Necromantic Myth

Chapter 327: Mechanical shark's plan

  Chapter 327 The Plan of the Mechanical Shark

Level 9 is the upper limit of all buildings. Generally speaking, the first 3 levels only need normal resources to be upgraded. Level 4 to 6 requires some conditions to upgrade. Levels 7 to 9 can be upgraded in addition to meeting certain conditions. A lot of special materials will be required.

The same is true for the Soul Rejuvenation Tower. After Liu Zhi used resources to upgrade the Soul Rejuvenation Tower to Level 3, he encountered a situation. When Level 3 is upgraded to Level 4, he needs a heart that has lost power. Most importantly, the stronger the heart. , The more effective it is for the promotion of the soul-relief tower.

Looking at this explanation, Liu Zhi immediately focused his attention on the robot murloc that was disassembled. Liu Zhi has dealt with a lot of things here. This robot murloc has not been disassembled yet, a lot of it. The machinery was removed from the mechanical murloc one by one, and put aside carefully.

But soon Liu Zhi shook his head. The heart of the robotic murloc could not be used. He had already seen that the power source of the robotic murloc was not the heart. The murloc placed in the mechanical body was just an ordinary hero. What a strong heart.

  At this time, Ryuzhi's thoughts turned to Toga's corpse. Although Toga was bitten by a shark half of his body, he could be sure that the heart was still in Toga's body, and maybe that heart could be used.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi was also excited, and didn't look much at it. He raised the Abyss Demon Reef to level 3 on the spot.

  After finishing the work accumulated in his hands, he took the death rod, jumped into the sun carriage, and headed towards Toga's body.

  However, Liu Zhi did not notice. After he gave the order, the large amount of resources hoarded in the Hades was sent to the Abyss Demon Reef.

  This is actually the focus of Ryuzhi's upgrade. After all, the next enemy must come from the sea. The Hades is the main battlefield, and the main building, the Abyss Demon Reef, must be upgraded to the highest level that can be upgraded.

  When the Demon Reef of the Abyss was upgraded to level 2, there were some reefs on the surface of the sea area of ​​Hades, and the location of those reefs even affected the flow of the entire sea.

  At level 3, a trace of electric current appeared on the extra reefs on the sea. These electric currents centered on the reef of the abyss demon, and even laid a piece of electric network in the entire sea area.

   Then in the power grid, it seemed that something was constantly being exploded underwater. Those things looked like some parts of the robotic murloc, and under the stimulation of the electric current, they exploded by themselves.

  This power grid swept back and forth three times in the sea area of ​​Hades, because no one controlled it, and no one noticed it, and finally calmed down slowly.

At the same time, a huge 1,500-meter-long shark is swimming slowly in the depths of the sea. The upper body of this shark is completely mechanized with its mouth as the dividing line, and it looks like it is on a back. A cruise ship is the same on its body, but the lower part is no different from an ordinary shark. The whole shark looks quite weird.

At this time, in a room where the shark’s head is, a murloc who is almost the same height as a normal person is sitting on a chair. More than half of the murloc’s body has been mechanized, and the only thing that hasn’t become only murloc Head.

  He controlled his arm, holding a radar-like thing, playing there, and he put it down after a long time.

   "The mark left behind has disappeared. It seems that they have discovered our goal and have begun to clear the space."

   "Master Crazy Lin, do we want to..."

At this time, a murloc standing next to him couldn’t help but ask, this murloc is a bit out of tune with the murlocs in the whole room, because he doesn’t have any mechanized appearance, instead he has all kinds of weird golden ornaments on his body. Decorate.

"Come in no hurry, the black pearl is charging, there is no way to open the channel for the time being, and we are far away, the channel ability is limited, at most we can only send one more unit to the past, the last time all the units of the unit were folded. In it, I don't think it will be useful to send another unit in the past.

  What we have to do now is to complete the task in a short time, and wait until I come back with the army to deal with this matter. "

   Regarding Crazy Scales, none of the other murlocs in the room spoke. Only the murloc with gold ornaments all over his body looked at Crazy Scales with some worry.

   "Master Crazy Lin, will this be a problem? You can stare at that space for a long time. What if we pass this way and the things in the space are robbed."

Crazy scales whitened the murloc, with a look of disdain on his face, "There is nothing in that space. I am staring at that space for the great cause of the empire. It is the nearest place to the most burning blade city. The base space is now. As long as we can grab it, we can secretly pierce the nails near Fireblade City. If we handle it well, I can at least bury seven units of troops there. You know, seven units. What does the army of the empire represent, and what does this represent for the great cause of the empire."

   After being robbed of white by Crazy Scale, the face of the murloc with all gold ornaments also turned not so good, but he couldn't say anything, he could only talk with a cold face without embarrassment.

After finally waiting for the murloc to leave, Kuanglin's face became difficult to look.

   "Who leaked the consumption, have you lived enough? Forget it this time, if there is another time, I will take all of you to feed the sharks."

The faces of   Kuanglin became quite ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything, for fear that if they were not careful, they would become the source of power for the huge shark right now.

After venting his dissatisfaction, Kuang Lin's face was finally calmer. He raised his head and glanced at his subordinates, and finally his eyes fell on a murloc who was also half mechanized, but he was mechanized. He is a little weird. He has mechanized limbs. At the same time, he has a lot of weapons and tools on his back. It can be seen that he is the kind of person who makes decisions and moves.

Crazy Lin thought for a while, and pointed to the murloc, "Chisu, we will have a while to come back. Things over there can't be delayed. I will give you three units of troops. The matter is dealt with. Remember, if you can’t get something, you must also prevent the person occupying the space from taking it away."

  The murloc named Chisu immediately stood up. He didn't ask what to do, just nodded affirmatively, turned and left the room.

  Not long after, the huge mechanical shark opened its mouth, and three mechanical ships that looked like turtles swam out of the shark’s mouth and slowly swam in the other direction.

  (End of this chapter)

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