab Secret Hall, Liu Zhi turned back and forth twice, and Liu Zhi made the corresponding decision.

"Rust bone, I'll give you another chance. Take away all the undead that are free in my city. Except for the normal processing on Toga's side, you can dig it nearby. I want to see if there is anything nearby. Something different."

After calling Rusty Bone, Liu Zhi directly gave him certain permissions. If it was another little boss, Liu Zhi would definitely not give him permission like this, but what about Rusty Bone, let’s not talk about his production. How many good things he consumed when he came out, that is, his self-motivated spirit has surpassed the average little boss.

  For ambitious subordinates, Liu Zhi will always give some support. As for whether they can grow up, it depends on their luck.

  After arranging Rustbone out, Ryuzhi naturally wanted to use Amanite and Nasha, who had just become a hero.

Liu Zhi knows that after killing the regular army on the weaponized murloc this time, the murlocs who come here will definitely not be weak next time. As for how strong they can come and how much they can come, it depends on what level the channel can transmit. Murloc came in.

  So Ryuzhi must improve his defensive power during this period of time.

For the time being, he doesn’t need to think about the city defense too much. Mander did a good job, but the situation in the sea area of ​​the Palace is a bit dangerous. The troops of the corpse soul Naga in the previous war have suffered some losses, and there is no way to do this. supplementary.

  Liu Zhi was a little worried, what to do next time the opponent enters from the sea area of ​​Hades, the dead lake murlocs on the side of Nasha can't even pull the cannon fodder.

  So after arranging Rusty Bone to go to Toga's side, Liu Zhi called Nasha over.

   "What do you think of the murlocs before?"

   "It's very strong, but they have gone a different way. If there is no such transformation in them, it is not difficult to defeat them."

  Nashha, who had fought head-to-head with those murlocs, naturally made his own judgment.

  "The problem is that we don’t have many murlocs in our hands now, and there are fewer murlocs in the normal underworld, not to mention those who can be transformed into professionals and formed into troops. You need to work harder."

   "I know, but murlocs also have a growth cycle, three weeks of incubation, plus one month of juvenile period, this is no way to avoid it, even if you can train in adolescence, there is no way to take a job immediately."

As the king of the murlocs of the Dead Lake, Nesha knows quite well about the growth rate of murlocs. It is not that he does not want to, but that the time given to them is too little now. Even if he is changed, he can't change that much. The murloc came out.

"I also know, so we have to find another way this time. I decided to start from today, led by Amarnet, centering on our space, sweeping towards the outside waters and attacking all the murlocs that can be seen. Village, kill all adult murlocs, bring back murloc eggs and juvenile murlocs. If you are sure of the juvenile period, you can. We have a fountain here. Directly inject them into dead lake fish through the water people."

Nasha did not agree to or reject this request, but seriously considered it, "If it's just murloc eggs and juvenile murlocs, I'm sure, but juvenile murlocs, even if they are forced to transform. Their loyalty is also an issue."

"Regardless of loyalty, first pull up the team. You have no manpower on your hands now. If you don't replenish it, the sea area you guard next time will be the biggest breakthrough in the entire Hades. So during this time, you have to do it. The thing is to pull me up the murloc team, whether it is a murloc that can be formed into a troop or a skirmisher that can be used as cannon fodder."

Ryuzhi's request is quite clear. Nasha has just become a hero, so he naturally has something called ambition in his heart. Before, Nasha only wanted to develop the Dead Lake murlocs step by step, and at most he would use murlocs. Occupy the entire sea area of ​​the Hades.

  Now the situation is different. Under Ryuzhi's suggestion, Nasha's ambition was agitated. He nodded affirmatively, "I will meet the requirements."

"Okay, the next thing is up to you. I guess we didn’t have much time in the past, so if the murlocs in the juvenile period can take office, they must be drawn to the battlefield. In addition, the murloc clan to be fought will face More, there may be other murloc inheritances there. I know it will be useful for you, but I hope you can grasp the key now. What we need now are melee, long-range, and legal forces. .

  Before ensuring that the regularization of the troops is completed, don’t think too much about other murloc inheritance professions. "

  (End of this chapter)

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