Necromantic Myth

Chapter 357: Blackwater Goblin (170 plus more)

  Chapter 357 Blackwater Goblin (170 plus more)

  Fighting on the sea, Liu Zhi got the news right away. Looking at the information sent by Letoz, Liu Zhi sighed.

   "The enemy has appeared, and the three heroes are armed with troops. It seems that this battle is not easy to fight."

Liu Zhi put down the information, and he did not expect that the enemies he had always thought he hadn’t rushed over were actually lying in ambush at his door. In their case, it was not that they didn’t know the location or couldn’t get in. They I've been waiting for the intelligence, waiting for the opportunity to strike with all my strength.

   "The enemy is very strong. Lettoz has left you the monitoring in the Hades during this time. Let me watch here. Don't let them know some of our arrangements in the Hades."

While talking, Liu Zhi sighed secretly in his heart. Fortunately, the essence of life was obtained last time. With that thing, the growth rate of the Murloc and the corpse dog has been obviously improved. As long as it is delayed for a while, Maybe the forces in his hand will be relatively sufficient, and then there will be a chance for a battle.

After    arranged for Letoz to strictly guard the secrets of the Nether Palace, Liu Zhi turned his attention to the goblins.

  After entering the Hades, the goblins seemed to have entered a new world, and they began to frantically search for things that could be used for trading.

   Soon some goblins found something good. They found the sun boat parked at the dock. The boat can travel freely between the real world and the underworld.

  The goblins who drank the water of the underworld are already half undead. They can live freely in the underworld, so they saw this sun boat for the first time.

  About a dozen goblins united and asked Liu Zhi to apply for the establishment of a caravan in the underworld, planning to rent Ryuzhi’s sun boat, and then hire some skeleton sailors to act as sailors on the ship, and enter the underworld to find ghosts for trading.

  For such a thing, Liu Zhi really doesn’t know what to say. Is this a real version of a liar?

   But think about it, the underworld will also trade with the real world. Isn’t there such a sentence, can money make ghosts push it?

  If you want to come to the level of goblins, you can definitely find something good in the underworld. As long as they run this path, then it won’t take long for Liu Zhi to have more resources and higher taxes.

   Thinking of this, Ryuzhi naturally agreed and rented out the sun boat at a low price.

  After sending away nearly twenty goblins, Liu Zhi noticed that the remaining goblins were also working quickly.

  They soon discovered another commercial point in Liu Zhiming Palace, that is, there will be a relatively large number of various undeads on Liu Zhi's side.

  For example, the skeleton transporter, don’t think this thing is only a small car, but it is a good choice for goblins, they can put a lot of goods on the car, let the car run with them without losing it.

At the same time, there are too many stragglers in the mass graves of Liu Zhi and the bone-buried desert. Those stragglers are not very useful to Liu Zhi, just like skeleton soldiers. Liu Zhi recruited them and gave them They prepare weapons and equipment, and they need to be strengthened. In the end, they may not be able to form an integrated force.

  But it’s different for goblins. The goblins themselves are weak. They usually rely on various engineering robots, or some brainless trolls or ogres as their guards.

  But among all the guards, what can be better than the undead.

The undead is obedient, not afraid of death, don’t consume anything, you can always use it after you buy it, and the most important point is that there are various varieties of undead. In addition to protecting their own guards, there can also be undead workers and undead farmers. There are even undead who know the craftsmanship of goldsmiths.

  This is basically a paradise for goblins.

  The undead who were idle were all snapped up for the first time, and in the end Liu Zhi had to sign an agreement with them, allowing the goblins to agree to a few requirements.

  For example, all the undead were hired, not bought, and the ownership still belongs to Liu Zhi.

For another example, if the level of the undead is increased, the rent will not change. How much money was rented for the undead before, and how much is the undead after the level is increased, but when Liu Zhi needs an undead force or an undead worker, Liu Zhi has the right to call These undead.

  Finally, all goblins who have hired undead must participate in the construction of the city according to the number of undead hired, which means they need to serve.

  This is a method that Liu Zhi came up with. After all, the entire city was previously owned by Liu Zhi. When Liu Zhi needed urban construction, he would use which soul he wanted to mobilize.

  But now all the idle undead are rented out. What if there is no undead worker when he wants to build a city?

  So no matter what the goblins are, they need to take the undead to serve.

Of course, Liu Zhi wouldn’t make them too ugly. He divided them into several grades. One is to hire less than ten undead, and only need to serve one day a month, and hire more than ten and less than a hundred to serve every month. Four days is good. Only those who hire more than a hundred undead need to serve for five to eight days per month according to the proportion.

  And the maximum number of undead hired by a goblin cannot exceed four hundred and twenty, which is the maximum number that a full-strength hero can lead.

  If there are more, then I’m sorry, that goblin will be killed directly by Liu Zhi in all likelihood.

The goblins who are so shrewd about Liu Zhi’s request cannot understand it. This is Liu Zhi restricting the number of their hires and preventing them from forming a large trust group. After all, this palace is the territory of Liu Zhi, not their goblins. territory.

But goblins are not easy to talk about. They agreed to Liu Zhi’s request and put forward their own conditions. They asked for a market and a bank of their own. These two must be available, and they must at least be in the market and interact with each other. The bank accounts for 40% of the shares.

For this request, Liu Zhi finally agreed. At the same time, he also agreed to use the clues provided by the goblins to find the bank's design. The condition is that the goblins will have the right to design the Hades currency, although it may only Will design one side of the coin, but this is also part of the coinage.

At the same time, they will have the right to enter and leave the Hades freely, because they cannot stay in Hades all the time. They need to transport goods everywhere and become a merchant belonging to Hades. If they can’t freely enter and leave Hades, they will do nothing. can not do this.

  There is the last point. Liu Zhi buys things from goblins, which is regarded as a commercial act and requires payment.

Liu Zhi agreed to these conditions, and finally he re-signed an agreement with these goblins alone. From then on, these guys who drank the water of the Mingquan and changed their names to the black water goblins became the new ones in Liu Zhiming Palace. member.

  (End of this chapter)

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