Necromantic Myth

Chapter 348: Death of the Silt Monster

  Chapter 348 The Death of Mud Monster

Liu Zhi went out to deal with the sludge monsters vigorously. Naturally, he would not leave without getting anything. Everyone is a player. It is useless to say too much. When players encounter BOSS in the wild, they must join forces to fight, and finally discuss how to divide things, or PK in the wild first.

   Right now, Ryuzhi showed the corresponding strength. Now he is in the real world, and the PK is terrible, so several players also chose to discuss it.

The player who came over said to Liu Zhi: "We have been fighting the sludge monster for a while, and I don’t know how many brothers’ lives have been filled in. This time, thanks to your help, we can take down the sludge monster. We are not the kind of unreasonable people, so in addition to the quest items that we must get, we get three or seven points for the rest, and you take three."

  For this player to be so generous, Liu Zhi was also a little surprised.

The player explained: "You don't have to think that way. In fact, you are losing out at three or seven points. Don't look at the size of this thing. In fact, the most important thing here is the quest item. The rest of the things have not rotted away. Players can’t use those weapons, and ordinary people can’t use them. Even if you take more points, you’ll just take them back and recast them. That’s why I said that you’re losing 30% of your share.”

When he said that, Liu Zhi didn't know what to say.

  After looking at the two skulls in his hands, Liu Zhi raised his hand and raised his hand, “I’m a necromancer, this kind of thing, and the corpses that can be used in it, can you give it to me.”

  The players who dealt with the sludge monsters also knew what they were going to take. They had no objection to Liu Zhi’s request, so they reached an agreement and waited for the sludge to die before sharing the spoils.

At this moment, the core of the silt monster was finally found by Mark and the others. Liu Zhi saw from a distance that the silt monster was shaking in place, and finally spread out from the surroundings, turning into a large amount of sewage and rushing to the surroundings. .

After waiting for the sewage to drain, Liu Zhi noticed that the place where the silt monster was originally located, leaving behind a large number of corpses that had decomposed in a bad way.

  And Mark and the others were standing in the middle of this place soaked in sewage, standing on a hill of corpses and tattered weapons.

  At this time, in Mark’s hand, he also carried a strange-looking machine. The machine looked like a water purifier that had been repaired many times. The more repaired, the bigger, the more chaotic the more repaired.

   Carrying this machine, Mark walked out. The faces of the companions behind him were excited. It can be seen that they won this time.

   Seeing Mike from a distance, Mark raised the weapon in his hand and said loudly: "Have you seen it, we succeeded."

But Mike ignored Mark, and searched for the corpses that had been soaked in sewage. These corpses were all left by those who died on the hands of the sludge monsters. Although most of them were ordinary people, they were inside. There are also some players, Mike's brother also died in the hands of the sludge monster, what he wants to do most now is to retrieve his brother's body.

  Liu Zhi looked at the situation in front of him, and naturally took a step back. He knew that he had better not go up and grab it at this time, so as not to be regarded as a black hand, and finally could not get anything.

   But at this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly heard a voice behind him.

  The sound sounded like a beast was running, but it was full of mechanical jamming in the process of running.

   Here comes the enemy again?

Liu Zhi was taken aback and turned around with a thin stabbing sword. Then he saw a mechanical rhinoceros made up of countless garbage-like mechanical pipes appeared behind him. The thing was still spraying black smoke when it moved forward. I don’t know. How did such a big movement get behind him.

   Before Liu Zhi could take action, the machine stopped. Liu Zhi was surprised to see this big guy running full of power and sound after stopping, it looked like an inconspicuous garbage dump.

  If he hadn't been staring at the situation all the time, he wouldn't even notice that there was such a thing in front of him.

When Liu Zhi was still wondering, three goblins jumped out of the garbage dump.

Different from the goblins of Bloodsail Pirates, these three goblins looked a little black all over, and they were full of mechanical punk style. After jumping off, they ignored Ryuji, but directly rushed forward. Mark walking outside.

  Mark saw the situation in front of him, and he couldn't help but stunned. He didn't expect to encounter some goblins here, and these goblins were obviously the kind of engineering goblins.

  Before Mark and the others could speak, a few goblins rushed to Mark’s side, one of them snatched the weird water purifier in Mark’s hand, and shouted loudly there.

   "It's this thing, this thing was finally taken back by us."

At this time, another goblin said to Mark: "Thank you, we are the organization that released this mission. This is our mission proof. This thing is the mission item we want. This is the mission list. We can do it right now. The task is delivered."

  Mark froze for a moment. They had suffered so much for this sludge monster, and it was because they took this task, and at the same time, the reward for the task was pretty good.

  But they did not expect that this mission was actually released by the goblins, and the goblins were still following them along the way.

  At this time, Mark doesn’t know what to do.

  Instead, Mike came up at this time, grabbed the quest item from Mark, and handed it to the goblin.

   But he said with a serious face: "Tell me why you want this thing. If you don't tell me, after we clear the task, your goblins are our enemy."

  The goblin in front of me is an engineering goblin, not the kind of commercial goblin who will bargain. Facing such a situation, one of the goblin said naturally.

"Do you know what this is? It's a genius design. It's just a little problem. We are not the kind of irresponsible goblins. If there is a problem with our design, we naturally have to deal with it. That’s why I asked you to kill this guy. As long as you take this design back and reassemble it, you can restore it to its original appearance."

Regarding the genius design that the goblins call, no one of so many people at the scene believes what the engineering goblins are like, most people know, so they just stared at those goblins, if they didn’t give it To give a reasonable explanation, a fight is indispensable.

  (End of this chapter)

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